The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild

Summary: Finally a show that isn't censored by religiosity and cold traditionalism! The "Into the Wild" show is an unrestrained, cutting edge, over the top look at the Christian life, lived outside of the cage. If you are looking for something REAL and relevant; you've found it. Become a part of the revolution and be released into the wild.

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 Whats The Deal With Mentorship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos talk about what religion has done to true mentorship. It\'s a horrible thing to sit back and watch a heartless institution take hold of something so beautiful and important to life and turn it into a mindless, robotic babysitter with a one-size-fits-all mentality. Our churches have turned mentorship into a job or a \"ministry\" rather than just allowing it to naturally bloom in the lives of each person. Anytime we attempt to regulate and control things that spontaneously blossom because of the Holy Spirit, we are attempting to regulate and control God Himself. Mentorship isn\'t something you plan. It\'s something that surfaces where it\'s needed and fades away when it\'s not. 

 Emotional Molestation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee have a conversation about a school retreat Darin\'s daughter attended where the speaker preyed upon the children\'s emotions in order to make them believe a life changing event took place within them. The two begin to talk about how many Christian churches do the same thing. Getting people emotional has become a God-ingredient in most church services today. People don\'t even feel like they\'ve encountered God unless they cried their eyes out at some point during the service. Many Free Believers are on a long road to recovery from this line of thinking. Understanding that God is present and involved in our lives whether we\'re emotional about it or not is one of the first steps everyone must take in the wild.

 You Get What You Deserve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy discuss the age old human philosophy where we believe we ultimately get what we deserve in life. Whether we openly admit to it or just subconsciously struggle with it, there\'s something inside each of our hearts that sometimes wonders if we aren\'t all eventually going to get paid back for every wrong thing we\'ve done.  Arriving to an answer as to what we deserve is a bit more complicated then just adding up what a person has done or where they\'ve been. This is precisely what religion had been doing for hundreds of years. In the end, it isn\'t \"religion\" that we stand before; it\'s our Father. Fathers determine what we deserve, not by the rules we\'ve broken or the things we\'ve done. Fathers determine this by our NAME.  

 Back to Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee revisit the original \"Love Series\" that Darin taught almost 13 years ago in Phoenix Arizona. This particular teaching series later was put into book form and given the title, \"The God\'s Honest Truth.\" five years later it was republished by Windblown Media as, \"The Misunderstood God.\" The original audio teaching has been heard by nearly a half a million people world wide and continues to be the most popular series in the FBN. Darin and Aimee have decided to bring this awesome series to the Into the Wild show. Be sure to catch all 16 episodes of the Love Series with Darin Hufford and Aimee Dassele!!!

 Overcoming Your Greatast Enemy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Overcoming Your Greatast Enemy

 Misused Believe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown
 Being A Freedom Protector | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Being A Freedom Protector

 Holding Tight to Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee have a serious conversation about the absolute necessity that each of us hold tight to the freedom that we have in Christ. It\'s so easy to become lazy and un-protective of freedom because it feels like it\'s free. It seems so simple and easy, but the bottom line is that bondage creeps up on us and slowly overtakes us when we\'re not even paying attention. It is in our nature as human beings to steer our life towards oppression. Without constant supervision and a stern look-out we will inevitably end up right back where we started from. Paul warns the people of this over and over throughout the scriptures because it\'s a real threat.

 The Responsibility of Believe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert have a great discussion about how people have misused the power of \"believe\" to get a temporary high or rush. Because so many of us Christians have been imprisoned in a world where there is very little truth to believe in, we end up using our \"believe\" where ever we can. Rather than place it in the things it was made for, we end up placing it just about anything that will gratify us for the moment. Most of us have been taught to put our believe in lies and half truths for so long that we don\'t even know what\'s real anymore. When you truly understand the power of your \"believe\" you begin to see how necessary it is that you take responsibility for where you place it. 

 Unlocking Intimacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin talks with Aimee about a question a person asked him while he was in Mississippi. The person asked how we get an intimate relationship with God? What do we have to do to establish intimacy with Him? Darin and Aimee discuss this question and how there really is no one-size-fits-all answer for it. Each one of us must find our own way to reach the heart of God. There isn\'t a principal that we can all follow that will bring us to an intimate relationship with Him. Contrary to what most of us have beenn told in Church, God isn\'t a vending machine. He has something different with each one of us and we all must find Him on our own. Part of the Christian walk is discovering how He speaks to you personally. You\'ll enjoy this discussion. 

 Re-Learning Friendship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee have a great conversation about how institutional thinking has stunted our growth and limited our prospects for deep personal friendships. When we leave that world of religious bondage there\'s a process of re-learning that takes place in each of our lives where we literally have to discover principals that most people got from the age of five. The institutional world dictates every friendship we have, making it impossible for anything natural to bloom. Life in the wild is a process of becoming the type of friend you would have become if your religion had not captured and caged you in a world of fear. 

 The Glorious Power of Knowing His Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Glorious Power of Knowing His Heart

 The New World Of Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The New World Of Grace

 Attacking the Hearts of Worry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Attacking the Hearts of Worry

 The Doctrine of Self Loathing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Doctrine of Self Loathing


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