The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild

Summary: Finally a show that isn't censored by religiosity and cold traditionalism! The "Into the Wild" show is an unrestrained, cutting edge, over the top look at the Christian life, lived outside of the cage. If you are looking for something REAL and relevant; you've found it. Become a part of the revolution and be released into the wild.

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 Interview with Aida Calder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin talks with Aida Calder about the different forms of leadership we are seeing manifest in the body today. The two also discuss how becoming a Free Believer has awakened their spirits to how multidimensional they are. Religion has a way of making each of us one-demensional in our thinking. Once we realize we are loved, free and safe with God, we are free to explore this world in a whole different way. Aida talks about all the things she has learned about herself as a result of her new found freedom in Christ. Aida is the moderator of the FBN forum and a close friend to Darin and his family. You\'ll enjoy her heart in this podcast. She is the embodiment of what Free Believerism is all about. 

 Enter the World of the Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about what it means to always be ready to give reason for what you believe. Our religion has taught us to hang everything on bible verses and tradition. This generation is no longer satisfied with believing because it is written or believing because someone else told us. The people of today require a personal experience. We aren\'t satisfied with blind faith.  Our reason for believing the way we do is because we have personally witnessed the things we talk about. When you live in the world of the heart, the truth of God becomes glaringly evident. Living in the world of heart is truly what separates Free Believers from the script-reading Christians who go door to door \"witnessing\" about Jesus. 

 Raising Standards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos continue their discussion on the subject of dating in the wild.  They have a serious chat about being real with ourselves and raising our personal standards. So many of us believe that we have no inner value because we live in a fatherless generation. Our standards are directly related to how we believed our father saw us. Unfortunately because such a sizable percentage of people in this world come from a broken home, we are left not knowing who or what we are. How do you recover from the feeling that you\'re nothing special? Why is it important that we DO recover from that lie? This is a great podcast that you\'ll want to pass on to people you love.

 Dating Standards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos discuss the popular reality show, The Batchelorette. The two talk about the dating world today and how difficult it is to find a relationship that isn\'t as broken as we are. Each of us seem to have a set standard that governs who we are attracted too and who is attracted to us. We spend our entire lives wondering why we keep getting our heart broken and the answer is found is how we see ourselves. Whatever we believe to be true of ourselves is what we will ultimately settle for in a spouse. This is a great discussion for both married and single people. 

 The Person He Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about what things are relative when it comes to God and what things are not. It is inevitable that we will all see God from a different perspective. We are bound to have different encounters with different views of His heart and personality, but at what point should we expect all of our views to coincide and come into agreement? There are some who believe that God is whatever we make Him out to be and no one can really say who He is. This viewpoint is steeped in atheism. The root of this mentality comes from the belief that there really isn\'t a God with a specific personality. If God is real, there must be absolutes when it comes to knowing Him. Eventually, all of our experiences must meet up and fit together because ultimately they are describing the same person.  

 What is it that you seek part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert continue last weeks conversation about what it is we are seeking. It\'s easy for many of us to spend our time and energy making sure we\'re never put in bondage again. There comes a time when it just might be necessary for each of us to revisit some of the things we threw away during our religious detox period. The question is; will we reexamine these things or will we close our heart off to anything that reminds us of the bondage of our past? We are either freedom seekers or we\'re God seekers. The former will detach and destroy anything in it\'s path and the latter will stop at nothing to find the Heart of the Father. 

 MIDWEEK What is it That You Seek? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about their concerns regarding the Free Believers Network and the path that a select few people seem to be taking. For many of us, we spent the first few years as Free Believers, going through our religious closets - tossing out everything that no longer fits what we know to be true of Him. This is a normal part of transition into the wild. The question must always be asked; \"What is okay to toss and what do we keep?\" None of us are perfect and we are all bound to make mistakes along the way, but at what point do we take a stand for specific things? This \"transition period\" that we go through as Free Believers not only defines our faith, but it also exposes our lack of it. It is this \"closet-cleaning-time\" where the sheep and the goats are truly separated and while many discover they\'ve always known Him; many others discover they\'ve never known Him at all. In the world of, \"what to toss and what to keep,\" we find, \"WHAT IT IS WE TRULY SEEK.\"  

 Rapture Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the recent prediction of the Rapture and how it affected so many people world wide. They go on to discuss what position a believer should take on the subject and why it\'s important that we stop looking for signs and start living our lives. The very topic of the Rapture notoriously terrifies Christians because of how it has been used to manipulate and control people in the church world. Most of us have been taught to \"get ready\" and \"prepare\" ourselves for the rapture when in reality there is absolutely nothing any of us can do to make ourselves more ready then we already are. Whether you believe in an actual \"rapture\" or not, really doesn\'t matter. The important thing is that you live life abundantly and you live it now. 

 MIDWEEK Giving up your instrument rating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

MIDWEEK Giving up your instrument rating

 Interview with Drew Marshall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:24

Darin and Aimee speak with Drew Marshall about his current spirituality. Drew is the host of, The Drew Marshall Show\" Canada\'s most listened to spiritual talk show. You\'ll enjoy this. 

 Interview with William Paul Young | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:11

Darin and Aimee talk with William Paul Young, author of, The Shack. 

 The Doctrine of Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how Christianity has been marketed to the world as an instrument of change rather than a relationship. As a result, people judge their success as a Christian by how much they\'ve changed since they\'ve accepted Christ. So many people feel that God chose them as a \"fixer upper\" rather than because He loved them and wanted intimacy with them. It\'s sad to see how many of us focus more on being healed or \"getting better\" then we do on knowing the heart of God. Change happens naturally in the course of life. It happens to the righteous and the wicked. God didn\'t choose us because He wanted to change us. He chose us for relationship because He really likes us the way we are. 

 MIDWEEK Magical Trust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos discuss the difference between believing in God for a specific thing at a specific time and TRUSTING God overall in our lives. Our religion has encouraged us to life our lives from prayer to prayer. We tend to gauge how we\'re doing with God, by how many of the things we believed Him for actually came about. Rather than sitting in silent trust, we attempt to harness control over everything and MAKE things happen through our \"believe.\" This is a great discussion that hits straight to the heart of how shallow Christianity can be when it\'s linked with religion. It\'s also a picture of how simple it can be if we just trust Him. 

 Prayer: Uniquely Individual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how God speaks differently to each of us, but religion has caused humanity to close themselves off to their specific mode of communication with the father. Religion only allows several ways in which God can speak to us. When we buy into that mentality, we inevitably become blind and deaf to hearing Him as individuals. The beauty of this message is that God no longer deals with people in groups. He is an individual God now. When we understand this amazing fact, we begin to listen as individuals. We open our minds to the possibility that God wants to speak to us in a unique and individual way. Discovering how He communicates with each of us is a beautiful process that requires freedom to be in the air at all times. 

 MIDWEEK The Strength and Weakness Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about how our religion has taught us to rid ourselves of our weaknesses and in doing so, many of us have erased our very essence. So many Free Believers have lost sight of who they are because they have been taught to ignore their heart altogether. The problem with this way of thinking is that our weaknesses are usually attached to our strengths and our strengths have everything to do with our essence. When we banish our weaknesses, we banish our strengths and all that we are. You have to take the good with the bad. This is a great conversation that will have you rethinking most of what you\'ve been taught to believe. 


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