Go Ask Your Father for January 22, 2019

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Story- I just went to a post-abortive retreat, and all of us women at the retreat had either an abusive father or a father who was not present in our lives. <br> Caller Question- Is it okay to push a stroller down the aisle when I go up to receive Communion at Mass?<br> Caller Question- Don’t you think the young man from Covington Catholic High School who was harassed was a good example of “turn the other cheek” and a Christian response?<br> Caller Comment- I agree with you in saying that the chaperones of the young men on the March for Life should’ve stepped in.<br> Msgr. Swetland talks about the government workers who are not being paid as a result of the government shutdown.<br> Caller Question- How can I encourage my daughter’s father to go to church with me?<br> Caller Question- What do you think about the idea of paying for the border wall with the assets seized from El Chapo?<br> Caller Comment- The government shutdown hurts self-employed small business owners.<br> Caller Comment- Not everyone can afford to have six months of savings.<br> Caller Comment- Raising minimum wage hurts businesses.<br> Caller Comment- It is not immoral to continue the government shutdown because we need a border wall.<br> Caller Comment- The government is not shutdown and not paying government employees wages is not a sin!<br> Caller Question- Can my husband, who is in medical school to become an OB/GYN, watch an immoral surgery take place?<br>