School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

Summary: Learn the tips and tricks of Podcasting. Are you looking to start a Podcast, get more listeners, promote your site, and create a great sounding Podcast? It's the official podcast of

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 The Wrong Way To Grow Your Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:07

The Wrong Way To Grow Your Audience

 Are You Making These Podcasting Mistakes? – The Dates From Hell Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:21

While I normally show and tell you how to start a podcast the correct way, today I'm going to tell you how I started a podcast on a dare and it taught me some valuable lessons. Here is what we did right: 1. We got some cool album art 2. We got an easy to use domain name ( - no longer active) 3. We hired a cool voice guy ( to do the intro 4. We found some cool music to kick it off 5. He put systems in place (like voicemail ( to interact with our audience. Here is What We Did Wrong: 1. We didn't have a reliable source of content. 2. We started the podcast not based on our passon but based on a dare, and the intention of making money. 3. We had a promotional plan that basically was spam. We didn't promote at all. 4. Our goal was to get people to sign up for dating sites, but out content scared them away So we didn't have any content, and our listeners were too scared to join our recommended dating sites. We had no promotion strategy (and you need to promote your podcast). When the fun of having a new podcast wore off, there was no passion, no listeners, no money, and in the end - no podcast. We did four episodes, and quit. Podcasting Resources Open as we rebuild That Section I have a good news bad news situation with the School of Podcasting Podcast Resource Section. I had one person say, "The good news is it has everything. The bad news is it has everything. " So I have gone through andredeisgned it (a work in progress). While I'm building it, I'm not protecting it. If you want to see it go to ( Bonus Content I'm doing osmething I've never done (you know me I like to play with stuff). So if you buy the School of Podcasting iPhone ( or Android App, you will get the first episode of the Dates From Hell show (which is not available anywhere). School of Podcasting - Android App ( ( School of Podcasting iPhone App (

 How NOT to Start a Podcast - The Dates From Hell Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:21

How NOT to Start a Podcast - The Dates From Hell Story

 An Affordable Podcast Microphone That Solves All Podcast Issues Audio Technica AT2005USB Reviewed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:14

Audio Technica AT2005USB Review Condensor USB microphones picked up too much room noise, had echo issues, poor signal strength, and only worked with your computer (so if you later moved to a mixer it became a paper weight). Today I talk about the Audio Technica AT2005USB ( ($78 at Amazon) and it's little brother the ATR2100-USB ( ($49 at amazon). That solve these issues: 1. Dynamic (not condensor) microphones that pick up less room noise 2. No echo issues 3. Great signal strength 4. Operates as a USB AND an XLR microphone (works with a mixer). While I originally thought this might be a good "starter" microphone, I put it up against an Electrovice RE320 ( ($266), a Sure SM58 (, and the Audio Technica AT2005 ( ($78)  keeps up with all of them (A great warm sound with plenty of clarity). Best of all, it's little brother the Audio technica ATR-2100 USB ( is "pretty much" the same mic (no carrying case, and it's silver not black) clocks in at $49 ( I'm very impressed. It provides Heil PR40 sound quality at 1/4 of the price. If you were recording skype, you plug your headphones into the microphone and you will hear your voice as well as the other people on skype. If you need to adjust the volume of your headphones there is a knob on the bottom of the microphone. This way you have a "Starter" (more like keeper) microphone that can grow with you in the event you later want to add a mixer to your podcast setup. ( Widgets Last 5 in 4 With Dan Lyons of How to Podcast Like a Pro 1. Freedom Ocean ( 2. SmartPassive Income ( 3. Internet Business Mastery ( 4. A state of trance Podcast ( 5. The Morning Noodle Studio (no really).. Free Skype Recorder Vs PowerGramo Today we hear that when your ORIGINAL file is an mp3 file and then you save it later as an mp3 file. You always want to record all parts of your podcast as a wav file (or aiff on a Mac). Then when you mix down the final episode as an mp3 it sounds the best it can be. ifree Skype recorder ( Powergramo (professional) Powergramo allows you to save it as a WAV file wich means what you hear is what you recorder. An mp3 files is compressed and cuts some of the quality. If you have the budget, I would go with Powergramo. I typically record my skype calls with my portable recorder (video showing how ( Today in Podcasting is Back Today in podcast is back with two additoinal hosts Daniel J Lewis of the ( and Ray Ortega from the ( we talk about the new Podcasts app on IOS. To listen check out (

