Go Ask Your Father show

Go Ask Your Father

Summary: Go Ask Your Father™ is your answer to the tough questions you have about faith and morals, doctrine and social teaching, and applying your beliefs to everyday life. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a question that host Monsignor Stuart Swetland, Relevant Radio® Chief Religion Correspondent, can’t answer. If you have a question about the Faith, why not Go Ask Your Father?

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 Go Ask Your Father for November 22, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:28

(Encore Hour) Caller Comment- You are a liar and Catholicism isn’t true! Email Question- How can the Church do a better job explaining that everyone is called to be a saint? Caller Question- What does the name “Michael” mean? Email Question- Do you think the Vatican betrayed Chinese Catholics? Caller Question- How can I come back to the Catholic faith after I’ve lived such a terrible life? Caller Question- Is the story of Jesus sending the demons into the swine a parable or did it actually happen? Catechetical Corner- the “Our” in the Our Father. Caller Question- How do we know what happened to Jesus when He was in the desert?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 21, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Email Question- Why is the Bible written in Greek if He spoke in Aramaic? Email Question- Is having a c-section surgery a week before Christmas grounds to ask for a dispensation to miss Christmas Mass? Caller Question- How would you respond to a television show that says that Mary has other children? Should we boycott this show? Caller Questions- What do the Last Rites do? What are the different kinds of indulgences? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The 9th and 10th Commandments. Caller Question- My son died, and was an atheist. Will he go to Purgatory? Caller Question- Is it a sin to confess the same sin over and over? Msgr. Swetland shares some good points about thanksgiving to God.

 Go Ask Your Father for November 20, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Email Question- Can a priest refuse to give absolution during Confession? Caller Question- How do I answer my children who no longer believe and who say that Mary was not a perpetual virgin? Caller Question- Are canonizations infallible? Caller Question- Why does my version of the Bible say “perverts” instead of “dogs” in the Book of Revelation? Caller Question- Did Jesus have brothers? Caller Question- Does a metropolitan bishop have control over other bishops in his state? Catechetical Corner- Who confers the Sacrament of Holy Orders? Caller Question- When did Satan fall? Caller Question- Who appoints Eucharistic Ministers?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 19, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Msgr. Swetland reads a speech from St. Oscar Romero on evangelization. Email Question- How would my close family member come into the Church if she was raised Lutheran? How would her spouse, who was born Catholic, come back to the faith? Caller Question- Why does the Church now contradict the ex cathedra statements of previous popes that non-Catholics cannot go to Heaven? Caller Question- What is prevenient grace? Is that grace acting on me if I want to come into the Catholic Church? Caller Question- What should my friend do if she is having dreams about her deceased husband, but she doesn’t like them? Caller Question- What does the phrase “Heaven will pass away” mean? Caller Question- What body position should we take after Communion? Caller Question- How can I best explain my fasting to people when it comes up in conversation? Caller Question- What should I do if the parish near me abuses the liturgy and has a priest who denies the Immaculate Conception of Mary? Is it okay to go to a SSPX Church instead? Catechetical Corner- The Communion in Spiritual Goods. Caller Question- After we have our resurrected bodies, will we still receive Jesus in the Eucharist? Caller Question- How can we evangelize our separated brethren in the Protestant churches if they have a different idea of salvation?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 16, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Msgr. Swetland talks about how it is the duty of all of us to evangelize. Caller Comment- We need to hear more do’s and don’t’s from the pulpit in order to evangelize! Caller Story- My husband and I came back into the Catholic Church, and now we evangelize our families. Caller Comment- I evangelize my children’s friend’s parents. Caller Story- I came into the Catholic Faith because the Catholics I knew always had an answer for all of my questions. They were also great friends. Caller Question- I am going to become a Catholic. Do I have to get an annulment if my husband used to be a seminarian? Catechetical Corner- The role of the bishops in making sure that prayer is faithful to the Lord. Caller Story- I evangelize with my family of eight kids.

 Go Ask You Father for November 15, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:28

(Encore Hour) Email Question- Is my marriage valid if my wife left me after two months? Caller Question- Should I always vote for the Republican Party? Caller Question- Why can’t priests marry? Caller Question- Are the sacraments valid if they are celebrated by priests in the state of mortal sin? Caller Question- Why do you talk about abortion if Jesus never did? Caller Comment- There is no connection between celibacy and pedophilia. Email Comment- Stop giving political commentary. Caller Question- Should I attend my niece’s daughter’s Baptism if she has two moms? Catechetical Corner- Economic Activity and Social Justice. Caller Question- What does Jesus mean when He says, “my yoke is easy and my burden light”? Caller Question- What is your opinion on medicinal marijuana?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 14, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:22

