EP08 – Choosing Javascript Frameworks Part 2, Microframeworks

Dev1.tv » Entry Level show

Summary: This week we talk about what you need to know about choosing micro frameworks. These are small and highly reliable javascript helpers that can be included into any javascript application. They do not depend on any other framework or library, some can even be used out of browser. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link Hack of the Week Ericks talks about his attempt to remake "Charadium" iOS app. He explains his adventures with SocketIO.js and web sockets for HTML5. Javascript Utilities Modernizr.js - HTML5/CSS3 - 367 forks - 4.8k+ watching Underscore.js - Helpers - 397 forks - 4.2k+ watching A library of functional programming helpers for JavaScript that fit in nicely alongside jQuery [or any javascript application] Mustache.js Script Loading Microjs.org How nice do these play with each other SocketIO.js Mentioned Links: List: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_JavaScript_libraries Underscore: http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/ Microjs: http://microjs.org