School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

Summary: Learn the tips and tricks of Podcasting. Are you looking to start a Podcast, get more listeners, promote your site, and create a great sounding Podcast? It's the official podcast of

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 Podcast Gear - Soundboard Software - Podbean Stats - Podcast Competition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:57

Podcast Gear - Soundboard Software - Podbean Stats - Podcast Competition

 Convention Tips – Personal Podcast Promotion – Podcast Equipment Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:08

Today I answer some questions about going to the New Media Expo from Charles from the Other Side of Live ( 1. Yes you need business cards 2. You need the courage to pass them out 3. You need to be able to talk to strangers 4. You need to be able to listen 5. Remember its not always about how people can help you, but how you can help them. 6. Have a target - "I will call the expo a success when ____" 7. Make sure your actions are in line with #6 There are two ends of the spectrum with business cards. One end is just litter them all over, and the other is when you over-think who is "worthy" of  a card. Try to find a happy medium. These concepts are the same even if you don't have a podcast. You need the courage to talk about your subject in front of people. You need to have a target for your podcast. How will you know its a success? Are your actions in line with making it a success? Podcast Promotion Tips Recently I've been making serious connections with my audience. These people then go and tell other people about your podcast. Why? Sure you have great content, but also because you connected with your audience. For me its about taking the time to send a unique email, video, skype call, etc (whatever it takes) to help people. In my travels the things that separate great service, or great connections are boosted not by doing GIANT things that blow people away, but instead if you simply do what you say, and say what you mean, and do the little things that other people are too busy, or don't think it matters, you will find that those little things lead to "wows" from your customers. Growing your podcast can use these same concepts.  You Don't Need to Spend Two Thousand Dollars To Start a Podcast Andrew had some questions about the Heil PR40 and it seems you really have to turn up the gain to get a good signal. Is this normal? (short answer yes). Make sure your volume on your portable recorder is turned up enough (some times when you turn up your mixer it introduces hiss). The point is you don't need to spend $600 on a microphone. You can see what I recommend at Podcasting And Your Business I spoke with a magazine who is looking to boost subscriptions with a podcast. However, they are looking to sell the digital files. I explained how they have a TON of back issues, Mentioned On the Podcast No Agenda Show (   Wedding Podcast  

 New Media Expo Tips - PERSONAL - Podcast Gear - Podcasting For Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:09

New Media Expo Tips - PERSONAL - Podcast Gear - Podcasting For Business

 Get More Traffic to Your Podcast with SEO Expert Marcus Couch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:06

We all want to grow our audience. One way to do that is to bring people to your website, let them click the play button (you do have a play button right) and get them hooked by your awesome content. This sounds great. Now lets go back to that first step of bringing people to your website. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and today Marcus Couch walks us through some strategies that will get you more traffic without "tricking" the search engines. Marcus Couch ( was one of the original music podcasters and has been recognized as one of the top experts in regards to earning money with your podcast by getting more traffic. Back in the days of Podshow (now Mevio), Marcus was in a contest with Adam Curry, Cali Lewis, Gillian Smith, Dawn and Drew, and he beat them with a considerable margin. Yes he even beat the top rated podcast at the time. He did this through SEO. He later became the of Marcus's is a co-host at Wordpress Plugin A to Z ( had a very successful run with his Hard Rock podcast The Scene Zine ( and is about to launch a new video podcast about Wordpress Plugins call The Daily Plugin ( Marcus explains how he grew his audience, and more importantly his influence by "getting in the trenches" with his target audience, networking with them, helping them, and becoming a resource for his community. He explains how Google looks at how long your audience stays on your page. This is one of the reasons you want to have good show notes, but more importantly why you want a player so people can click and listen (thus keeping them on your page). Always have a goal when writing a blog post, and realize that trying to "trick" the search engines takes just as much time as doing it correctly. With this in mind, why not do things correctly and avoid the potential of being blocked by Google. For more information, or to work with Marcus go to ( Favorite Sites and Tools Builder Theme ( Artisteer ( Search Engine Land ( Marketing Land ( Social Media Examiner ( Here are some topics covered: What SEO Plugin should you use? What about permalinks? Having a long term plan for your podcast Positioning yourself as an expert. Mentioned in this Podcast Daily Source Code ( Podcast Best of the Worst Podcast ( One last thing about this podcast, it was slated to come out a few weeks ago (so the good news is my wife DID get the job).  

