Best of: How to Get Traction in Your Online Business

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In this Best of Episode we help Kevin gain traction for his guitar tutorial website.<br> This episode was originally published on August 9, 2016.  You can check out the original episode here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Jocelyn:  Hey y’all!  On today’s podcast, we help Kevin make a pivot to a new online business.<br> <br> Shane:  Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always become work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams.  We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright.  Let’s get started. What’s going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast.  It is great to be back with you as always.  This week, we’ve got a beautiful sunny day out the window here in Kentucky at the podcast, and we are excited because we are welcoming back a former guest and friend of ours, Kevin Depew - a Flip Your Life member who has been on the podcast before, but we have something we’ve never done that’s happening here on the podcast today.  We are going to help someone pivot from one online business idea to another.  So, Kevin, welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast.<br> <br> Kevin Depew:  Thank you.  Great to be here.<br> <br> Shane:  And, it was very interesting watching the progression of Kevin’s online business since he was on the podcast.  What episode was that Jocelyn?<br> <br> Jocelyn:  I think it was 79.<br> <br> Shane:  Episode 79, so if you want to check out his first episode to kind of partner with this, go back to  Kevin had an online business that was totally different than where he is today and where he is making progress.  So, Kevin, tell everyone a little bit about, just quickly where you were when we last spoke.  And, maybe what your avatar was, what you were trying to do, maybe a couple of, you know, little problems that you had with that and then, tell us about your business and your avatar now.<br> <br> Kevin Depew:  Sure.  So, that was back in late January – so, January, February when I had my first call with you guys.  I was really new.  I had turned a blog in November 2015, just kind of getting idea to want to do online business.  And, at that point I had come across you guys through I believe it was from Pat Flynn’s podcast, really felt like you guys were some real folks I could learn from.  So, I jumped right into the community and I think I did my phone call with you guys.  I was maybe in there a week and a half…<br> <br> Shane:  All right.<br> <br> Kevin Depew:  Yeah.  Got an email and said, “Yes.  I’m going to – I will talk to people in person about online business.  What the heck?”<br> <br> Shane:  I probably will.<br> <br> Kevin Depew:  At that point I was doing the blog with and it was a tag blog.  So, let’s just say that.  The avatar was everyone living in America, basically<br> <br> Shane:  Right.  And literally you said that.  I’m pretty sure you’re like, “Yes, I just wanted to help everybody.”  And I’m like, “No.  That’s not how this works, man.”  You know?<br> <br> Kevin Depew:  Yes.  I learned a lot.  So, at that point... I mean I have strengths in being creative and art, and music, that kind of thing.  And I’m also really good at time management.  I’ve worked my entire career, 25-plus years administration, children and families, multiple projects, you know, hiring and training and working with multiple people.<br> <br> Shane:  Right.<br> <br> Kevin Depew:  So, it was very broad.  That first phone call – we really narrowed down how to choose a more specific avatar, which I was kind of... what ended at that call was figuring out a more specific avatar and a more specific pr...