Go Ask Your Father show

Go Ask Your Father

Summary: Go Ask Your Father™ is your answer to the tough questions you have about faith and morals, doctrine and social teaching, and applying your beliefs to everyday life. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a question that host Monsignor Stuart Swetland, Relevant Radio® Chief Religion Correspondent, can’t answer. If you have a question about the Faith, why not Go Ask Your Father?

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 Go Ask Your Father for January 28, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Dr. Daniel Toma- St. Thomas Aquinas and reality. Caller Question- What should I do if my brother’s children are not baptized, but he is okay with letting them be baptized? Caller Question- What happens if we are still here at the Second Coming of Christ? Caller Question- I am going to convert to Catholicism. I have an ex-husband who is a Catholic, and I am not remarried. Do I need an annulment before I convert? Caller Question- How did Jacob live after he saw God? Caller Question- Will we have to go to Purgatory if the Second Coming happens? Caller Question- Have you changed your views on the Covington Catholic High School kids incident? Caller Question- What do you think about Catholic universities that do not live up to their public identity? Will they ever be punished? Catechetical Corner- Deification of the human person. Caller Question- Is there an improper way or time of praying? Caller Question- What guidelines or advice are there to not fall into the sin of pride when it comes to physical exercise?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 25, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Caller Question- Why do the readings today appear to contradict each other? Caller Questions- Who was Mary’s dad? What will happen at the Resurrection of our bodies? Caller Story- I came back to the faith when Our Lord touched my heart and I understood His love. Caller Question- Can I pray for death? Caller Story- I had a conversion when I was going through an extreme hardship of a lawsuit. Caller Story- I came back to the faith when I was in a difficult situation after years of being an atheist. Caller Story- I came back to the faith after years after I had an abortion and was married outside the Church. Caller Story- I came back to the faith through Relevant Radio and Msgr. Swetland talking about Natural Family Planning. Caller Question- What do Catholics believe about the Rapture? Catechetical Corner- Celebration of Catholic Funerals. Caller Question- How can I help my son come back to the faith?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 24, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Caller Question- Can I go to Confession on FaceTime? Caller Question- The priest told me he couldn’t give me a blessing at the end of Confession because I am not married in the Church. What should I do? Caller Question- Why did Jesus have to come to pay the price for our sins? Caller Question- Are abortions ever permissible? Caller Question- If there were circumstances that could’ve worsened my sin that I didn’t disclose to the priest in Confession, do I have to mention them in my next Confession? Caller Question- Why aren’t the prophets saints? Msgr. Swetland talks about sin taxes and a proposed sin tax on pornography that has been suggested in some saints. Caller Question- Why do we not call God by the name “YHWH”? Catechetical Corner- Sins that Cry Out to Heaven. Caller Question- If my girlfriend never had her first Confession, but is a baptized Catholic, can she go to Confession? Caller Question- Can you explain Purgatory? I am a Protestant.

