School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

Summary: Learn the tips and tricks of Podcasting. Are you looking to start a Podcast, get more listeners, promote your site, and create a great sounding Podcast? It's the official podcast of

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 How Much Money Can You Make Podcasting? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:18

This is not a post to brag (as there are people who make LOTS more money than I do podcasting) but to answer a question I get frequently. How much money can I make as a podcaster? To this I say, the more you put in, the more you get out. You do need the following: 1. A profitable niche. I've done a podcast for musicians for 8 years. Have you ever heard the phrase "Starving artist?" apparently there is a reason for that. We know that Americans spend LOTS of money on weight loss industry items. Consequently, one of my most profitable podcasts is my Logical Weight Loss podcast. 2. You need to know your audience. You do this via email, voice mail, comments, meetups, etc. 3. You do need an audience. My smallest audience is my Weekly Web Tools (about 200 downloads) but the people who listen LOVE it. My two least profitable podcasts are Feeding my Faith, and the Marketing Musician podcast. I would also note that these are the two podcasts with the least reliable publishing schedule. Those podcasts are "Do as I say - not as I do." With only 24 hours in the day, I fail to meet my projected weekly schedule. I plan on doing Marketing Musician twice a month. Likewise the "Podcast review show" is done on a "as needed basis" as the reviews are ordered. I should pick some podcasts to review to keep the podcast more consistent.   With this in mind, I'm going to peel back my curtain and show you what I made in July 2012 Number of Downloads Per Show in July School of Podcasting 24,929 Logical Weight Loss ( 9,855 Marketing Musician: 1578 Jillian Michaels Podcast ( 1089 Weekly Web Tools ( 796 Building a Better Dave ( 602 More Podcast Money ( 486 Feeding My Faith ( Power of Podcasting 459 Total downloads 39,918   Affiliate Marketing Amazon: $86.91 $8.48 Jillian Michaels Podcast $1.91 Logical Weight Loss $25.32 More Podcast Money $1.64 School of Podcasting $47.94 Support This Show $1.62 Host Gator (School of Podcasting): $500 Jillian Michaels Website (linkshare): $35 Weekly Web Tools ( $33.54 Logical Weight Loss (24 hour fitness) $5 Audible (Jillian Michaels) $333 Total Affiliate Income $988.45 Donations Tip 5: $4.50 Logical Weight Loss $25 Total Donations $29.5 Sales of Products Podcast Review Show $19.99 Consulting: $259 Membership Sites: $314.77 Audio Editing: $81 Book Royalties $20.24 Web Hosting $4 Total Product Sales $683.01 Total Income: $1,730.46 $8.48 $8.50 Logical Weight Loss $50.32 School of Podcasting $654.77 More Podcast Money $21.88 Weekly Web Tools: $34.54 Jillian Michaels $369.91 Support This show $1.62 Feeding My Faith $0 Building a Better Dave $0 Expenses Blubrry Hosting $12 Libsyn Media Hosting $45 Web Hosting: $15 Paypal $35.73 Total Expenses $107.73 Net Income $1622.73 Mentioned on the Show If you'd like to make more money with your podcast check out my book More Podcast Money ( at Use Audible as a "sponsor" of your show sign up here ( Listen to my audible tips here ( Emember ( script Wishlist ( Plugin Digital Access Pass ( is the plugin I use at the School of Podcasting    

 How Much Money Can You Make Podcasting? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:19

How Much Money Can You Make Podcasting?

