» Entry Level show » Entry Level

Summary: Topics, HowTo's, advise and note worthy tool that any entry level developer should know. Covering topics such as: unit testing, version control, frameworks, looking for jobs and much more.

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 EP11 – Intro to NoSQL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:07

This week we talk about NoSQL (Not Only SQL). Though we do not deep dive into any one particular schemaless database we cover their importance and what changes they are making in the web world today. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What do I need to know? Developed a while ago (1998), refined by high traffic sites facebook, yahoo, google, amazon Not relational No Joins, big performance boost document oriented: CouchDB, MongoDB, SimpleDB key value pair: Memchached, Redis extensive record: Google BigTable, Cassandra What do I do? NodeJS + MongoDB php/redis, php/memchached Moving Forward Cloud hosting services How would I design for functional environment? Mentioned Links: Schemaless Databases Slides Mongo DB Hosting Schemaless DBs Video Another Video Chartbeat Tealeaf Correction: Chartbeat is the analytics tool mentioned, not "Heartbeat".

 EP10 – Using Git on a Production Website | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:39

This week we talk about what you need for setting deploying to your production website with Git. We go through different existing cloud services that let you deploy in the same fashion. Then we cover how to have a similar setup with shared hosting. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of the Week Erick shares his most recent hack involving a Hanging with Friends "helper" website. Where you would type in the known letters and it would suggest possible words for the answer. What do I need to know? Heroku phpFog EngineYard's Joyent node.js apps Amazon AWS beanstalk Pantheon drupal sites What do I do? If not using above services Ghetto way: push directly to hostgator problems? crash your site? maybe ok when you are by yourself Push directly into a working repo Running unit tests? use git hooks to check for validating latest commit Push into a bare repo, then make your “environments” pull Moving Forward Leverage Hosted Git Services / / Workflow: pull requests issues anything with web hooks Mentioned Links: Push to shared hosting like hostgator John Resign on Dictionary Lookups here and here

 EP09 – Getting Started With Raspberry Pi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:28

This week we talk about what you need to know about Raspberry Pi. A new $25 micro computer, the size of a credit card, that has made a huge wave in the hacker/programmer scene. It's aimed for educational purposes, but hackers all over the world also have their own agendas for this computer. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack On Something For A Week Why Is This Important? Jobs Cease the moment? How important is Raspberry Pi What is the Raspberry Pi? Raspberry Pi foundation (Eben Upton) Aimed at education $25, credit card sized computer Smaller than Sheva Plug Enough power to run 1080p video (More graphics power than iPhone 4) Uses Broadcom SoC Where to order? Setting up an environment Dev is in Linux: EP05 Getting started with Linux Video tutorial at: Use virtalbox to setup a linux distro (Debian, Fedora, etc) Install dev tools (LXDE) Dev in RaspPi will be in Python Python Development Easy to learn, object oriented, interpreted language Official Python Tutorial (Python Software Foundation) Because it’s interpreted you can program for it anywhere PyGame - Game development library (SDL) Ideas for development: where do ppl think they will use RasPi? Mentioned Links: Raspberry Pi VM Tutorial: Python Tutorial: Video Tutorial: Raspberry Pi World:

 EP08 – Choosing Javascript Frameworks Part 2, Microframeworks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:54

This week we talk about what you need to know about choosing micro frameworks. These are small and highly reliable javascript helpers that can be included into any javascript application. They do not depend on any other framework or library, some can even be used out of browser. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of the Week Ericks talks about his attempt to remake "Charadium" iOS app. He explains his adventures with SocketIO.js and web sockets for HTML5. Javascript Utilities Modernizr.js - HTML5/CSS3 - 367 forks - 4.8k+ watching Underscore.js - Helpers - 397 forks - 4.2k+ watching A library of functional programming helpers for JavaScript that fit in nicely alongside jQuery [or any javascript application] Mustache.js Script Loading How nice do these play with each other SocketIO.js Mentioned Links: List: Underscore: Microjs:

