Go Ask Your Father for January 9, 2019

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Msgr. Swetland talks about finding Christ.<br> Caller Question- Why do we need Confession if we say that we are unworthy to receive Jesus at Mass?<br> Caller Question- How can I motivate my husband to be a better Catholic and a better dad to our kids?<br> Caller Question- How do I answer my husband who says that the Bible says that aliens or angels mated with humans?<br> Caller Question- What should I do if I am worried about being saved? Will only a few be saved?<br> Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The Our Father and perseverance in prayer.<br> Caller Question- Do you have any guidance for someone who says that a pro-choice person should burn in hell?<br> Caller Question- How do I answer a Protestant friend who says that the Catholic Church shouldn’t have as much wealth as it does?<br>