EP17 – What Does Your IDE Do For You?

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Summary: This week Arlo and Erick talk about shortcuts and how IDE type editors can save you time while programming! All programmers should be power-shortcut-users, so get it together! Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of The Week Arlo talks about a simple technique to scrape data from a website. PHP Simple DOM is a class of choice when Arlo scrapes sites and he explains how to use it in combination with Curl. What IDEs have to offer Shortcuts are KING! The mouse is your anchor. save, [copy/paste], select all - basic alt+tab, alt + #, alt + w, home/end - moderate ftp, version control, multi-desktop, word boundaries - advanced? Some argue that IDEs are only for compiled languages Their arguments. Haters gonna hate You can still step through scripting languages for debugging (xdebug) Benefits of an IDE vs Text Editor Features from IDEs version control macros terminals Grep Benefits of Text Editors lightweight syntax highlighting plugins What do you like about your current IDE/Text editor. grep feature. What Are My Options? Big list! Netbeans Komodo Edit Textmate Eclipse Aptana VIM - gVIM Notepad++ PsPad Coda2 Sublime Text 2 Dreamweaver Others Zend Studio 9 Jetbrains PHP Storm Arlo’s VIM goal Mentioned Links: PHP Simple DOM