School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

Summary: Learn the tips and tricks of Podcasting. Are you looking to start a Podcast, get more listeners, promote your site, and create a great sounding Podcast? It's the official podcast of

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 Aphex Project Channel Review – The Warmth of Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:58

Aphex Project Channel Review – The Warmth of Community

 Podcast Media Kits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:33
 Yamaha MG102C Mixer Reviewed – Broadcasting (not podcasting) Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:18

Yamaha MG102C Mixer Reviewed – Broadcasting (not podcasting) Tools

 Engaging Content With Podcast Talent Coach Erik K Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:47

Engaging Content With Podcast Talent Coach Erik K Johnson

 Passion Lessons From Seinfeld – Podcast Evangelism with Jim Collison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:01

Passion Lessons From Seinfeld – Podcast Evangelism with Jim Collison

 A Strategy For Building Your Podcast Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:24

Today we are looking at a shrinking industry to see what locations are growing and why - and then apply that to podcasting. Start a Podcast in Six Weeks I will be launching my first live training class called "Start a Podcast in Six Weeks. Here is a very quick outline: Week 1 - Planning Your Podcast Week 2 - Podcast Equipment Week 3 - Recording Your Poddcast Week 4 - Your Podcast Website Week 5- Publishing Your Podcast into iTunes Week 6 - Podcast Monetization Techniques We are only accepting six students. The price is $99. If you were to do this class one on one it would cost you $1200. ( Member Spotlight The Computer Tutor Podcast [9:20] Every Monday morning I tell about a quick computer tip or trick - something that makes you say, "Wow, I did not know that!" I want to make it easy and safe for you to use your computer, and I avoid all the "tech talk". Most of my episodes are less than 10 minutes. You can find this podcast at ( What Podcasters Can Learn From Churches Regarding Growing Your Audience [12:54] Churches are shrinking. Each year Outreach magazine puts out an issue that spotlight those churches that are the fastest growing. 95% of Churches have under 500 members. Depending on what you read, 60% to 71% have less than 100 members. The church I grew up in has 26 members. In OUtreach magazine they spotlight churches that are growing while many others are not. What is their secret? 1. They GO into their community. They do NOT wait for people to come to them. 2. They then find out what the biggest needs are in the community. They listen and pool their resources to help meet the need of that community. So you see that they don't wait, and they are going to their community (not sitting and waiting for people to show up). They then find a need and meet it. This gives the church a purpose. People can SEE the actions they are taking and how they benefit people. This gets both the recipient talking about being helped as well as the person who did the helping. As Podcasters We Can: Go into our communities. This can be on facebook twitter, or an actual face to face meetup from and find out what the needs of the community are and try to help them. If you are a business podcaster, think of your customers as your community and find out what their biggest need is. Then see if there is a way to answer those questions in a podcast. Help Save Podcasting [22:49] Today we hear a clip from the Patent Podcast ( about how we can help fight the podcast troll. Mentioned in this Episode ( Riff Station Software (  

 A Strategy For Building Your Podcast Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:16

A Strategy For Building Your Podcast Audience

 How John Lee Dumas Earns $18,000 a Month with His Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:16