 Get More Traffic to Your Podcast with SEO Expert Marcus Couch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:06

Get More Traffic to Your Podcast with SEO Expert Marcus Couch

 Before You Hit Record – Podcast Cross Promotion – Have One in the Can | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:49

Today I want to answer an email that asked, "Do you have a checklist that you use when you record an episode?.' Here are some tips that can help you when it comes to recording your podcast. * Play, tweak, and get your sound like you want it, then write down (or take a picture) of your settings and leave them there. * Shut windows and doors. Put a tie on the outside knob to notify the family that you are "on the air." * Turn off any cooling or heating devices, as well as phones should be silenced. * Turn off any notification software (like email, skype, etc) * Get some notes either on paper, or on computer to help keep you on track. * Make sure your mouth is hydrated but not that hydrated. * Check your recording levels * Send an email to any guest that will be appearing at the beginning of the day to remind them of your time, skype name, etc) * Make sure you have a set of questions to use as a guideline, and make sure you are on the same page with the guest in regards to their website and what they may want to plug. * If you are streaming video, clean your room and brush your hair. * Check the battery life in your recorder and make sure you have enough disk space * Make sure you press record. In the End YOU Decide How To Do Your Podcast Last week I talked about how I hated people who repeat things over and over. My friend Daniel j Lewis of the Audacity to Podcast occasionally does this and provided his insights into this: Great list, Dave! Now I know what I do in my podcast that annoys you. ( But, actually, that is my point of disagreement: repeating an outline. It’s true that listeners/viewers can simply rewind, but this is a bit inconvenient for them. Especially if the points they want to review are spread out through the episode. They would have to search to find point 3. Rewinding isn’t always accessible. The quick review of the outline keeps it fresh in their minds and more memorable. However, this is only necessary when the outline is the core of that episode. For example, “5 ways to make an amazing podcast.” Then it’s helpful to repeat these 5 ways, in no more than bullet-point form. But content like you shared in this episode is more open and flexible, so it _would_ be awkward if it was repeated.  But nonetheless, I can certainly understand why you generally wouldn’t like the “Twelve Days of Christmas” style of presenting. Have a Podcast Episode In the Can Fred Castenada from The Struggling Entrepreneur ( podcast and many others phoned in that he had a bad cold that cost him his voice. He mentioned how imprtant it is to have a podcast ready to go in the event you lose your voice. "Sergeant Fred" pushed on through with his voice, but he felt the quality wasn't good. If you can record an episode that is "ever green content" you can use it if you get a cold, or during the holidays we might get too busy to record. Thanks Fred for this great tip. Podcast Success Story - You Are the Media We share a store about how Fred and his CIB Austin ( podcast got him media credits to meet one of his heroes. Podcast Cross Promotion Carey Green does the Christian Home and Family podcast ( Carey's podcast and my Feeding My Faith more than likely share an audience so we began to mention each other on our shows. Carey went one step further and recorded a quick blurb reminding listeners to go subscribe to my podcast in iTunes. It's a quick and easy way to make you look like a friend of the host (which more than likely makes you a friend of his audience).

 Before You Hit Record - Podcast Cross Promotion - Have One in the Can | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:50

Before You Hit Record - Podcast Cross Promotion - Have One in the Can

 Making Your Podcast Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:10

My friend Ray Ortega hosted another "Podcasters Roundtable" and this episodes theme was "Podcast Pet Peeves (" I was soooo bummed that I couldn't attend ( I did send in some ideas via e-mail and thanks to Ray for r...

 Making Your Podcast Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:10

Making Your Podcast Better

 Black Friday Sale Now Through November 26 – 60% Off using LISTENER Coupon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:09

Today I woke up feeling thankful, so I fired up my Roland R-05 recorder and asked my wife to pick a sale price for the School of Podcasting now through Monday November 26th. After that date the coupon will be worth 30%, so act now while the coupon is double! Thanks so much for being a listener, and I look forward to working with all of you. (

 Google Hangouts as a Podcasting Solution – Ray Ortega | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:23

