EP16 – Interviewing For A Web Development Position

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Summary: This week we talk about our experiences going through interviews for web development. We offer tips on what will be asked, expected of you and what we suggest you ask the interviewer. By preparing you for the interview, our goal is to allow you to keep calm and show your best face during the interview. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Sponsor Use coupon code Dev1Podcast for 25% off. Use coupon code Dev1Reseller for $25 off. Hack of the Week Talking about FirePHP and it's benefits. It can also be used with other languages. Phone Interview / Non-Technical Do’s and Don’ts Resume Questions - beef it up Gaps in Job History Experience / Responsibilities Continual Learning side projects? opensource contributions [program at home!] Financial How much are you getting paid How much are you looking for Confidence answer confidently, don’t stumble Technical Interview Don’t be scared to say you don’t know. Be self aware and stay confident. Concepts / Terms Difference: GET / POST. cookie? abstract / interface Know: clientside and serverside Javascript object construct MVC Frameworks: explain AJAX: without jquery Can you do Web2.0 Language Specific What don’t you like about the language I think they want to know that you are passionate about it SQL LEFT JOIN / RIGHT JOIN / INNER / OUTER Some make you write something or take a test Login page blog page / comments.. Asking Questions Show that you are interested!! Things matter to you. It looks like you have options. Tables turn. Dresscode (creative environment) Stable Environment: Last time you fired someone and why? What development lifecycle do they follow? scrum, agile, waterfall? Ask if not in description. Read up on them anyway so you know your stuff. Ticketing System? Testing style? Do you test at all? meeting with the users? important for apps Any Sysadmins? Web Designers? (how much non programming is involved?) Version Control: Which one? Which workflow? Topic branching? Implementation Details Why do they use the language they use? What database do they use? Infrastructure? Joel Spolsky Mentioned Links: Joel Spolsky Checklist