John Lee Dumas started his Entrepreneur on Fire podcast in June of 2012 (about a year ago). Fast forward and John now has a podcast that is in the top 5 of business podcasts in iTunes. He is making 18,000 a month, reaching HUNDRED of THOUSANDS of people each month in over 145 countries. He did it using the organizational tools and courage he learned in the Armed forces (he served 13 months in Iraq) and with passion that is infectious. He was consuming a large about of podcasts in the car, but he needed more content. What did he do? He filled his own void by creating the podcast he wanted to listen to. Your Podcasts Downloads Stats All In One Place - Stitcher News [3:00] ( announced that they will "pinging" your media host. In a memo that was sent out they outlined the changes as follows: You should begin to see a change in your stats via your hosting provider dashboard when our iOS update is live in the App Store within the next few days. The magnitude of the change will vary based on the specific show but should be noticeable immediately via your hosting provider’s metrics dashboard. We are also updating the Stitcher Partner Portal to reflect this change. We will keep you posted on timing but anticipate seeing this new Download number included in you Stitcher metrics within the next few weeks. The old Downloads stat, which was measuring actual listens, will still be in the partner portal but relabeled “Listens” This means that we no longer have to login to (for example) or (two of the top media hosting companies) and then later also check into Stitcher. This will make is easier to quote numbers to potential sponsors. Congratulations Marcus Couch [7:21] If you are a regular listener of the School of Podcasting then you know Marcus Couch and I go way back to the early days of Podcasting with companies like Mevio, Juice Software, and iRiver recorders. Marcus is an SEO expert and a Wordpress Guru. He wanted to get more traction in the Wordpress World. His goal was to get on to the dashboard of every Wordpress user and this month he landed there. How? By doing what Marcus preaches - creating good content. He has his music show the Scene Zine, and recently became a co-host of Wordpress Plugins A to Z (one of my favorite podcasts). You an now read him on the official Wordpress Tavern blog ( Congrats to Marcus. John Dumas of the Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast - Light Up the Sky! [9:02] ( John Dumas is the passionate podcaster behind the microphone on Entrepreneur on Fire. He is also the author of the Book Podcast Launch, and is now rolling out an inner circle mastermind group call Fire Nation Elite ( In today's interview you will get inside the mind of John and see his commitment to his audience. You will see where his drive is to inspire his audience to take action. You will hear how he is building his audience through dedication, commitment, and a determination to build his audience (called "The Fire Nation") one person at a time. John shares what lessons he learned during his 13 months in IRAQ. "It's better to make a good decision now then make a great decision later." John spent $3,000 to hire a personal mentor (Jaime Tardy ( and says if you don't have that much to invest in your podcast start up that you could check out master mind or online groups (I'm a big fan of some of the groups on Google+ (, LinkedIn ( A One on one coach can be helpful because of the personalized approach. Mastermind groups (which you might find at meetup.

 How John Lee Dumas Earns $18,000 a Month with His Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:16

How John Lee Dumas Earns $18,000 a Month with His Podcast

 Scheduling Smooth Podcast Interviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:24

In the last week I've been interviewed and conducted interviews. One of those podcasts was Entrepreneur on Fire  ( ( the other was Urbanism Speakeasy ( (itunes ( In today's show I share tips and insights from both sides of the interview. Podcast Clip of the Week - Your Audience Is Excited When They Find Your Content [3:28] In episode 5 of the "My Digital Life with Rob Greenlee" podcast (website (, iTunes (, host Rob Greenlee (who has been on the show before (, talks with Nicole Simon, Author, Social Media and Podcast Consultant at ( from Berlin, Germany about the global aspects of podcasting. In the clip you hear how Nicole felt the first time she discovered podcasting. Member Spotlight - Cool People Podcast [5:23] ( you're tired of hearing the same people being interviewed over and over, check out the Cool People Podcast hosted by Robert Chazz Chute. Rober has interviewed some "outside of the box" people. These include: a judge at a marijuana competition actors authors an erotica author who was a judge feminist porn they talk drugs in America, Middle East politics, if your a cool person you might like it. Check it out at ( (itunes ( Tips for Doing a Podcast Interview - Being the Host [9:40] ( was Entrepreneur on Fire ( with John Lee Dumas. John does a DAILY podcast. That is a lot of work. These are all interviews. That is a TON of work. With this in mind, John needs to run an efficient ship, and when I was asked to be on his show I was really impressed with his work flow.  John invited me to be on his show two months in advance for a show that will air one month after it was recorded. By inviting people months in advance, you have a smaller chance of people being "booked." John's Invitation Was Straight and To the Point John's invitation was short, respectful, explained what his podcast was, explained why I was a good fit for the show. It also explained the "tone" of the show (it's all about inspirational stories). It provided statistics of his audience (about 225,000 downloads a month), and provided information to show John as a credible source. John also let me know how long the interview was, so John Sent Me a List of Some of the Questions that He Would be Using By sending me the questions ahead of time it let me be prepared so the interview had great content. It turns out these were not ALL the questions, but it gave me an idea of what type of content fits his podcast. I previously worried that providing the questions ahead of time would leave me with an over prepared guest who had memorized their answers. I have changed my mind. Provide some of the questions ahead of time. This leaves you room for an honest conversation later during the interview. After all, you don't want the interview to be ruined because you guest is somewhat slow on their feet. For some people this is a nerve wracking situation, and allowing them to be prepared is going to result in better content. Automate the Scheduling Process ( you want to take some of the hassle of scheduling interviews,

