Podcasting Statistics From Todd Cochran – Stitchers News

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

Summary: Todd Cochran wrote the very first book on podcasting is the head of Raw Voice (the company behind the blubrry.com podcasting community.) As Todd announced the slate of podcasts for the Podcast Awards (http://www.podcastawards), he also shared some great stats as the analyzed all the nominees. Here are some things to consider: 1. If you want to interact with your audience you need to have all channels of communication open. This includes email, comments, voicemail, and audio comments. 2. If you are podcast at a schedule that is less than weekly, you're audience is going to grow slower than those who are podcasting weekly. If you podcast more than once a week you will grow even faster. 3. Publishers that provide audio, video, and blog grow even faster. 4. You need to have a way for people to consume your content via iPads and other iOs devices. 5. Blog Talk Radio provides horrible audio. How Do These Podcast Mistakes Happen? Many times we add one more thing to our website, then one more thing, and finally one more thing. Eventually we end up with what I call "Front Page Creep" where you forget what your TRUE mission of your website is (iTunes subscribers, email list growth, downloads, etc) you need to pick ONE and focus on that action.  However, we get impressed with the latest great tech toys and we end up with clutter one the website. Some people are confused that youtube and soundcloud are podcasting solutions. They are not (see video (http://schoolofpodcasting.com/podcasting-without-rss-audio-on-the-internet/)) Free Three Month Subscription to Digital Marketing Monthly Magazine (http://schoolofpodcasting.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/seo_cw_product.png)Digital Marketing Monthly focuses on one key digital marketing topic per issue - an ideal online marketing magazine for entrepreneurs, business leaders or marketing professionals - in fact, anybody interested in improving their internet business or web marketing related knowledge. For three free months go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/dmm (http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/dmm) and use the coupon code 3months. My article is about what podcasting equipment (http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/equipment) I recommend. It's based on some of the material I have on this website. For more information go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/dmm (http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/dmm)   Stitcher Now Has a Desktop Version Stitcher now has a desktop version that you can log into. This allows you to listen on your smart phone, your iPad, and now your desktop. For me, I was able to add podcasts to listen to on my Wife's iPad, then listen on my Android phone in the car, and get into work and listen on my computer and pick up right where I left off. This is pretty cool. Stitcher also has a tool now that allows you to put a player on your website. Looking at my Stitcher stats 12-15% of my audience is now coming from Stitcher. You can sign up at partners.stitcher.com (http://partners.stitcher.com/) If you're new to Stitcher, use the activation code davej and be entered into a drawing for $100 Podcast Awards Voting Recommendations Smart Passive Income Livelihood Show The Ramen Noondle The Audacity to Podcast The Once Podcast The Other Side of Live Coverville Jillian Michaels Podcast No Agenda Show Who Dey Weekly Amateur Traveler Podcast WDW Radio Vote at www.podcastawards.com (http://www.podcastawards.com) Are you discovering podcasts at the Podcast Awards? Mentioned On This Podcast Podcast Generator is Not a good Solution (http://davidjackson.org/2012/10/podcast-generator-not-a-great-solution/) Podcastclicks.com (http://www.podcastclicks.com)