Why You Should Never Worry About Your "Competition" I was thinking twice about recording an episode about the stats from the Podcast Awards. My friend Daniel J Lewis of the Audacity to Podcast had done an episode, and some other podcasts about podcasting had also covered this topic. I decided to give my side of the story, and I'm glad I did. After all, just because I listen to every podcast about podcasting - doesn't mean my audience does. Judi from ( had this to say "Dave, you mentioned in this podcast about talking on the same topics as other podcasters. Thank you for continuing on to cover those topics because I don’t listen to -another podcast -. His voice and humor annoys me. Although I am sure he is very intelligent on his niche, I choose not to subscribe. You have a different style and take on things which is very vocally “animated” and this keeps it interesting. However, (other podcaster #2) goes over too many intricate details and loses my attention. So I wanted to say that I appreciate that you tell us just what we need to know without going over our heads." Keep in mind every night people on the news deliver the same stories and yet people have their favorites. This can be tough to swallow as you may not be someone's favorite. I'm sure some people don't like me. Maybe I'm to spastic, and I occasionally bounce from idea to idea. That's fine, because my style will be what other people are looking for. Just remember you can't please everyone. Just be yourself. A Google Hangout is an online meeting that can have up to 10 people participating at a time. A Google event is a notice of something (meeting, etc) at a certain date and time. Hangouts that are "On Air" are streamed live to whoever wants to watch. The best thing is they are free to use. Transcribing Your Podcast? Here is a Way to "Hide" Some of that Content David Peach has a tip on a great WordPress plugin that allows you to include content on your site so Google can find it, but hide some of the text unless someone clicks on it to view it. Dave is using the WP Spoiler plugin.If you want to learn sign language, check out Dave's podcast at ( Getting Rid of Mouth Noises When You Podcast Mike Russel from Music Radio Creative has a tip on losing those mouth noises. These include: 1. Stay hydrated 2. Avoid fizzy soda. 3. Eat a Green Apple (Green, not Red, Yellow, etc) 4. Use a Pop Filter and don't talk directly into the microphone. Using Google Hangouts as a Podcast Creation Tool Today we talk with Ray Ortega who does the Podcasters Roundtable along with the Podcaster's Studio. Ray provided some tips on the "behind the scenes of the Podcasters Roundtable." 1. Google Hangout is an online meeting between (up to) 10 people. When these are "On Air" they can be seen by everyone as they are streamed live. 2. You want to go into your settings and change the audio setting from "Voice" to "Studio" which will improve the audio quality. 3. The invitation to the event is an invitation to watch. 4. The invitation to the Hangout is an invitation to participate in the Hang Out 5. When a Hangout is happening, it's not streaming until you click on "Broadcasting" button. 6. When its over the recording of your hangout is available for download. You can download that video and extract the audio out of the video. If you are looking for step by step you can watch Google Hangout Videos Here ( Is this Podcast Too Long? Recently I started making these episodes longer (from around 20 minutes to around 45 minutes). I wanted to check with my audience. Would you prefer the original 20 minute podcast?  

 Google Hangouts as a Podcasting Solution - Ray Ortega | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:23

Google Hangouts as a Podcasting Solution - Ray Ortega

 Podcasting Statistics From Todd Cochran – Stitchers News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:12