 Donovan Adkisson Podcasting Year One – PowerPress Tip – Making it Easy To Consume Your Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:42

Mail Chimp RSS to Newsletter Paul Clifford from ( mentions that he uses Mail Chimp (free) to convert his RSS into a newsletter. We had talked ( providing a newsletter for your audience so they can consume your content in whatever form they want it in. New Pricing At the School of Podcasting $39.99 first month $4.99 every Month After I have removed some of their information at the school of podcasting that not everyone needed (like my book More Podcast Money (, and the resource section ( is now public. Donovan Adkisson Podcasting Year One [easyazon-image-link asin="B008SC5TCQ" alt="Podcasting: Year One" src="" align="left" width="100" height="160"]Today we interview Donovan Adkisson who just released the book Podcasting Year One for Kindle (for the record you can read Kindle books on any platform). In this interview we talk with Donovan about his travels through his first year of podcasting. Donovan podcasts in a different style than I do, and if you are looking to podcast "Live" and stream video while you do it check out this book. You can read my full review of the book at my blog. One advice for podcasters is be sure to read an author's book before they come on your show. It will improve the interview. Check out Donovan's podcast at ( Your Podcast Website Should Have These Items 1. iTunes Link/Button 2. Standard RSS button 3. A player (if you're using PowerPress be sure to use the HTML5 Player) PowerPress Tip If you REALLY like the 1 pixel out player (because it can be customized to show different colors). Make your settings, and then capture your screen of the button and use it with the HTML5 player (that's what I'm doing on this website).   Mentioned in this Podcast Special Mouse Podcast Ministry Encouragement Podcast ( Podcasters Roundtable ( Weekly Web Tools (

 Donovan Adkisson Podcasting Year One - PowerPress Tip - Making it Easy To Consume Your Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:42

Donovan Adkisson Podcasting Year One - PowerPress Tip - Making it Easy To Consume Your Podcast

 Illegal Music in Podcasting – Missing RSS Buttons – Mark and Lynda Podcast. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:27

OK, I'm having a really bad day, but talking podcasting always cheers me up. I wanted to bring your attention to the fact that playing major label music in your podcast illegal, and I would definitely NOT have it as part of my intro music. Especially when I can use a service like Music Radio Creative ( and get it faster for not a whole lot more money. Jay Mohr's new podcasting network only has buttons for iTunes. This doesn't help people who want to listen on a smart phone. Mark and Brian's "Mark" launches the Mark and Lynda podcast who are using a NING site. You could do this and use Libsyn to place a podcast on their site. Mentioned on Today's Show (

 Illegal Music in Podcasting - Missing RSS Buttons - Mark and Lynda Podcast. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:28

Illegal Music in Podcasting - Missing RSS Buttons - Mark and Lynda Podcast.

 Podcasting Boosts Business – with Connie and Sheila | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:34

Today I am back after speaking at a writers convention about building your own website, and podcasting. I knew Connie and Sheila were going to be there so I set up an interview. They have a great story and provide proof that podcasting builds business by: 1. Showing you are an expert 2. Building a relationship with your audience 3. Showing you are reliable 4. Leaving an "audio business card." The one piece of the puzzle that I want to point out is that Connie and Sheila had given their friend (who worked at the bank) a business card that pointed the seller to their website. Make sure everyone you know has your business card that directs them back to your website. For more information about Connie and Sheila chec k out their website at ( Connie Releases a New Book Thinking Consciously Rocks!

 Podcasting Boost Business - with Connie and Sheila | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:34

Podcasting Boost Business - with Connie and Sheila

 Three Things All Podcasters Start With | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:59