 An Affordable Podcast Microphone That Solves All Podcast Issues Audio Technica 2005 Reviewed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:14

An Affordable Podcast Microphone That Solves All Podcast Issues Audio Technica 2005 Reviewed

 His Podcast Brought Him a Sponsor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:45

Scott Eccleston had a successful photography blog ( for years, and he realized that some of his topics needed a visual and some things could be delivered via audio. He launched the Photography Podcast ( to go along with his blog ( and his YouTube Channe ( It took him 18 months, but when the company he wanted as a sponsor saw he was doing a podcast they came on board (and he is making much more than some "gas money"). It apparently is a win-win for both Scott and his sponsor as they have resigned with Scott. ( can learn from Scott that podcasting is a great way to reach the world, but you need to recognize that some topics fit better in other formats. Some people read, other listen, while other like to watch and Scott and the Photography Podcast have all the bases covered. Scott's advice for people looking to start a podcast Scott said he had sat around for a year knowing there was an audience for his podcast. He took my advice and recorded the first show and didn't release it. Scott listened to his that episode and learned from it and did it again. The enemy of Good is better. You want it to be perfect and you think you can make it better. Don't wait for better. When you first start out, good is good enough (and you can work on better later).   Last 5 in 5 with Ken Blanchard This was recorded from the BlogWorld floor with Rev. Ken Blanchard who produces the Urban Shooter Podcast ( He is very funny and gives us his last 5 podcasts that he's listened to. Want to be on the show? Click the microphone button over on the right hand side and record yours today! The Morning Announcments (this podcast) Podcast Answer Man ( WTF ( The Pro Arms Podcast  ( Gunfighter Cast ( Podcast History: The Mommycast 100,000 deal Back in 2005 the Mommycast inked a deal with Georgia Pacific for 100,000 ( In 2008 the company renewed the advertising for the third year in a row ( Does podcast advertising work?  Did they renew? YES! I spoke about this on my More Podcast Money ( Podcast Keep Electrical Items Separate to Elimnate Noise I noticed a high pitch squeel when recording my podcast and as I tried to swpa chords and such I noticed the printer was when I bumped the mixer and it turned the printer off (and the printer turned off). So here are some quick tips 1. Keep chords as short as possible. 2. Try to keep mic chords from crossing over electrical cables. 3. In some cases Florescent lights can cause issues.

 His Podcast Brought Him a Sponsor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:45

His Podcast Brought Him a Sponsor

 How Podcasters Can Overcome Talking To Themselves and Not Feel Weird | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:08