 Scheduling Smooth Podcast Interviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:25

Scheduling Smooth Podcast Interviews

 Podcasting Delivers High Quality Visitors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:02

In today's show I share some stats from a recently published white paper that shows how a podcast audience is more likely to spend twice as much time on a website, and click on three times as many pages on your website. We also hear from top influencer Chris Voss about his early years on the Internet. We also hear about how podcasting helping producers land television shows. Podcasting Success - "I've Got Three Television Shows [3:00] ( and Joke say that because of their podcast they have had help getting three television show ideas put on the air. They did this by looking at their audience and thinking, "What pain does my audience feel that we could eliminate?" That would be getting access to people to pitch their ideas. They used their podcast to solicit ideas from their audience, as well as train them on how to pitch an idea. They launched their podcast and using the skills learned at the School of Podcasting, they were listed in the "New and Noteworthy" section in iTunes. They are getting better submissions than when they used just a blog. They created their podcast just for you, and it will answer all your questions. Every two weeks or so they’ll deliver episodes to help you: Understand unscripted television and how to work in it Find great potential reality tv shows and documentary series Develop your ideas into sellable pitches Team up with them You can find them ( Member Spotlight Urban Shooter Podcast [9:20] ( Urban Shooter is a pro-rights variety show and fun resource for all law abiding gun owners. Kenn Blanchard passionately, positively and persistently does this podcast as a ministry to encourage, educate and enlighten people around the world that want it. He sings.  He jokes.  He interviews interesting people he has met or heard of that are not afraid of coming on a show where they might find a new friend. The show is apolitical and he lets his positive vibes shine.  All are welcome. Find it at ( A Podcast Audience Stays Six Times as Long a Organic Traffic [13:35] Organic traffic is traffic that comes from traditional Google/Search Engines. They type in your topic, and you show up. Then they come to your website. In a new white paper from Mike and Troy at (, they point out how. * A good number for organic traffic is when a person stays on your site for 2 minutes. A podcast visitor to their site stayed 12 MINUTES. That's six times as long. * When a visitor clicks on TWO pages when they visit, it is considered "good." A podcast visitor to their website clicks on 5.3 pages. That's twice (almost three) times as many. In their report they state, "You really can't get better traffic than that. An average visit of over 13 minutes clicking through to nearly 6 pages on your site is just insanely high quality." You can find the report at ( Chris Voss Thought Nobody Was Listening For Two Years [31:47] Chris Voss of the the Chris Voss Show ( was recently interviewed on the Music Biz Weekly Podcast ( and explained how he thought nobody was listening for the first few years of his blog. Chris is now recognized as a social media leader by Forbes, CNN, Huffington Post, Alltop and others. If you wonder if anyone is listening, just remember so did Chris Voss when he first started. Voicemail From Listeners[34:20] Kevin from Passing Spaces mentioned he is using cp-googlemaps ( to put maps on his website.

 Podcasting Delivers High Quality Visitors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00

Podcasting Delivers High Quality Visitors

 Podcasting Without Using WordPress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:51

Today I talk about a topic I DON'T Believe in, and that is podcasting without using Wordpress. However, there are those occasions where someone already has a website on another platform, they don't want to move their website to Wordpress, and all they ...

 Podcasting Without Using Wordpress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:52

Podcasting Without Using Wordpress


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