EP05 – Getting Started With Linux #likeaboss

Dev1.tv » Entry Level show

Summary: EP05 - Getting Started With Linux #likeaboss This week we talk about the basics of the command line and what to look out for. When wanting to work or develope in a Linux/Unix environment there are a command set of concepts that you NEED to konw before you can feel comfortable in Linux/Unix. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Need To Know Shell (bash, sh, cmd.exe, command.com) Getting around the file directory is your ABCs tip: TAB key, double tap TAB Environment Vars (Variables that exist globally for any script on the server) .profile, .bash_rc $PATH variable (points to folders) $PROMPT var Workflow SSH: host, username, port. .ssh/config PROMPT (iOS App) Editors: vi, vim, emacs, nano, etc Version control: git, mercurial, etc. Moving Forward Package Managers OS: apt, apt-get, yum, mac_ports Languages: npm, easy_install, pecl