Go Ask Your Father show

Go Ask Your Father

Summary: Go Ask Your Father™ is your answer to the tough questions you have about faith and morals, doctrine and social teaching, and applying your beliefs to everyday life. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a question that host Monsignor Stuart Swetland, Relevant Radio® Chief Religion Correspondent, can’t answer. If you have a question about the Faith, why not Go Ask Your Father?

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 Go Ask Your Father for October 10, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Msgr. Swetland talks about how to deal with anger. Caller Question- If I make it to Heaven and a loved one didn’t make it there, will I still have joy? Caller Question- How can I deal with the anger I have as a result of being cut out of a business deal because of a racist coworker? Caller Question- What is the Catholic Church’s teaching on donating your body to medical science after you die? Msgr. Swetland talks about God’s plan for our lives and about global warming. Caller Question- How should my friend dispose of her Ouija board? Caller Question- What is the Church’s teaching on the phrase “God helps those who help themselves”? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The Fifth Commandment and Abortion. Caller Question- Did God the Father experience pain during the Passion and Death of Christ?

 Go Ask Your Father for October 9, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:59

Msgr. Swetland discusses the parents role in raising children in the Catholic faith. Caller Question – Her son says that the bible does not say that we have to be Baptized. Caller Question – What is the difference between gender and sex? Caller Question – Can the Church annul holy orders like they can with a marriage? Caller Question – Who created God? Caller Question – Why do we go to confession?  

 Go Ask Your Father for October 8, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Msgr. Swetland discusses the youth synod. Caller Question – What does the Church teach about spiritual awakening? Caller Question – He wants to know about the staff Pope Francis used to open the Youth Synod. Caller Question – He heard that the Vatican issued a statement on Archbishop Vigano but didn’t hear what is was. Caller Question – She is 13 and is against abortion and gay marriage, but she also believes in helping immigrants, so how should she vote when she gets older? Caller Question – Why is the Pope not responding to questions by Archbishop Vigano.  

 Go Ask Your Father for October 5, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:34

Msgr. Swetland talks about Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos and St. Paul. Caller Question- Are there any good resources where I can refute claims that the Resurrection didn’t happen? Caller Question- Have any of the martyrs in the Middle East who have been killed by ISIS been canonized as saints yet? Caller Question- Why should we imitate St. Paul in his devotion to Christ, if St. Paul assisted at the stoning of St. Stephen? Caller Question- How can I convince a student in CCD to not fight if his parents tell him to fight when he is picked on? Catechetical Corner- Saints as witnesses to the faith.

 Go Ask Your Father for October 4, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:28

Msgr. Swetland talks about what the Church teaches about divorce. Caller Question- I am a public school teacher. How should I address students who want to be addressed by different pronouns than their biological sex? Caller Question- My husband left me years ago. Should I seek an annulment so that he can get married in the Church? Caller Comment- I don’t think changing the laws will stop abortion. Catechetical Corner- Duties of Parents. Email Question- Can I receive Communion if I am civilly married?

 Go Ask Your Father for October 3, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Email Question- What if I am skeptical about some of the Catholic Church’s dogmas? Email Question- How can I convince my boyfriend that we should baptize our baby? Caller Question- What should I do if I sometimes don’t get through all of my prayers every day? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Address to the Synod Fathers of the Synod on Youth. Email Question- Why are Confirmation Sponsors different from Godparents?

 Go Ask Your Father for October 2, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:37

Caller Comments – Several callers weigh in on their memories of St. John Paul II’s visits to Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles Catechetical Corner – The Eucharist

 Go Ask Your Father for October 1, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Caller Question- What should I do if my pastor has asked me to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, but I am concerned about committing sins against the Eucharist? Caller Question- Is God above gender? Caller Question- What authority does an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion have to deny someone the Eucharist? Msgr. Swetland talks about disagreeing with bishops when it comes to matters of prudential judgement. Email Question- Is it permissible to listen to audio prayers or meditations during a Holy Hour? Caller Question- What does it mean when a priest is called a “Canon”? Caller Question- I’m coming back to the Church, but the parish can’t find the record of my First Holy Communion. I went to Confession recently. Does that count? Catechetical Corner- Who is Satan? Caller Question- Can I receive Communion twice on a Sunday if I am a caretaker for my elderly mother?