There are certain items that every podcaster has when they launch their podcast. Today I want to go over them and discuss their importance. 1. Control The GREAT thing about podcasting is the FREEDOM you have (compared to radio where you have a program director who tell you what to say, what to play, how to say it). If you are a solo podcaster you have the ultimate authority over your brand, you production, EVERYTHING you have control over. If somewhere down the road you want to change something YOU CAN. You have control. 2. Innocence When you say it's a weekly podcast and then you put out a show every week, you are seen as reliable. This is a reliable until proven unreliable kind of situation. If you miss a week, they will forgive you. If you take a break for a month, they might not. 3. Integrity When I press the record button, I say the same things I say when the microphone is off. Some people might say I'm "keeping it real." The truth is people have come to value my opinion because of my experience. I deeply appreciate that and do not take it lightly. Consequently, when a new product comes along and I see where there is a high commission on it, I don't instantly start talking about it on my podcasts. I do some research. I figure out if this is something my audience might enjoy or use. If possible I get my hands on the product, or at least watch some videos so I can provide some insight (and I always say if I have or have not used an item). When I went to wikipedia I read this definition for "Selling out." "Selling out" is the compromising of integrity, morality, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money. I've approached other companies that I like and use to see if I could get equipment to try (review) and send back. So far none of the companies I approach can accommodate that request. When I was at Blogworld in New York I heard many people talking about how great B&H Photo is for gear. They do have a wide selection. It's like going to K-Mart for podcasters. They have a very knowledgeable sales staff, and from what I hear great support. I contacted them and if I can send them enough traffic I should be able to get some equipment for reviewing (I'm still in discussions). This is great. They have an affiliate program which made it even better. Then I started doing some comparisons on their pricing. That's when things went weird. On the Audio Technica ATR2100USB they are $30 more than amazon. Now on the Heil PR40 they are $5 cheaper than When I checked more of the products that I recommend, I saw where their prices were often slightly higher. You can see this by going to ( My dilemma is, if I bring them on as THE resource for equipment, I end up knowingly referring you to a company that is costing you more money. I consider you my friend. I wouldn't do that for a friend. To me that is selling out. While I would love to be a reviewer for them, I can't do it if it means I have to lie to you. You mean more to me than equipment. Last 5 in 5 Thanks to Doug from the Movie Madness Podcast ( for today's last 5 in 5. Check out his podcast if you like to talk movies. 1. The School of Podcasting - Podcasting Tips (this site). 2. Horror Etc ( - Great podcast for Horror Movies 3. Stuck in the 80 ('s - Great podcast if you love the 80's 4. The Art of Wrestling ( - Wresting Podcast from Colt Cabana 5. WDW Radio ( All things Walt Disney

 Three Things All Podcasters Start With | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:59

Three Things All Podcasters Start With

 Pepsi Money Comes to Podcasting – PodPress is Still a Bad Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Podcasters Roundtable When I had lunch with Ray Ortega at BlogWorld in NY, he had thrown out the idea of a Podcaster's Roundtable and this past Thursday he made it happen. We used a Google Hangout and once we got the technical issues behind us, it was pretty cool. It was myself, Ray, Daniel J Lewis, and Michael Bell from Blubrry ( (who will be launching a new podcast about podcasting soon). You can watch it at ( or on youtube ( Appearance on Dan Lyons "How to Podcast Like a Pro" Show I recently appeared on the "How to Podcast Like a Pro" show with Dan Lyons (who I met at BlogWorld). We talked about the top podcasting questions. Listen to it here ( Pepsi Jumps Into the Podcast Sponsor Pool Its been reported ( that Jay Mohr ( a deal with Pepsi Max. Mohr provides Pepsi with a targeted audience of males 18-49 and even has a strong female following. Fans can go to ( or ( for more information. In addition to being a comedian/ actor he's kind of a renascence guy.  The cool thing is that the Cola companies are now starting to sponsor podcast so that's a good thing. Why PodPress is a Bad Idea Back in 2005 we needed a way to input iTunes tags, we wanted a player on our websites, and PodPress delivered. It was supported y by Dan Kuykendall (who I interviewed back in April of 2006 ( The plugin took off, and its been downloaded over 800,000 times. Word press was releasing updates on a super regular basis. I made a video for version 4.1 to help Dan with some of support questions he was getting. Then when Wordpress 2.6 came out things went bad. Very bad. When I did some research ( found a post where a user stated, "I upgraded my WP to 2.6 and now I cannot write a new post, new page or even edit a post/page without IE7 crashing." The worst part of it, was everyone's site broke at the same time. We all needed Dan to update PowerPress. Dan was gone. I don't hold this against him (OK, maybe a little). You see most people never donate to the plugin developers. We should, but we don't. Dan had other priorities (that helped him pay his bills). I understand why he abandoned this plugin, what I have a problem with is the way he did it. H just left. Finally Angelo Mandato answer the call that everyone was making and developed PowerPress. A plugin that is super easy to switch from PodPress to PowerPress. While some might argue that we are again are connecting with a plugin that is supported by one person I would point out a big difference. Angelo works for a Podcasting community that provides media hosting, downloads stats, advertising deals, and exposure for podcasters. In the horrible event that Angelo would not be available to continue developing PowerPress, I'm sure Todd Cochrane (Ceo of Raw Voice) would find someone else to support the plugin and continue with its development. For a long time choosing to use PodPress would be like choosing to buy a Pontiac G6. Pontiac (the company) went out of business. If there is a problem with your G6, anyone who works on your car you hope has some experience with this model. In reality if it breaks the person fixing it will first have to spend time understanding how it works, so they can troubleshoot whatever is wrong. I say this because my wife drives a Pontiac G6. We will be looking to sell it soon.

