The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild

Summary: Finally a show that isn't censored by religiosity and cold traditionalism! The "Into the Wild" show is an unrestrained, cutting edge, over the top look at the Christian life, lived outside of the cage. If you are looking for something REAL and relevant; you've found it. Become a part of the revolution and be released into the wild.

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 The Magic of Trust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos talk about the beauty and magic of trust that has been lost to a head/thinking system of religion. We have been taught that trusting God is a \"head\" decision and that it can be reasoned out, planned and acted upon in certain situations. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. When we study bible verses dealing with trust and faith, and try to \"act\" them out in an effort to prove to God we trust Him, we are missing one of life\'s most magical and beautiful experiences. We are missing the magic of Christianity altogether. This is something only a child can achieve and only if it lives within their heart to begin with. The grace message takes more guts and belief than the most controlling religion in the world. This is a great conversation that will have you embracing believe more than ever. 

 MIDWEEK The Standing Power of Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos talk about all of the extra responsibilities religion has added on to our call to \"be a witness\" for Christ. Christians today honestly believe that the message of the gospel is only as powerful as the person delivering it. They\'ve been taught that their actions and reactions can either make or break the message they preach. Rather than know and understand the truth of God, we have a generation of people who honestly think that His truth is contingent upon their actions. It\'s no wonder our religion is dead. There is a new generation of people who understand that the truth of God is a \"HIM\" and not an \"IT.\" It\'s amazing to see the power of \"HIM\" sweep through groups of people and radically change everything in an instant. The truth is God is truly someone you can STAND ON. 

 MIDWEEK The Power of Unbelief | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos talk about how unbelief is just as powerful on it\'s end of the spectrum as BELIEF is on it\'s end. We act as though people who reject this message are just rejecting the principals of the message alone but this isn\'t true. When a person rejects this message they are displaying their unbelief in the person presenting the message. It\'s degrading, torturous, painful, heartbreaking and exasperating to have a person who doesn\'t believe in you even be in the same room as you. The power of a persons unbelief carries with it so much destruction that it can literally destroy a person from the inside out. This is a great conversation that will have you taking a second, third and forth look about what it means to BELIEVE. 

 Missing Pieces | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how important it is that we present this message to the world in the absolute rawness of who we really are from where we\'re really at. So many of us have been trained to act a certain way in order to \"represent\" the message as though the message were about \"not sinning.\" The result of this teaching is devastating on the body as a whole. We have created messengers who present themselves as something they are not in an effort to win the masses. Seekers end up confused and bewildered because they are taught that the heart of the gospel is about change rather than relationship. 

 MIDWEEK The Need for a Do Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk more about being on the road to understanding the \"Abba\" factor in our walk with God. The two wonder if it is entirely possible that many of us are purposefully reliving a portion of our childhood that was stolen away. For many Christians, the \"daddy\" factor is about having a \"do over\" in life. Sometimes we just need a \"do over\" because things didn\'t work out in OUR life like they did for everyone else. Having a daddy is an essential part of life and absolutely MUST be included in all do-overs:) 

 The Misunderstood You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how heart breaking and lonely it is the be misunderstood. After releasing The Misunderstood God, Darin has discovered that in many ways, he is just as misunderstood as his God is. Understanding the heart of God is more important to God then learning about His heart. It\'s one thing to know that He is misunderstood by this generation of people, but it\'s quite another to actually BE misunderstood along with him. There is a lot that is \"telling\" about his heart in the world of being misunderstood. So often Christians, think that ministry is about studying and learning about God\'s heart. What separates the students from the saints is that the latter group actually dive straight into the experience of God and live right through it in an effort to know God Himself. 

 MIDWEEK Whos your Daddy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert revisit the \"Abba\" revelation that they discussed in several podcasts last year. Our generation has downplayed fatherhood to the point where fathers are seen as insignificant and unneeded. Our cultures disrespect for our fathers has carried over into many people\'s relationship with God. Darin talks about how he doesn\'t feel he personally understands the significance of God as a \"daddy.\" Robert feels the same way and they b oth discuss whether or not they\'re totally missing something that God has for them in this area. This is an open conversation that you\'ll most likely relate to in one respect or another. Enjoy!

 Finding the Real You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We live in a world where there is a constant battle for control over our hearts. We\'re taught to blindly trust and obey anyone who seems to be in a position authority and to never even consider consulting our own hearts. The end result is that the average American person has given the control of their life over to everyone but themselves. The bottom line is that in the end, it is OUR responsibility to know the truth about us. Most Free Believers in the wild spend the first few years trying to get in touch with that inner voice that they\'ve ignored their entire lives. Finding the real you is the beginning of knowing God. 

