EP12 – Using Javascript #likeaboss In And Out Of The Browser

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Summary: This week we talk about common misconceptions about Javascript and the DOM Api. Learning about Javascript's strengths can help us understand how/why this popular language is being used extensibly in and out of the browser. Use coupon code Dev1Podcast for 25% off. Use coupon code Dev1Reseller for $25 off. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What do I need to know? More than just the document API. What is document API and DOM? DOM is the actual HTML document document.createElementByTag, getElementByID, getElementsByClass, XMLHttpRequest Types: 'string', 'boolean', 'undefined', 'function', and 'object' Recommend: Javascript the Good parts Client side applications is where it’s at facebook, twitter, google, yahoo: JS: More than just UI V8 Engine What do I do and not do? Goal: Build your web’s client side JS app Drop global variables! (Namespacing) Falsy Values and other gotchas: Javascript Garden Moving Forward Books: The Good Parts, Pro Javascript Design Patterns, High Performance Javascript, Pro Javascript Techniques, Javascript Patterns Coffeescript Follow some JS ppl NodeJS Appcelerator: listen to EP06 Mentioned Links: Javascript Garden JS Gurus Twitter List The Good Parts Pro Javascript Design Patterns High Performance Javascript Pro Javascript Techniques Javascript Patterns