Go Ask Your Father for September 25, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- What can we, as laity, do to help stop the abuses in the Church?<br> Caller Question- Can you help me counsel my son who is in a medical ethics course in college?<br> Caller Question- What is going on in with the deal between the Vatican and China?<br> Caller Question- Why did so many women leave the religious life in the years following Vatican II?<br> Caller Comment- I disagree with you about the Vatican-China deal!<br> Caller Comment- I think you are wrong about the Vatican-China deal!<br> Catechetical Corner- Popular piety.<br> Caller Comment- I think we should trust Pope Francis.<br> Caller Comment- I think you are right about the Vatican-China deal.<br> Caller Comment- I think too many people persecute Pope Francis.<br> Caller Comment- Catholics should speak to their pastors about their concerns in the Church.<br>