 MIDWEEK - The Message to your Generation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin talks with Amy about a recent conversation he had with some church leaders who were questioning Darin\'s message and doctrine. In the modern day Christian world there\'s a SET way of doing things that is rarely challenged. Darin says and does things that go completely against the established norm and because of this, many leaders are taken back and confused. To some, he comes across as angry. Others find him to be deliberately controversial and \"in your face.\" When you take a good hard look at the spiritual brokenness that Christians live in today, it makes perfect sense what drives Darin. Darin and Amy discuss the importance of KNOWING your generation before bringing the Gospel message to it. it\'s time that today\'s preachers take a heart felt look at the people who this message is for. Though the Gospel message is unchanging, it is also ever-changing because each generation has a different set of circumstances that need to be addressed straight from the heart. 

 Is What I have the Real Thing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert express feelings that so many people have gone through at one point or another. We second guess what we have with God and secretly wonder if we\'re not just fooling ourselves. it\'s so easy to compare our spirituality with what other people seem to have. When listening to some people talk about how close they are with God and how they have these incredible conversations with Him it\'s almost impossible not to feel like a failure and a fraud. Relationship with God is so abstract that it\'s impossible to compare what we really have with anyone. Nevertheless we all try, and every time we do, we come up empty, depressed, disheartened, hopeless and asking the question, \"Is what I have with God, the REAL thing, or am I just fooling myself?\"

 MIDWEEK The Voice of Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the difference between the lifelessness of religion and the very voice of God Himself. The Grace message is more than a new improved doctrine. It\'s an entirely different world altogether. Unfortunately there are people who encounter the \"teaching\" part of the grace message and they memorize it, subscribe to it, write it down, preach it and believe in it with their head. To them it\'s just a change in facts. It\'s a new set of principles that sound better than the old. Until we give our hearts over to loving people, we will always be stuck memorizing the facts and details about grace and following them like a new religion. Who will hear this message and get it?

 The Beauty of Failing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee discus the topic of failure and how most of us have been taught in the church that we\'re constantly being tested by God. We\'ve been taught that until we \"pass\" these little life tests we simply will not move on. Some of us actually believe we haven\'t moved a spiritual inch in years because we still struggle with the same things we struggled with ten years ago. For many people Christianity is nothing more than a self help group that is all about ultimately reaching a state of spiritual perfection. We become terrified of being human. The sad part of all this is that we learn more through failing than we do when we succeed. Rather than embrace our mistakes and grow from them, we teach ourselves to hide from them and make believe we\'ve got it all together. 

 A Whole New World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about how easy it is for Free Believers to enter into the \"grace world\" carrying law-based expectations with them. After being raised in institutional christianity for so long it\'s difficult for us to let go of the things that seemed to be so important in that world and allow yourself the right to relax and KNOW that we are carried completely by grace. Religion lives in the world of sin. It thrives in that world. It needs that world to survive. When a Christian enters the world of Grace, it is without question a whole new world. It actually takes practice to live in the grace world because everything within us is screaming for law and performance. The Grace world requires you to let go of everything and relax. 

 Not Resisting Evil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about the difference between following a list of church made rules and following the law that is written in each of our hearts. We have been taught that life in the Christian world is about avoiding evil. Rather than LIVE life and avoid evil along the way we have been convinced that LIVING LIFE is ABOUT avoiding evil. The result of this religious mentality is that our lives have been stolen away from us. We spiritually injure ourselves more by \"resisting evil\" than we do by anything else in this lifetime. When you experience true life for the first time; avoiding evil isn\'t even on the menu. In the world of grace the rules are different. 

 MIDWEEK- Living Out Your Calling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about what to do with things you\'ve believed were your calling since childhood. Many Free Believers feel like they\'ve lost themselves when they entered the wild because for most of their lives they felt they were called to do a specific thing in the ministry. Now that they are no longer involved in the church world, that \"calling\" seems to have vanished. When do we know when something is REALLY a calling from God and when is it just something we signed onto through religious peer pressure? Could it be that we are limiting our calling to a world of institutionalized religion when God had something much bigger in mind for us. At what point do we let go of what we believe we are? If it truly IS a \"calling\" from God, it shouldn\'t matter whether or not we\'re in a Church or in the wild; it will come to pass!


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