 Go Ask Your Father for September 28, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Guest Host: Fr. Rocky live from St. Ambrose Academy in Madison, Wisconsin Student Question- Why do we receive First Holy Communion in second grade? Student Question- How can I not get distracted when praying the Rosary? Student Question- What does the phrase “Rest in peace” mean? Student Question- What is your favorite part of the Mass? Student Question- Can atheists and non-Catholics go to Heaven? Student Question- What are your favorite ways to evangelize? Student Question- Do you think God is proud of what has become of humanity and the Church? Student Question- Why do we have different liturgical seasons? Student Question- What does faith mean to you? Student Question- Can we know for certain that God exists? Student Question- Why do we have statues of saints if the Bible forbids making “graven images”? Student Question- What are indulgences? Student Question- Did Adam and Eve really exist? Student Question- How did you discern your vocation to the priesthood? Student Question- Why did the Church sanction Galileo? Student Question- Does the Church approve tattoos that show Christian identity? Student Question- Is it morally wrong to put off having children to travel? Student Questions- Why is the Church against cohabitation? Why do we have two creeds? How do our fasting and sacrifices help the Church? Student Question- Why would it have been wrong for Jesus to be a Communist? Student Question- How would you advise people who are grieving the loss of a loved one? Student Question- What advice do you have for students going off to school next year to help them keep their faith?

 Go Ask Your Father for September 27, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Caller Question- How do I explain to my seven-year-old the long lifespans of people in the Old Testament? Caller Question- If I forget a sin in Confession, do I have to go back and confess it? Caller Question- How do I find a spiritual adviser? Caller Question- What about the Chinese Catholics who have been underground? How does the Vatican-China deal affect them? Email Question- How do you back up your claim that Popes Benedict XVI and St. John Paul II have worked toward the Vatican-China deal? Email Question- How does one do adoration? Email Question- Can a priest who is retired say Mass privately? Email Question- Are the sacraments valid if the priest does not intend to do what the Church does? Catechetical Corner- The Common Good. Caller Question- What is the difference between imputation and infusion?

 Go Ask Your Father for September 26, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Msgr. Swetland discusses the Vatican-China deal. Caller Question- Do our guardian angels stay with us when we die? Caller Question- Can a Catholic layperson who is a judge preside over a civil marriage? Caller Question- A nun said the prayers at the interment part of my mother’s funeral. Was this okay? Caller Question- What is the difference between diocesan priests and religious priests? Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday Catechesis- Recap of Pope Francis’s trip to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Caller Question- Can I be cremated and be buried above my wife? Caller Question- Can my parents be buried in a Masonic cemetery?

 Go Ask Your Father for September 25, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Caller Question- What can we, as laity, do to help stop the abuses in the Church? Caller Question- Can you help me counsel my son who is in a medical ethics course in college? Caller Question- What is going on in with the deal between the Vatican and China? Caller Question- Why did so many women leave the religious life in the years following Vatican II? Caller Comment- I disagree with you about the Vatican-China deal! Caller Comment- I think you are wrong about the Vatican-China deal! Catechetical Corner- Popular piety. Caller Comment- I think we should trust Pope Francis. Caller Comment- I think you are right about the Vatican-China deal. Caller Comment- I think too many people persecute Pope Francis. Caller Comment- Catholics should speak to their pastors about their concerns in the Church.

 Go Ask Your Father for September 24, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:28

Email Question- Why do we Catholics honor members of the military? Caller Question- How did the Pope change the Catechism in regard to the death penalty? Caller Comment- I think the military protects our freedom of religion. Caller Question- What should I do if a child I am preparing for First Communion went up and accidentally received The Eucharist? Caller Comment- The USSR was terrible during WWII. Catechetical Corner- There is one common source for Scripture and Tradition: Jesus. Caller Question- Is it okay to attend SSPX Masses? Email Question- What is wrong with Catholicism being based on Tradition?

 Go Ask Your Father for September 21, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Msgr. Swetland talks about Gnosticism. Caller Question- I teach ethics at a secular university. How should I deal with arguments that are contrary to the faith? Caller Questions- Why did Our Lord not want people to publicize His miracles? Why did people disobey Him? Caller Question- How does a diocese get a new bishop? Caller Question- Why do you keep describing the Catholic Faith as “the fullness of Truth”? I think you should call out Protestants for heresies! Caller Question- Why do Rosaries have ten beads on a decade? Caller Question- I attended a Mass where they skipped the homily for a parish event announcement. Is this okay? Catechetical Corner- The relationship between prayer and life. Caller Question- Can I pray for God to punish someone?

 Go Ask Your Father for September 20, 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:28

Caller Question- Can you explain what love means? I think our society has lost its understanding of the meaning of the word. Msgr. Swetland talks about scandal. Caller Question- How does the Orthodox Church view marriage? Caller Question- I am a Jew. How do I join the Catholic Church? Caller Question- How do I get my teenager to care about his faith? Caller Question- Is suffering good or bad? Catechetical Corner- Scandal. Caller Question- How should I clean holy medals?


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