» Entry Level show » Entry Level

Summary: Topics, HowTo's, advise and note worthy tool that any entry level developer should know. Covering topics such as: unit testing, version control, frameworks, looking for jobs and much more.

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 EP26 – Design Patterns 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:13

This week Arlo and Ryan talk about basic design patterns and when/where they are appropriate. The goal is to raise awareness about taking advantage of patterns in any project and at any skill level. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Benefits to using Design Patterns History?: OOP - Proven solutions: The more you code the more you maintain, patterns are proven. Less points of failure, patterns are proven Solve complex problems. Patterns solve a specific problem and they solve it well. Extensibility: Your code can grow with your ever changing requirements. Language independant: Can be applied to any language. Ruby, PHP, Javascript, C++, etc. Patterns can be combined and interact to solve your needs. Design Pattern Examples Singleton Only one “instance” exists. All code goes through same object. When to use? When NOT to use? Examples? Things where keeping just a single instance would be good. Database Connection Allows cool features like automatic reconnection Connection Pooling (some languages) Query Abstraction Logging system Single Interface Permissions? Cheap shared memory Factory Sole purpose to is return an appropriate instance provided some sort of data/parameter Relies heavily on inheritance Examples? Singleton Factory - produce a specific singleton based on inputs API Interfaces Abstraction Layers Decorator Attaches more “responsibility”/data to an existing object Like a chain of information Examples? Financial reports, Pricing?, Permissions? There are more! Read about them and grow!

 EP25 – SSH For Developers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:27

This week Arlo and Ryan talk about everything SSH related you should know NOW! You should go on another day of being a developer without atleast knowing about the different things you can do with just an SSH account. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What is SSH? Secure Shell: What is a shell? CLI for controlling or running commands on a computer Mouse and Desktop actions can translate into commands Comparable to remote desktop for windows Command line driven It is pretty secure, atleast SSH2 is. How can I benefit from SSH-ness? The more you are familiar with command line the better. But not a MUST! SCP - cp file from point a to point b Tunnelling - forward ports from comp to server. tunneling mysql is awesome! SFTP - popular amongst ftp clients Mounting Drives - Mount a directory on your computer that only exists on the server VPN - openSSH allows for a VPN over a ssh connection RSYNC - program used for sync directories from one machine to another Backups - Migrating from one hosting to another? Backings up zip files from one server to another? How do I use it? Windows putty SecureCRT Arlo: git bash cygwin - heard of it, give it a try. Mac OSx/Linux openssh. should come out of the box Server must have it installed and running most shared hosting do Access with username and password Public keys are prefered locally run: ssh-keygen (press enter all the way through) copy contents of: ~/.ssh/ paste content on server: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh-copy-id ~/.ssh/ username@hostname Public keys allows for automation!!! Scripts scripts scripts!! More Setup up for Fun: .ssh/config Git - once you have SSH credentials you can push and pull using git with ease.

 EP24 – Twitter Bootstrap 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:24

This week Arlo and Ryan attempt to break down Twitter Bootstrap and how it may be helpful. Stick around and listen in on us talk about how cooland useful we think Twitter Bootstrap really is. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What problem does it solve? Coming up with CSS for: great fonts just make things look beautiful aligning my junk or fluid layouts consistent css [resetting css often] want to learn sass, but eehhh... great for devs who suck at web design Layouts Generation (scaffolding) math math math....grrr lack of math above 12 row based/grid based nesting html 5 friendly Generic Tools Javascript stuff CSS stuff Easy to modify/update customize What does it have to offer? Fonts: Typography hero units headers and sub-headers Grids: 12 columns. 940px. Anything under 767px stacks vertically. CSS code blocks tables forms buttons images icons hero unit Scripting Navigational menus tabs drop downs tooltips carousels transitions tooltip button alert typeahead modals website components/modules inclusion of media like images, thumbnails button groups nav bar generation breadcrumb generation labels/badges alerts progress bars wells close icon disabled state cool stuff helper classes How do I use it? Include CSS/JS files into your page simple layout CLASSES CLASSES CLASSES grid system: span, offsetting, nesting, etc.. Responsive: visible-??? or hidden-???. phone, tablet, desktop

 EP23 – Responsive Design vs Alternate Mobile Solutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:32

