MIDWEEK- Living Out Your Calling

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

Summary: Darin and Robert talk about what to do with things you\'ve believed were your calling since childhood. Many Free Believers feel like they\'ve lost themselves when they entered the wild because for most of their lives they felt they were called to do a specific thing in the ministry. Now that they are no longer involved in the church world, that \"calling\" seems to have vanished. When do we know when something is REALLY a calling from God and when is it just something we signed onto through religious peer pressure? Could it be that we are limiting our calling to a world of institutionalized religion when God had something much bigger in mind for us. At what point do we let go of what we believe we are? If it truly IS a \"calling\" from God, it shouldn\'t matter whether or not we\'re in a Church or in the wild; it will come to pass!