Go Ask Your Father for January 16, 2019

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- What should I do if my wife has given up on our marriage?<br> Email Question- What do you mean by “full Gospel” and “mysticism” that you claim Protestantism lack?<br> Caller Comment- I had to learn how to love my wife in the way Christ loves the Church.<br> Caller Question- What is the Catholic view of Hinduism and yoga?<br> Caller Question- Is there a proper way to address God in prayer?<br> Caller Question- What do we mean when we say that Jesus descended into hell in the Creed?<br> Caller Question- Why do we profess the Mystery of Faith in the Mass?<br> Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The words “Our Father.”<br> Caller Question- Who put together the Rosary and when?<br>