This week Arlo interviews WPtouch and Mobile Joomla teams to discuss responsive design vs alternate mobile solutions. We explain what responsive really is and it's downside. Then we talk about what other options you have as a developer for a mobile strategy. CONTEST Post a comment on this episode's blog post with a link to your website with either WPtouch or Mobile Joomla installed. The winner will win some awesome swag from our sponsors. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Guests Dale Mugford - Co-founder of BraveNewCode (creators of WPtouch) Ugur Kaner and Miikka Kukkosuo - From Mobile Joomla, Founder and Head of Business Development Comparing Responsive with Alternate Solutions What is the clear difference between the two Strengths and Weaknesses of Responsive Design Technical Design Content Strategy and Maintenance Strengths and Weaknesses of server-side solutions Technical Design mobile frameworks Content pro: choose exactly what is delivered Strategy and Maintenance pro: detect actual platforms WordPress Mobile Theme - WPtouch 3.7M sites using WPtouch Which sites and Why? Price ranges? Compare features Speed Benefits? Follow @bravenewcode Mobile Joomla 15M Joomla pages mobilized When and Why? Price ranges? Compare features Speed Benefits? Follow @MobileJoomla Mentioned Links WPtouch Mobile Joomla

 EP22 – Past Present Future. Season 1 Wrap Up. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:28

This week Arlo, Erick and Ryan talk about their favorite moments from season 1 of They wrap up season 1 with their ambitious goals for season 2 of Listen in and enjoy our conversation as we talk about this past year. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of the Week phpColors Past! Top 5 Moments We are going to count down our 5 favorite moments from this season 5 First Episode History of how it started How Arlo and Erick know each other 4 Episode 11 Ryan came on Production level came in to play 3 Launch of new website 2 100 subscribers - early on 1 End of first season feelings memories did we reach our goal? mission? Present! 22 Episodes Two podcasts Entry-Level going on break until Mid november, 6-8 weeks Tech News Staying Active, released tue, thur, sat - every week New Website Future! Screencasts ViM SVN Git Rails Appcelerator Sencha (Native packaging) Others? You can let us know! We are taking suggestions We have a reddit up. links will be on the website we can connect via our reddit community ask questions share links and technologies goof around Video Podcast???? Mentioned Links Reddit

 EP21 – Web Application Security 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:59

This week Arlo, Erick and Ryan talk about what they think every entry level developer should know about web application security and the minimal amount of effort that should be taken when developing. Keep in mind, there is much much more information out there about different types of web security vulnerablilities. This list is just a friendly discussion between developers and sharing experiences and knowledge with entry level developers. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Who’s going to want to hack me? NOT WHO BUT HOW: Welcome to the world of robot scrapping. what you looking for? lots of automated tools lots online databases: Automating form submissions Mail highjacking Unicode exploits (IE) XSS Persistent Non-Persistent Shell exploits SQL injections (BIGGEST ONE) SECURITY THROUGH OBSCURITY IS NOT SECURITY What can I do as a Developer SQL Injections input sanitation DO mysql_real_escape_string look into prepared statements do it based on connection to database DON’T addslashes, etc... trust user input even if it is stored in database XSS Input sanitation Persistent Non-persistent Unicode Bugs (UTF8) (Erick?) PHP (mb_ functions) Shell exploits (Ryan?) vulnerable exec shell_exec system proc_open passthru `` - backticks protection escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg Mentioned Links XSS SQL Injection Exploit DB

 EP20 – Ruby 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:57

This week Arlo and Ryan talk about Ruby as a language and what to expect. We cover Ruby syntax and other useful features of the language. Funny conversation comparing javascript and php to what we learned from Ruby. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What’s up with Ruby? Why learn ABOUT ruby? History What makes it different? Everything is an object - similar to javascript? weird variables: @instance $global Benefits of Ruby? inherent multi threading Typeloosish Ruby Basics In such cases, the objects false and nil equates to false. Every other object like say 1, 0, "" are all evaluated to be true. everything is an object and it has methods. like numbers! variables? arrays? hashes? for - BAD LOOP each - GOOD LOOP syntax? NO SEMICOLON - BAD SEMICOLON methods classes strings lambdas/closures Try it out! Rubymonk Boom! TryRuby Ruby Koans Ruby in 20 mins

 EP19 – Free Cloud Services for Web Developers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:37

This week Arlo and Ryan talk about all the FREE, FREE, FREE cloud services for web developers. Go banana crazy with all these cool platforms. There are no excuses to not try out some new tools/technologies that employers are asking for. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Tryout new technology git-server, node.js, ruby, sass/scss, linux tools grep sed more/less man Free is ALWAYS good. You don’t have to buy to practice new stuff. We are not sys admins. Don’t fret with OS stuff. Free, Free, Free!! Heroku (750 hours, 1 app) phpFog (3 apps, 100 mb) EngineYard (500 free instance hours) (2 apps, 1 concurrent connection) Nodejitsu by Joyent (1 free instance [full capacity]) Amazon AWS EC2 (1yr free) Windows Azure (90 days free) (200 users free) Mongo Lab (240mb free) Others Not Mentioned Node.js CouchDB Hosting Redhat OpenShift

 EP18 – Using SVN #likeaboss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:56

