MIDWEEK What is it That You Seek?

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

Summary: Darin and Robert talk about their concerns regarding the Free Believers Network and the path that a select few people seem to be taking. For many of us, we spent the first few years as Free Believers, going through our religious closets - tossing out everything that no longer fits what we know to be true of Him. This is a normal part of transition into the wild. The question must always be asked; \"What is okay to toss and what do we keep?\" None of us are perfect and we are all bound to make mistakes along the way, but at what point do we take a stand for specific things? This \"transition period\" that we go through as Free Believers not only defines our faith, but it also exposes our lack of it. It is this \"closet-cleaning-time\" where the sheep and the goats are truly separated and while many discover they\'ve always known Him; many others discover they\'ve never known Him at all. In the world of, \"what to toss and what to keep,\" we find, \"WHAT IT IS WE TRULY SEEK.\"