One of the best questions I received this week at Blogworld was, "How do you go into a room by yourself and not feel weird." I LOVE this question because it brought me back when I was first podcasting. This is why I beg you to send me your podcastquestions. I love them all. It either makes me find new answers, or takes me back to those first hurdles of podcasting. Here is a quick answer: Overcoming Getting On the Microphone 1. This week the buzz word was "Avatar." This means (in non geek speak) "Picture your audience." When I first started podcasting I created a podcast for musicians, so I thought of all those musicians in their garages practicing music, trying to get bookings, and sell more music. I saw the young 19 year old kid in a black t-shirt. When I spoke into the microphone, I pictured him (nothing sexist here, but I pictured a dude - now that I know my audience I picture my friend Ali from Australia). 2. Just talk like your telling a story, offering advice, asking a question, as if they were sitting across the table from you. 3. If you're doing a podcast using a mobile recorder (and there are people watching you walk around talking to yourself), you can always hold your phone up to your ear so people think you're talking on the phone. If you can't over come this feeling - get a co-host Bloggers Your Are "THIS CLOSE" to Being Podcasters ( tools I recommend to create a podcast are a self hosted version of Wordpress and the PowerPress plugin for configuring your podcast for iTunes (I also recommend or for media hosting - get a free month at using coupon sopfree). Many bloggers already have a website, and they are already using Wordpress. This means all they have to do to launch a podcast is: 1. Record yourself reading your blog post (try to make it sound like you're not reading it). 2. Upload it to your media host 3. If you're using, copy and paste the direct url into the PowerPress "Media URL" field (if you're using Blubrry you can upload directly from your Wordpress install). THAT'S IT! Now in reality, you will need some album artwork for iTunes. Chances are you already have a logo for your website anyway and we can configure that to work in iTunes. It is time to pull the trigger. Pat Flynn of the Smart Passive Income ( podcast grew his audience by 20% by adding a podcast. You've already determined your topic, you've already written the post, spend the $99 for a microphone, and the $8 for some royalty free music, and launch your podcast. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Again, I LOVE answering podcast questions. My Best in Show Blogworld NYC 2012 ('m not sure if they have an official "Best in Show" award at blogworld, but there was one piece of technology that I went "WOA! That's Cool." That is the Boss Jock Studio application for iPhone. This cool tool lets you record a podcast directly from your iPhone. It lets you mix in music, export it to your website, soundcloud, ftp, etc. I got to hear what its like to record, I did NOT get to hear the recording. There is some pretty impressive compression and automatic volume leveling that looks impressive. I'm hoping to have someone record something so I can hear (after all you are using the microphone from the iPhone - I don't see where you can plugin in an external microphone). There are plans for an iPad version as well in the future. I was told that the Android operating system has a latency (echo) problem currently. Here is a quick demonstration. It's only $10 for the app, and for those looking for an easy portable system, this may be the answer (again, I've not heard a recording created on the bossjock). (

 How Podcasters Can Overcome Talking To Themselves and Not Feel Weird | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:09

How Podcasters Can Overcome Talking To Themselves and Not Feel Weird

 The One With a Little More Dave | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:07

In today's podcast we talk about the following topics: 1. Dave is looking forward to Blogworld, but nervous going to NYC for the first time alone. 2. You should always have a podcast recorded that you can use in the event you have a day when you don't feel like podcasting. 3. Adam Curry and Dave Winer create podcast in our first Podcast History Chunk 4. Stitcher releases their top 100 list ( (use activation code davej if you want to try Stitcher, it's free). 5. Max Flight ( has a great podcast episode about being interviewed. 6. The comedy bang bang podcast ( is being turned into a television show, and another one ( will follow this year. 7. Check out Dave's You Tube Videos by going to ( Dave will be doing updates about blogworld via (  

 The One With a Little More Dave | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:08

The One With a Little More Dave

 Feedburner, iTunes, and Trying Something New | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:39

Today is a bit of a history lesson. We explain how feedburner used to be THE way to get your RSS feed "iTunes Ready." Now there are plugins like PowerPress which we discussed ina previous episode. Likewise, "Back in the day" iTunes was a huge deal (and still accounts for 59% of my traffic). Over time they went from making it super easy to subscribe to podcasts ot making it not so easy to subscribe to podcasts. This doesn't mean you ignore iTunes, but it does mean you should ALWAYS have a button for your "Reulgar" RSS feed so people that aren't using iTunes (like on a phone, or some other type of "podcatcher") can subscribe to your podcast. To see how to subscribe to a podcast manually, see ( Try Somethng New With Your Podcast I tried an experiment with my Logical Weight Loss podcast. I recorded it on my Roland R-05 portable recorder. I was worried since it didn't have the "Professional" sound of me in a studio and people might tune out. Instead people LOVE the fact that I'm inspiring them to get off the couch and get moving themselves. They loved the sounds of nature in the background. I asked the question in the podcast, and had quite a number of people replay and tell me they loved it. With this in mind, don't be afraid to try something new in your podcast. If they had hated it, I would've quit and learned a lesson.

 Feedburner, iTunes, and Trying Something New | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:39

Feedburner, iTunes, and Trying Something New

 A New Way For Podcasters to Get Paid - How to Get Kicked Out of iTunes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:26

A New Way For Podcasters to Get Paid - How to Get Kicked Out of iTunes

 Podcast Promotion The Biblical Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:12

Podcast Promotion The Biblical Way


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