 EP07 – Choosing Javascript Frameworks Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:37

This week we talk about what you need to know about choosing the correct javascript framework for your project. Now a days there are a lot of options, but without knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each framework you could hinder your project from day 1. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link History JS before frameworks prototype, scriptaculous What is the cross browser issue? John Resig - (2005) wanted a more dedicated solutions to the bugs and a better API. Clear, cut and “terse”. Only one with documentation. very influencial in the JS world Major frameworks prototype, scriptaculous, mootools jQuery YUI ExtJS Backbone.js - MVC[E] - 866 forks - 6.6k+ watching A JavaScript library that helps you structure your client-side code with Models, Collections, and Views. Users: LinkedIn Mobile, Panora [new HTML5 site], Foursquare, Khan Academy [backbone + Jquery], Groupon Now! [local deals], Basecamp Mobile [37 Signals], Diaspora, SoundCloud Mobile Moving Forward How do you pick a framework (decision?) DOM: prototype DOM+Effects: JQuery DOM+Effects+UI Support: YUI, ExtJS Scalable JS Application: Backbone.js, YUI Not only browser. Utilities Next Episode. modernizr, underscore, handlebars, microjs Mentioned Links Framework List: YUI: JQuery: Backbone: Examples: Underscore:

 EP06 – Getting Started Appcelerator Titanium Mobile | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:07

EP06 - Getting Started Appcelerator Titanium Mobile This week we talk about what you need to know about developing with Appcelerator Titanium. We mention useful information for the first time Titanium developer. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of The Week In light of this weeks topic, Erick talks about one of his first Titanium project. Started out as a fun project to get to know Titanium and ended up being a very useful picture frame. Need To Know Use on both Windows and Mac OSX NEED Mac for iOS apps. Pros / Cons Pro: one code base multi platform Pro: JS [lang of the web] - you can start now Pro: can be extended to include latest SDK features Con: less control on system level things [mem] Con: native sdk moves faster than Ti Con: only iOS and Android for now [free] How Do I Use It Installation Install native SDK first Android is a bit of pain Titanium Studio IDE New Projects, compiles/debugs build for deployment app.js separating code into different files (windows) commonJS modules [v1.8] Namespacing Moving Forward Extending Titanium with Native Modules Ti Frameworks [link below] MVC Best Practices [link below] More? Vote for it on our website. Mentioned Links: Best Practices Modules Frameworks/Utilities

 EP05 – Getting Started With Linux #likeaboss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:37

EP05 - Getting Started With Linux #likeaboss This week we talk about the basics of the command line and what to look out for. When wanting to work or develope in a Linux/Unix environment there are a command set of concepts that you NEED to konw before you can feel comfortable in Linux/Unix. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Need To Know Shell (bash, sh, cmd.exe, Getting around the file directory is your ABCs tip: TAB key, double tap TAB Environment Vars (Variables that exist globally for any script on the server) .profile, .bash_rc $PATH variable (points to folders) $PROMPT var Workflow SSH: host, username, port. .ssh/config PROMPT (iOS App) Editors: vi, vim, emacs, nano, etc Version control: git, mercurial, etc. Moving Forward Package Managers OS: apt, apt-get, yum, mac_ports Languages: npm, easy_install, pecl

 EP04 – Making Money With Your Mobile App, with @joaopmaia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:40

EP04 - Making Money With Your Mobile App, with @joaopmaia This episode we talk how to make money with your mobile applications. There are a handful of pricing / business models to choose from. Listen to learn which model YOU should use for your app? Vote for your topic on our website. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Business Models Free with Ads Freemium Free + Premium In App Purchases Unloc Features Subscription Model Paid Apps $.99, $1.99, etc Freelancing Real World Scenarios KneeCap Arlo's "Hypothetical" App Giveaway Sponsor Your Letters is an app for the child near you to learn their letters in a fun way. We have 10 promo codes for our listeners (regularly $.99), listen to the end of the show for instructions on how to get a promocode. Guest: Joao Prado Maia Twitter Company


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