 Pepsi Money Comes to Podcasting - PodPress is Still a Bad Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Pepsi Money Comes to Podcasting - PodPress is Still a Bad Choice

 Music Podcasters Have Musicians Contact You – Podcast Equipment Recommendations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:04

Music Podcasters Have Musicians Contact You if you are a music podcaster, there is this new service, I don’t know how new it is, it’s called musicxray. And if you go out to ( you can sign up as a m...

 Music Podcasters Have Musicians Contact You - Podcast Equipment Recommendations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:04

Music Podcasters Have Musicians Contact You - Podcast Equipment Recommendations

 The Wrong Way To Grow Your Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:06

Hooking Your Audience I recently wrote an article about a guy who wanted to spend $20 to get thirty unique iTunes reviews. This is not the way to grow your audience. Cheaters never win. Read the story here ( I know we all want large audiences but it takes time. On the other hand a friend of mine just released a new podcast last week and his first show (with zero promotion) had 22 downloads in a week. My friend Tina who we heard from on show 300 (14 weeks ago) is getting close to to...I mean mid three figure downloads. Shes is growing her audience by being honest, legitimate, and reliable. I tried cheat as an experiment by using Tweet Adder ( Where I now have over 1627 followers, where my legitimate twitter account (learntopodcast) has less than 300. However, when I look at my replies, and the number of clients I've found on twitter, they all come my legitimate account where I interact with people one on one. You can read more about this at this post ( New Way to Get Tipped I spoke about this on the More Podcast Money show (which is about my book "More Podcast Money"). This systems allows you to pick an ID and then when people text your ID  to 1-202-800-1100 they are asked if you would like to tip this person which takes them to a page with a paypal donate button. This this I ask, isn't logging into a paypal account a bit of a challenge on a smart phone (I hate to type on mine). What do you think? Want to see what it looks like? text podcast to 1-202-800-1100 Mentioned In This Show Tweet Adder ( (automated Twitter tool) Wordpress Plugins A to Z podcast ( More Podcast Money Now Available at ( Chasing the Free Podcasting Dream This week I've spoken with people who have wasted HUNDREDS of hours, even YEARS because they are trying to podcast for free. Is there a hobby that you are aware of that doesn't require money? (Besides walking, and even that requires shoes). People are missing the opportunity to makes friends, change the world, educated, entertain, make people laugh, cry, think, groan, etc because they won't spend the $49 for a microphone, and $22 a month for the hosting (and $10 a YEAR). Bowling requires you pay for the games. Golf requires clubs, and you pay to play Guitars requires new strings from time to time. Photography requires storage disks. Listening to live music requires a cover charge Listening to comedians often has a two drink minimum. Wine tasting requires paying for the wine If you don't have a website, you can have me setup your website, and gain access to the School of Podcasting (for 30 days) for free by using my Quick Start ( plan. You can also get a free month of media hosting at by using the promo code sopfree Why can you find the money for these hobbies, but you can't find the money for a hobby that has potential to actually make money? Leave your comments below..


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