The Art of Health show

The Art of Health

Summary: I live with audacity, and you can as well. Take power with your physicality, your mentality, and your spirit.

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 Intermittent Fasting and Muscle Gain | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:47

Does IF work with Muscle gain? Yes and No IF is not an optimal approach for maximum muscular growth, but that does not mean it cannot work either

 The Downsides of 5x5 style training | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:05

When people become dogmatic about one style of training, they compromise their results and future progress. In this podcast I discuss the mental traps that people fall for with 3x5 and 5x5 training, how muscle growth works, and why you need more variety than just 5 reps For those that want to move beyond 5x5 training, embark on my 70s Big Program. It is highly effective, and will move you to the intermediate stage of training =>

 Why You Need to Be Lonely Sometimes | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:38

You will likely lose friends anytime you go through an intense period of personal growth This is the nature of people. How do you handle being lonely when this happens? And why do people react this way when people change?

 The Keys to Progress in Size and Strength | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:37

The Keys to Progress is the process of finding what exercises work best for you, continuously practicing them, and getting stronger at them over the course of your training career This systemology to training clears up the confusion as to what works, what doesnt, what you should prioritize, and gives you clear markers and goals to set for yourself To get started in learning the basics of strength and size gain, invest in the Mass Gain-Mastering the Basics Program=>

 Getting Jacked and Tan with Systems Based Thinking | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:10

In this short podcast, I dissect the foundational pieces of how to apply systems based thinking to the goal of being "jacked and tan". These pieces are -time management -prioritization -measurement and markers Pick up the Achilles Program Here=>

 Earn Your Dopamine | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:21

“Earn your Dopamine” FOMO is a new acronym now, the Fear of Missing Out. The attention economy, a hundred million distractions all at once. Dopamine is a brain hormone, it's the feel good rush we get of being “engaged” with something. Our brains love dopamine, it makes us feel good. We also are addicted to it. Tweets, texts, notifications, emails, Instagram, popups, pictures, likes, loves, comments 2000 BC to 2017 AD, our brains are not any different, nor are the hours in our day. But WHAT we leverage our attention to, by god has that changed. Most of us cannot go more than 5 minutes without needing to fed by SOMETHING. God forbid we mist a reply, comment, or update. The cruel reality is that we are addicted to nothingness. No smarter, no wiser, no more educated, no more able to change our lives. We've got the most powerful technological devices in human history, and we use them to watch Cat videos, laugh at dank memes, and read the headlines of articles and then believe our opinion is informed. It's not, and we are not. We know nothing, and we don't want to admit it. And we are dopamine junkies, addicted to the cheap and easy rush that comes from all of the above. You’re an addict, I'm an addict. So let's break the cycle. On top of knowing nothing, we cannot focus on ANYTHING. We might miss a damnable update. Our dopamine betrays us. So here is my challenge to you; EARN your dopamine. Do things that delay gratification. Read a book Have a conversation Practice a skill Talk to someone, face to face, eye to eye Do your WORK, and do nothing BUT your work Go to the gym, follow a program, and TRAIN Engage in conversation, and do not check devices for updates Focus is a deadly skill in the world, as so few people now have it. He who can do one thing and one thing only shall master something, and be far far ahead of everyone else.

 Fat, Dietary Fat, and Bodyfat | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:27:35

Per a listener request, I discuss the reality and basic science behind bodyfat storage, why fat is an essential part of a diet, what your body needs fat for, healthy sources of dietary fat, the "best" diet for fat intake, and I touch upon the risk factors associated with liposuction and invasive fat removal

 Eating For Muscle Growth | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:04

How do you eat for Musclegrowth? In this short and to the point podcast, I describe the basic necessities -calories -macros -meals -consistency

 A:B Testing, Sales Letter, and Content Creation using Content Mindset | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:22:08

I cover some the principles of applying content mindset -how being an expert is a crucial prequisite -long form sales letters -A/B testing of topics -building an audience around yourself -How to be the Most Interesting Man in the World

 Changing your Life Means changing Your Identity | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:21

There is always a gap between who we think we are, and how we actually live. When we set out to change our health, this gap becomes very obvious Our identity gets called into question, and this can throw life into turmoil, as we realize that everyone else we know has a perception of who we are. When we start changing, that disrupts how they know us Working through this is no easy task

 Why Some Plan is Better than No Plan at all | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:12:30

Nutrition is like finances: You either learn good habits and practices when you are young, or you must learn them the hard way as an adult Following a nutrition plan requires trusting the process, but it also demands not being attached to an outcome. All changes in behavior feel incongruous when they are foreign to you. When attempting to learn a new process, you will go through stages of shit, suck, good, great. Again, this cannot be avoided. And the only way through each stage is to rely on a PLAN to do so

 How to Handle Stress and Anxiety | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:21:09

Anxiety and depression are at all time highs, yet we live in the safest and most comfortable society at any point in history Stress and anxiety are biological, like every other aspect of how we live, but how we handle them and overcome them comes to our environment, our bodies, and our mentality towards them

 The Margin of Mastery:How Much Can You Afford to Fail? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:08:52

Short podcast, but I discuss some profound concepts -Knowing your level of proficiency -The myth of talent in high stakes situations -Knowing the game that you are playing -The Margin of mastery, and what it means to your life

 Writers Block, Mastery, and Obsession | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:10

Writer's block is psychological. What really stops people from writing? And what does it mean to master time. I talk about obsession, becoming the "elite" at a particular skill, and the choice everyone must make as to their own destiny

 How to Overcome Writers Block | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:19:53

Writers block is a common problem for people, as is a struggle to find subjects to write about. I discuss the strategies to generate ideas, how to apply them in real time, and how to overcome the subjective ego to the work you create


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