FL 240 – We help Laura get new members and also retain current members in her education business

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> In today's episode, we help Laura get new members and also retain current members in her education business.<br> <br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> <br> Jocelyn: Hey, y'all. In today's podcast, we help Laura take her online education business to the next level.<br> <br> Shane: Welcome to the Flip Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sam. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started.<br> <br> Shane: What's going on everybody, welcome back to the Flip Lifestyle Podcast, it is great to be back with you again. Today, super excited to be with another member of the Flip Your Life community. This is a great episode, because this is a success story episode. This is a story with someone who has flipped their life. We're talking to Flip Your Life member Laura Keybart today. Hey, Laura, welcome to the program.<br> <br> Laura: Hey, thanks for having me, today.<br> <br> Jocelyn: Yes, we are so excited to talk to you, especially with this awesome success story. We look for cool success stories to find people to be on the podcast. This one was one we did not want to miss, for sure. So before we jump into all that, we want to know a little bit about you, your family, and what you're doing online.<br> <br> Laura: Okay, sure. So I have a wonderful, supportive husband who has been behind me every step of the way that I've been going through this journey. I'm a step mom, I love dogs, I'm a distance runner, always running marathons, training for something. I've always got something on the calendar. We love traveling, we love planning vacations and different experiences around running events like those. So while I run while he watches football or visits a history museum.<br> <br> Shane: Me and your husband would get along, dude. Like, if he's watching football, I just went to Philadelphia, and I hit like five history museums. He should have went with me, I'm just saying. He should have went with me.<br> <br> Laura: Yeah, yeah. Well, when I ran the Washington DC, the Marine Corp marathon, he was hitting the museums and visiting those places. So yeah, it works out.<br> <br> Jocelyn: Cool, cool.<br> <br> Laura: So I just completed my 18th year in education as a teacher. I taught english/language arts, which is reading and writing for, oh gosh, 15, 16 years, grade 6th through 12. The past couple of years, I was an instructional coach working with teachers at a local school district. Most of that was great, I love teaching and working with kids and teachers. But, it's kind of the same thing that we all experience. We become fed up with terrible bosses, all the crazy workplace drama, mind numbing, ridiculous meetings and committees that go nowhere, and you start just kind of looking around.<br> <br> Laura: What else could I do? I went through that. Is there something remote I could do? Something online I could do? Maybe I could teach myself how to code and build websites? Which, that was a joke, I tried that for a month. That's not me. But what could I do so that I have a purpose, I can serve people, but I can also bring in an income that I can live on? What options are there? So I started listening to podcasts around setting goals, and working remotely, maybe even working for yourself. I would listen to all of these podcasts while I was doing my long training runs. That's about the time I stumbled upon your podcast, it was maybe around episode, I don't know, 40 or 50 or so, starting binge listening. I thought, okay, that makes sense. This whole thing makes sense now. I think maybe I could do that. Maybe one day, I can quit my job. That sounds crazy, but so was running 22.6 miles. That's ridiculous too.<br> <br> Shane: That is totally ridiculous.