 Go Ask Your Father for January 23, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Msgr. Swetland talks about persecutions of Christians in the United States. Caller Question- Why doesn’t the Catholic Church take the Gifts of the Holy Spirit seriously? Email Question- What is the difference between mortal and venial sin? Email Question- Why is the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick only available to Catholics? Caller Question- If someone is married civilly, can he apply to become a priest? Caller Question- Did Jesus die for Mary as well as for all of us? Caller Question- What is the minimum age requirement to receive the Sacrament of Confession? Catechetical Corner- World Youth Day. Email Question- How can you condemn discrimination of Christians in the USA when you support persecution of Catholics in China?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 22, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Caller Story- I just went to a post-abortive retreat, and all of us women at the retreat had either an abusive father or a father who was not present in our lives. Caller Question- Is it okay to push a stroller down the aisle when I go up to receive Communion at Mass? Caller Question- Don’t you think the young man from Covington Catholic High School who was harassed was a good example of “turn the other cheek” and a Christian response? Caller Comment- I agree with you in saying that the chaperones of the young men on the March for Life should’ve stepped in. Msgr. Swetland talks about the government workers who are not being paid as a result of the government shutdown. Caller Question- How can I encourage my daughter’s father to go to church with me? Caller Question- What do you think about the idea of paying for the border wall with the assets seized from El Chapo? Caller Comment- The government shutdown hurts self-employed small business owners. Caller Comment- Not everyone can afford to have six months of savings. Caller Comment- Raising minimum wage hurts businesses. Caller Comment- It is not immoral to continue the government shutdown because we need a border wall. Caller Comment- The government is not shutdown and not paying government employees wages is not a sin! Caller Question- Can my husband, who is in medical school to become an OB/GYN, watch an immoral surgery take place?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 21, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Caller Question- Do you have any advice for combating pornography addiction? Msgr. Swetland talks about St. Agnes. Caller Question- What should I do about my husband’s opioid addiction? Msgr. Swetland talks about economics from a Christian perspective. Caller Question- Why does it seem like God has abandoned me? My daughter is sick and my husband cheated on me. Caller Question- Why does it seem like Pope Francis is silent about the abuse scandal? Caller Comment- It takes a long time and a lot of effort- prayer, spiritual direction, and therapy- to forgive people sometimes. Catechetical Corner- The Lamb of God. Caller Question- How can I better help my family members understand the faith and that abortion is wrong?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 18, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Caller Question- Are there levels of belief in Jesus? Caller Question- We still have to go to Confession if we get a plenary indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday, right? Kaylyn Green- Check-in from The March for Life in Washington D.C. Caller Question- How would you respond to a woman who says she wants to abort her child? Matt Beardsley- Check-in from The March for Life in Washington D.C. Caller Question- Why are pro-abortion politicians not excommunicated? Catechetical Corner- Proliferation of sin. Caller Question- Is it wrong to patronize businesses run by same-sex attracted people? Caller Comment- I think our priests need to talk about abortion is. Caller Question- Why do we not pray specifically for the president and vice-president at Mass?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 17, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:37

Caller Comment – She is a new convert to the Catholic Church. The Mass is the union of Heaven and Earth Caller Question – Why is there communion service without a Mass? Caller Question – How can I receive partial and plenary indulgences? Caller Question – How can handicapped people receive the sacraments? Catechetical Corner – The social duty of religion, and the right to religious freedom

 Go Ask Your Father for January 16, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:31

Caller Question- What should I do if my wife has given up on our marriage? Email Question- What do you mean by “full Gospel” and “mysticism” that you claim Protestantism lack? Caller Comment- I had to learn how to love my wife in the way Christ loves the Church. Caller Question- What is the Catholic view of Hinduism and yoga? Caller Question- Is there a proper way to address God in prayer? Caller Question- What do we mean when we say that Jesus descended into hell in the Creed? Caller Question- Why do we profess the Mystery of Faith in the Mass? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The words “Our Father.” Caller Question- Who put together the Rosary and when?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 15, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Msgr. Swetland talks about humanism and Christianity, and how we should love our neighbors. Caller Question- Do other Christian religions think that we are born again? Caller Question- What should I do if my wife, who is non-Catholic, doesn’t want to get an annulment for her previous marriage? Caller Question- Is it appropriate to ask questions during a homily? Email Question- Is it okay for my girlfriend to spend the night at my house if we do not do anything that is sexually immoral? Caller Question- If I lost a child in miscarriage years ago, can I name him or her now? Caller Comment- In Pakistan, the parents of the adult children decide if they can get married instead of the children. Caller Question- My daughter was married in the Catholic Church and divorced. She is remarried in the Orthodox Church. Can she receive Holy Communion? Caller Question- If my mother is looking to come into the Church, does she need an annulment? Caller Question- What is the Donatist Heresy? Does it have anything to do with the Traditionalist Movement in the Catholic Church? Catechetical Corner- What is a blessing? Email Question- How does the Magisterium allow the Church Tax in Germany? Caller Questions- What is the Donatist Heresy? Can I name babies that passed away in miscarriage?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 14, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:28

