EP11 – Intro to NoSQL

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Summary: This week we talk about NoSQL (Not Only SQL). Though we do not deep dive into any one particular schemaless database we cover their importance and what changes they are making in the web world today. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What do I need to know? Developed a while ago (1998), refined by high traffic sites facebook, yahoo, google, amazon Not relational No Joins, big performance boost document oriented: CouchDB, MongoDB, SimpleDB key value pair: Memchached, Redis extensive record: Google BigTable, Cassandra What do I do? NodeJS + MongoDB MongoLab.com php/redis, php/memchached Moving Forward Cloud hosting services aws.amazon.com/free How would I design for functional environment? Mentioned Links: Schemaless Databases Slides Mongo DB Hosting Schemaless DBs Video Another Video Chartbeat Tealeaf Correction: Chartbeat is the analytics tool mentioned, not "Heartbeat".