Msgr. Swetland revisits an email he answered on Morning Air the previous day about a wife whose husband refuses to cooperate in getting their marriage blessed. He answers emails he’s gotten from both sides of the issue. He also talks about the Church’s teaching on getting married in the Church. Caller Question- Ever since I got some Russian icons, my life has gone downhill. Should I get rid of them? Caller Questions- What is a valid marriage? Who performs the ceremony? How can I get my marriage blessed? Caller Question- Why wouldn’t my parish priest bless my house? Caller Question- Does an Episcopalian church count as a sacred space for a Catholic to get married in? Caller Question- How can I convince my husband to validate our marriage? Caller Question- Can I baptize my grandchildren if their parents won’t baptize them? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The Eighth Commandment. Caller Question- My husband and I were civilly married when we were atheists. What should I do if my husband won’t get our marriage blessed? Caller Question- Does a priest have the authority to admit someone in mortal sin to Communion?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 13, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Caller Question- When did we start making the Sign of the Cross? Msgr. Swetland talks about how much time we should spend preparing for Sunday’s Gospel as a family. Caller Question- Every time I bring my husband to church, he falls asleep or chews gum. Should I still bring him to Mass? Caller Question- Are the names in the Book of Daniel, in the Canticle, as well as in the Daily Office talking about the same people? Catechetical Corner- Blessings. Caller Comment- I wish more people knew about St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. Email Question- Are there any movies about St. Frances Xavier Cabrini? Email Question- What is the Gift of Tongues?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 12, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

Caller Questions- If the priest could not understand me because of a language barrier, was my Confession valid? Does listening to the Mass online count as fulfilling the Sunday obligation? Caller Question- Why do we make a small cross on our forehead, mouth, and chest before the Gospel reading at Mass? Caller Question- Does Vigil Mass on Saturday fulfill your Sunday obligation? Glen’s Story Corner- The Four Chaplains. Caller Question- If Mass was not available on the cruise I was on, is it a sin if I missed Mass? Email Question- Can I vaccinate my children with vaccines that have immoral origins (made from unborn babies)? Email Question- Where does Scripture talk about having to atone for our sins? Email Question- Why don’t you start the show with an opening prayer anymore? Email Question- I have a fussy toddler. Can I watch Mass on television instead of attending Mass? Catechetical Corner- Corporal punishment. Caller Question- Is there a proper way to bring Holy Communion to a sick person? Caller Question- Should the Catholic Church accept ethnic customs from different ethnicities?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 8, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:26

Email Question- What gender is God? Caller Question- Why do Rosaries have ten beads for each decade? Caller Question- Is it a sin to go to a non-Catholic Christian ceremony? Msgr. Swetland talks about the religious makeup of Congress. Email Question- What drew you to the Catholic Faith? Catechetical Corner- Concern for our health and respect for the body. Caller Question- Do we go to the New Heaven after we die?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 7, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:41

Msgr. Swetland discusses paying taxes Email Question – Who is the woman dressed with the sun, standing on the moon, in the book of revelation? Caller Question – Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit part of the curriculum for Confirmation? Caller Question – What is the definition of love? Caller Question – If you die right after confession, do you go to Heaven? Catechetical Corner – The 7th Commandment  

 Go Ask Your Father for November 6, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:41

Msgr. Swetland discusses an editorial that declares that the era of spanking is over Caller Comment –  She disagrees with the editorial. There is a difference between spanking and abusing your child Caller Comment – Agrees that spanking should not be used because you can’t make a disciple by hitting someone Caller Comment – Spanking a child is like pruning a rose Caller Comment – There are appropriate times to discipline your child with spanking  

 Go Ask Your Father for November 5, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:25

Msgr. Swetland talks about the need for a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Caller Question- If I killed people in war, do I need to confess that? Msgr. Swetland talks about the First Amendment case of the WWI Memorial in Maryland. Email Question- Why does the Catholic version of the Our Father not have the doxology after it like the Protestant version does? Caller Questions- Does the devil know the day that we are going to die? Is holy water effective against the devil? Email Question- Is it okay to use a dowsing rod to see if there are bodies with unmarked graves in the cemetery? Caller Question- Are Freemasons allowed to be Catholics? Catechetical Corner- Outside the Church there is no salvation.

 Go Ask Your Father for November 2, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:28

Msgr. Swetland talks about a woman who was fired from being a schoolteacher for getting pregnant outside of wedlock. Caller Question- What is the Evangelical Catholic Church? Caller Question- Why do Catholic Churches host events with alcohol if it could lead to drunkenness? Caller Question- What should I do if my niece dressed up as Lucifer for Halloween? Caller Questions- When should I baptize my baby? Who should I choose to be godparents? Caller Comment- I think the school should’ve offered her a job back after she had her baby, without scandalizing the schoolchildren. Caller Question- Should I have prayers of deliverance said over me because I played with a Ouija board when I was younger? Caller Questions- How much do we really know about this story of the pregnant schoolteacher? Can people who are under demonic obsession receive the Anointing of the Sick? Caller Comment- I think the young schoolteacher who got pregnant is courageous for having her baby. Catechetical Corner- Purgatory. Caller Question- Why do Protestants not believe in Purgatory? Caller Comment- Someone who is struggling against the devil should pray for healing of his or her family tree. Caller Question- What does Jesus mean in Mark 13:31?

 Go Ask Your Father for November 1, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Msgr. Swetland talks about St. Teresa of Avila. Caller Question- Which saint should I pray to for intercession so that my daughter will meet a nice young man to marry? Caller Question- Do Protestants pray to saints? Caller Question- Did I receive Jesus in the Eucharist if the species was more like leavened bread? Caller Question- Who was St. Christopher? Caller Question- Is it okay to pray the Rosary during Mass? Msgr. Swetland talks about St. Thomas More. Msgr. Swetland talks about St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (St. Edith Stein). Caller Question- Who were Sts. Patricia and Barbara? Caller Question- How do God’s will and free will intersect? Msgr. Swetland talks about St. Damian of Molokai. Caller Question- Should we kneel during consecration? Msgr. Swetland talks about St. Therese of Lisieux.


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