This week Arlo and Ryan discuss what you need to know if you want to use SVN as your version control system. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of The Week Ryan talks about Doctrine 2 on how it could be used in your current PHP project. What is SVN? General Concepts Type of file versioning. Revision control. True atomic operations. Open source. File logging. History Was preceded by CVS: Concurrent Version System -> 1986, still mostly compatible. Born in 2000 by CollabNet. In 2001 it was hosting itself. Was around before git was born in 2005. In 2009 , it became an Apache Foundation Top level Project. Subversion manages at least 60-70% of development code. How is SVN different from git Centralized source code control. merging hell Basics of SVN Principles Collections of files are called repositories. Repositories have a directory structure. SVN works on changes, not on files. These are called changesets Two revisions make up a changeset. changeset can make a patch Commands checkout (BIG) add (BIG) commit (BIG) update (BIG) status diff merge export mv cp revert resolve resolved Online services springloops They do have a free plan. Support SVN, as well as git. Other AWESOME tools like deployments, and tickets, etc.. Closed source 2 users, 1 repo. GoogleCode Free Open source only Also does project management, ticket tracking, etc... SourceForge Free Open source only Also does project management. Good end-to-end solution for open source projects. Codesion Free Closed source Only 1 user. Beanstalk Free Trial One user, one repo. Useful GUIs uberSVN TortoiseSVN EasySVN SmartSVN Mentioned Links: Doctrine 2

 EP17 – What Does Your IDE Do For You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:16

This week Arlo and Erick talk about shortcuts and how IDE type editors can save you time while programming! All programmers should be power-shortcut-users, so get it together! Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of The Week Arlo talks about a simple technique to scrape data from a website. PHP Simple DOM is a class of choice when Arlo scrapes sites and he explains how to use it in combination with Curl. What IDEs have to offer Shortcuts are KING! The mouse is your anchor. save, [copy/paste], select all - basic alt+tab, alt + #, alt + w, home/end - moderate ftp, version control, multi-desktop, word boundaries - advanced? Some argue that IDEs are only for compiled languages Their arguments. Haters gonna hate You can still step through scripting languages for debugging (xdebug) Benefits of an IDE vs Text Editor Features from IDEs version control macros terminals Grep Benefits of Text Editors lightweight syntax highlighting plugins What do you like about your current IDE/Text editor. grep feature. What Are My Options? Big list! Netbeans Komodo Edit Textmate Eclipse Aptana VIM - gVIM Notepad++ PsPad Coda2 Sublime Text 2 Dreamweaver Others Zend Studio 9 Jetbrains PHP Storm Arlo’s VIM goal Mentioned Links: PHP Simple DOM

 EP16 – Interviewing For A Web Development Position | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:58

This week we talk about our experiences going through interviews for web development. We offer tips on what will be asked, expected of you and what we suggest you ask the interviewer. By preparing you for the interview, our goal is to allow you to keep calm and show your best face during the interview. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Sponsor Use coupon code Dev1Podcast for 25% off. Use coupon code Dev1Reseller for $25 off. Hack of the Week Talking about FirePHP and it's benefits. It can also be used with other languages. Phone Interview / Non-Technical Do’s and Don’ts Resume Questions - beef it up Gaps in Job History Experience / Responsibilities Continual Learning side projects? opensource contributions [program at home!] Financial How much are you getting paid How much are you looking for Confidence answer confidently, don’t stumble Technical Interview Don’t be scared to say you don’t know. Be self aware and stay confident. Concepts / Terms Difference: GET / POST. cookie? abstract / interface Know: clientside and serverside Javascript object construct MVC Frameworks: explain AJAX: without jquery Can you do Web2.0 Language Specific What don’t you like about the language I think they want to know that you are passionate about it SQL LEFT JOIN / RIGHT JOIN / INNER / OUTER Some make you write something or take a test Login page blog page / comments.. Asking Questions Show that you are interested!! Things matter to you. It looks like you have options. Tables turn. Dresscode (creative environment) Stable Environment: Last time you fired someone and why? What development lifecycle do they follow? scrum, agile, waterfall? Ask if not in description. Read up on them anyway so you know your stuff. Ticketing System? Testing style? Do you test at all? meeting with the users? important for apps Any Sysadmins? Web Designers? (how much non programming is involved?) Version Control: Which one? Which workflow? Topic branching? Implementation Details Why do they use the language they use? What database do they use? Infrastructure? Joel Spolsky Mentioned Links: Joel Spolsky Checklist

 EP15 – Understanding MVC In Web Development | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:07