(Encore Hour) Caller Question- How should I react to a parish that is exclusive in their ministries? Caller Question- How do I explain to my boyfriend the Church’s teaching on the all-male priesthood? Caller Question- Are generational curses a thing? Caller Question- How should I deal with someone who is bullying me via text? Caller Question- Are canonizations of saints infallible statements? Caller Question- Does the Divine Mercy Chaplet have to be said at the 3pm hour? Caller Question- What is the difference between tradition and Tradition? Catehcetical Corner- The Lord’s Prayer reveals the Father to us. Caller Question- Where does it say that the Church is the Bride and Christ is the Bridegroom? Caller Question- How do I forgive the doctors who treated my late wife for cancer?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 11, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Guest: Dana Brown from Partners Against Child Trafficking (PACT)- How we can raise awareness and fight child sex-trafficking. Caller Question- What is the Church’s view of cremation? Caller Question- What is the form of the Sacrament of Baptism? Caller Question- Because Mary was Immaculately Conceived, did she have free will at the Annunciation? Caller Question- Why does it seem like Protestants have much more spiritual fruit in their churches than Catholics do? Caller Question- What is the unforgivable sin? Catechetical Corner- The sin against the Holy Spirit. Caller Comment- It may seem like Protestants have more spiritual fruit, but Catholics have quite a lot. Caller Comment- I think some people are taken by the superficial elements of Protestant worship like music and charismatic pastors.

 Go Ask Your Father for January 10, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Msgr. Swetland talks about Pope Francis’s Monthly Prayer Intention for January: Young people and the example of Mary. Caller Question- Why does the law recognize life in the womb in some situations, but still legalize abortion? Caller Question- Should I allow my grandson to play Fortnite? Caller Question= How did Adam and Eve sin if concupiscence entered the world after Original Sin? Caller Question- Why and when was the Sixth Precept of the Church eliminated from the Catechism? Caller Question- How can I have peace in this life if I know I will go to Purgatory? Caller Question- Can I baptize my children who were aborted decades ago? Caller Question- Am I dishonoring my mother if I don’t talk to her because she hurts me a lot? Catechetical Corner- How we should treat embryos. Caller Question- Is corporal punishment useful for children? What about adults with developmental delays? Caller Question- How can I overcome the hurt my mother caused me?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 9, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:34

Msgr. Swetland talks about finding Christ. Caller Question- Why do we need Confession if we say that we are unworthy to receive Jesus at Mass? Caller Question- How can I motivate my husband to be a better Catholic and a better dad to our kids? Caller Question- How do I answer my husband who says that the Bible says that aliens or angels mated with humans? Caller Question- What should I do if I am worried about being saved? Will only a few be saved? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The Our Father and perseverance in prayer. Caller Question- Do you have any guidance for someone who says that a pro-choice person should burn in hell? Caller Question- How do I answer a Protestant friend who says that the Catholic Church shouldn’t have as much wealth as it does?

 Go Ask Your Father for January 8, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Msgr. Swetland talks about how Jesus reveals God’s nature to us. Caller Question- Why does my parish give money to organizations that help the needy instead of helping the needy themselves? Caller Question- How long should Christmas decorations stay up after Christmas? Caller Question- Are sacramentals superstitious? Caller Question- How did grace come to the Old Testament figures? Email Question- Is the home blessing with chalk okay to do? Caller Story- I used to not like Christmas until I understood the true meaning of Christmas. Caller Question- Does an Eucharistic Minister have to be appointed by the bishop? Caller Question- Is there a deadline to bless our home? Catechetical Corner- The graces of Baptism. Caller Question- Why can I not receive Communion if my civil wife and I live as brother and sister? Caller Question- Is the Eastern Orthodox Church in union with the Catholic Church?


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