Todd Cochran wrote the very first book on podcasting is the head of Raw Voice (the company behind the podcasting community.) As Todd announced the slate of podcasts for the Podcast Awards (http://www.podcastawards), he also shared some great stats as the analyzed all the nominees. Here are some things to consider: 1. If you want to interact with your audience you need to have all channels of communication open. This includes email, comments, voicemail, and audio comments. 2. If you are podcast at a schedule that is less than weekly, you're audience is going to grow slower than those who are podcasting weekly. If you podcast more than once a week you will grow even faster. 3. Publishers that provide audio, video, and blog grow even faster. 4. You need to have a way for people to consume your content via iPads and other iOs devices. 5. Blog Talk Radio provides horrible audio. How Do These Podcast Mistakes Happen? Many times we add one more thing to our website, then one more thing, and finally one more thing. Eventually we end up with what I call "Front Page Creep" where you forget what your TRUE mission of your website is (iTunes subscribers, email list growth, downloads, etc) you need to pick ONE and focus on that action.  However, we get impressed with the latest great tech toys and we end up with clutter one the website. Some people are confused that youtube and soundcloud are podcasting solutions. They are not (see video ( Free Three Month Subscription to Digital Marketing Monthly Magazine ( Marketing Monthly focuses on one key digital marketing topic per issue - an ideal online marketing magazine for entrepreneurs, business leaders or marketing professionals - in fact, anybody interested in improving their internet business or web marketing related knowledge. For three free months go to ( and use the coupon code 3months. My article is about what podcasting equipment ( I recommend. It's based on some of the material I have on this website. For more information go to (   Stitcher Now Has a Desktop Version Stitcher now has a desktop version that you can log into. This allows you to listen on your smart phone, your iPad, and now your desktop. For me, I was able to add podcasts to listen to on my Wife's iPad, then listen on my Android phone in the car, and get into work and listen on my computer and pick up right where I left off. This is pretty cool. Stitcher also has a tool now that allows you to put a player on your website. Looking at my Stitcher stats 12-15% of my audience is now coming from Stitcher. You can sign up at ( If you're new to Stitcher, use the activation code davej and be entered into a drawing for $100 Podcast Awards Voting Recommendations Smart Passive Income Livelihood Show The Ramen Noondle The Audacity to Podcast The Once Podcast The Other Side of Live Coverville Jillian Michaels Podcast No Agenda Show Who Dey Weekly Amateur Traveler Podcast WDW Radio Vote at ( Are you discovering podcasts at the Podcast Awards? Mentioned On This Podcast Podcast Generator is Not a good Solution ( (

 Podcasting Statistics From Todd Cochran - Stitchers News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:12

Podcasting Statistics From Todd Cochran - Stitchers News

 Podcast Promotion and Marketing Ideas – Podcast Goddess | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:07

How Much Passion Do You Need to Start a Podcast? My stepson Alex is 15. For the six years I've known him his Mother and I have been trying (and failing) to get him to go to bed. Now he has his temporary driving permit. Finally we have some real leverage. When we told him if he didn't go to bed sooner, we wouldn't take him driving. He changed his sleeping habits almost immediately. Why? Because he REALLY wants to have his drivers license. He has already gone through taking the written test, he is going to pay to go to driving school (it was free when I went to school), and he will practice, practice, practice. He will go though all those struggles and learning curves because he is passionate about driving. So when you start your podcast bring the same passion a 15 year old boy who wants to drive. Adds 250 X 250 Banner Into Rotation ( a banner exchange website for podcasters (and only podcasters). You upload your banner to your website,create a free account at and point the system at your banner. Then you get a piece of code that you can put into a text widget on your sidebar. When you show other banners on your website, your banner is shown on their website. You can choose what categories you want to display on your website. Right now there is a small number of users taking advantage of this size so you will see a School of Podcasting banner until more people sign up. Currently in 2012 has received 10,098,392 impressions and delivered 102,146 clicks to podcaster's website. If you need a free image editing tool check out ( FourSquare Podcast Promotion Tip Today's tip comes from Derek at ( If you go to an event where your potential audience might be (and have a smartphone) use the foursquare app and sign in. When you sign in you can put a note. Derek puts a note that mentions you can get free poker tips by listening to his podcast and puts his address. He stated that people have actually discovered his podcast using this approach. Difference Between Libsyn and Jeremy from ( wants to know the differences between and I went into this in episode 275 ( The very quick answer is gives your more storage for the money. So if you are on a tight budget is the best choice for you. If you are looking for ease of use, does not require you to login into a separate site. You can do it all from within your Wordpress install. When you upload the file, it also can add your ID3 tags. Does this mean Libsyn is hard to use? No. You just have to log into their site (which I do by adding a new tab in Firefox), and upload the file. Then you copy and paste the URL into Wordpress. Is that so hard that you'll pay to make it easier? Not for me. also has the ability to provide a free smartphone app for you to sell. can get you on boxes like Roku and Boxee. If you want to use ( use the coupon sopfree to get a free month. You can use libsyn with the PowerPress plugin. New Video Helps Explain How SoundCloud May Not Be a Good Podcast Solution I made a video ( that shows how putting a soundcloud player on your website is not the same as having a podcast. Why Did You Separate All of Your Podcasting Shows? J.D. Stutter from ( asked, "Why did you create separate websites for your Power of Podcasting podcast and More Podcast Money? The idea was to have a site that I could point people to if they asked, "Why should I start a podcast?" I could point them to powerofpodcasting.


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