This week we talk about MVC and it's place in the Web Development world. We try to bridge the gap for bewteen "lean" script based web development and framework based web development. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What do I need to know? What is MVC? The concept behind MVC What makes MVC confusing in web apps? Devs used to structured programming Classes seem like over kill Arlo’s senior project story When did YOU realize using frameworks was the way to go? Think about Big Picture Maintenance Future proofing Documentation User Impact? MVC Frameworks are different Controller Models Views Moving Forward Picking your next MVC framework Based on what? (Doc., easy to use) Build your next app with an MVC framework Building your own MVC Web Frameworks: PHP: Zend Symphony Code Igniter Yii Ruby Rails Javascript Sencha-MVC Deft.js meteor.js

 EP14 – WTH Is HTML5 and CSS3 Anyway? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:45

This week we talk about HTML5 and CSS3. We've all heard about it, but do we really understand the differences it brings to the industry? We try to find out for ourselves. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What do I need to know? Fully understand things introduced in HTML4. DOCTYPE, CSS guidelines Learn HTML4 deprecated tags center, frameset and more [W3Schools link below] Learn new stuff in HTML5 tags: footer, header, progress, navigation, canvas, section. SEO BOOST! [W3Schools link below] audio, video and canvas geolocation, localstorage, full web apps Wassup wit CSS3? What’s New? Native: Media queries, rounded corners, opacity, gradients, animations, shadows Know your audience and your intended platform How soon applicable to average user??? Limitations: browsers. Users must be up to date with their platform, because HTML5 is constantly evolving. Tackle limitations: graceful degradation vs progress enhancement Choosing CSS2 vs CSS3 base Mobile and HTML5 is like fish in water What do I do? Working on a static page [brochure site] full CSS3 animations, scrolling navigation, responsive (media queries) Use the appropriate tags header, nav, section, article, footer, etc. Tutorials/examples [html5 link below] spyrestudios html5rocks thebestdesigns Moving Forward Fancy effects != HTML5 scroll down navigation, fluid/responsive design HTML5 / CSS3 Frameworks Responsive web design has become extremely important lately, since our content is published across many different platforms. It is important to consider how your content will reflow, so that you can plan accordingly. Frameworks like these are great starting points for creating responsive layouts, while not having to reinvent the wheel each time. 52Framework foundation by zurb Grid Frameworks Sencha Emulating desktop experience games: localstorage, canvas tag for animation, processing, css3 animation phone gap Mind Blowing Sites Mentioned Links: HTML4 New Elements HTML5 New Elements HTML5 CSS3 Jasper Nike Correction: Tijuana Flats is not a HTML5 site, but an example is similar effects/sites done without HTML5.

 EP13 – Managing A Software Project Solo With @jaredbrown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:42

This week we talk about our experiences while freelancing and lessons learned. We discuss appropriate tools you can use to make your experience a lot more enjoyable. Download: Direct Link Itunes: Itunes Link What do I need to know? Likes and dislikes L: Choosing what to work on D: Dealing with People/Client Pros and Cons P: Working from home C: Working from home Does and Don’ts Do: Structure your time Do: Join a co-location Don't: Mismanage your "go" time Contracts and Picking a Price What do I do? Timekeeping: 37signals BaseCamp, Harvest, Freckle, Crometa ... Invoicing: FreshBooks, Harvest, Ballpark, TinderBox ... Project Management: BaseCamp, Pivotal Tracker ... Moving Forward Consultant / Firm multiple clients outsourcing developers?? Making a living Get follow ups from 1 client Serious goals => Serious clients “Go where the money is” Mentioned Links: BaseCamp Harvest Freckle Crometa Freshbooks Ballpark Tinderbox Pivotal Tracker Spring Loops

 EP12 – Using Javascript #likeaboss In And Out Of The Browser | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:52

This week we talk about common misconceptions about Javascript and the DOM Api. Learning about Javascript's strengths can help us understand how/why this popular language is being used extensibly in and out of the browser. Use coupon code Dev1Podcast for 25% off. Use coupon code Dev1Reseller for $25 off. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What do I need to know? More than just the document API. What is document API and DOM? DOM is the actual HTML document document.createElementByTag, getElementByID, getElementsByClass, XMLHttpRequest Types: 'string', 'boolean', 'undefined', 'function', and 'object' Recommend: Javascript the Good parts Client side applications is where it’s at facebook, twitter, google, yahoo: JS: More than just UI V8 Engine What do I do and not do? Goal: Build your web’s client side JS app Drop global variables! (Namespacing) Falsy Values and other gotchas: Javascript Garden Moving Forward Books: The Good Parts, Pro Javascript Design Patterns, High Performance Javascript, Pro Javascript Techniques, Javascript Patterns Coffeescript Follow some JS ppl NodeJS Appcelerator: listen to EP06 Mentioned Links: Javascript Garden JS Gurus Twitter List The Good Parts Pro Javascript Design Patterns High Performance Javascript Pro Javascript Techniques Javascript Patterns


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