EP20 – Ruby 101

Dev1.tv » Entry Level show

Summary: This week Arlo and Ryan talk about Ruby as a language and what to expect. We cover Ruby syntax and other useful features of the language. Funny conversation comparing javascript and php to what we learned from Ruby. Download: Direct Link Itunes: itunes link What’s up with Ruby? Why learn ABOUT ruby? History What makes it different? Everything is an object - similar to javascript? weird variables: @instance $global Benefits of Ruby? inherent multi threading Typeloosish Ruby Basics In such cases, the objects false and nil equates to false. Every other object like say 1, 0, "" are all evaluated to be true. everything is an object and it has methods. like numbers! variables? arrays? hashes? for - BAD LOOP each - GOOD LOOP syntax? NO SEMICOLON - BAD SEMICOLON methods classes strings lambdas/closures Try it out! Rubymonk Boom! TryRuby Ruby Koans Ruby in 20 mins