Go Ask Your Father for January 24, 2019

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- Can I go to Confession on FaceTime?<br> Caller Question- The priest told me he couldn’t give me a blessing at the end of Confession because I am not married in the Church. What should I do?<br> Caller Question- Why did Jesus have to come to pay the price for our sins?<br> Caller Question- Are abortions ever permissible?<br> Caller Question- If there were circumstances that could’ve worsened my sin that I didn’t disclose to the priest in Confession, do I have to mention them in my next Confession?<br> Caller Question- Why aren’t the prophets saints?<br> Msgr. Swetland talks about sin taxes and a proposed sin tax on pornography that has been suggested in some saints. <br> Caller Question- Why do we not call God by the name “YHWH”?<br> Catechetical Corner- Sins that Cry Out to Heaven.<br> Caller Question- If my girlfriend never had her first Confession, but is a baptized Catholic, can she go to Confession?<br> Caller Question- Can you explain Purgatory? I am a Protestant.<br>