School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

Summary: Learn the tips and tricks of Podcasting. Are you looking to start a Podcast, get more listeners, promote your site, and create a great sounding Podcast? It's the official podcast of

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 Podcast Success: One Thing Leads To Another - Premium Podcast Tools - Auphonic Web Based Audio Tool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:16

Podcast Success: One Thing Leads To Another - Premium Podcast Tools - Auphonic Web Based Audio Tool

 Podcast Success: One Thing Leads To Another – Premium Podcast Tools – Auphonic Web Based Audio Tool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:15

Today we talk about setting up a premium podcast feed, what tools that I've used, (Thanks to Andrew ( the question), in our interview segment we talk with Scott Eiland who start the baseball experience ( a little over a year ago. That podcast lead to him creating the "This week in wrestling (" podcast. That platform lead him to now getting paid to produce another sports based show. It didn't happen over night, and there were some lessons learned along the way. Scott Eiland understands the power of podcasting. Auphonic Web Based Levelator I've talked about the Levelator software before. It's good for leveling out audio where there are slight differences in volume between a podcast host and guest. It works on both Mac and PC. I learned about Auphonic at the New Media Expo. It's a pretty cool FREE tool, and that is web based and performs many of the same tasks that the levelator software does (and more). You can process a wav file or an mp3 (or other files) and that goes to output as well. It will add ID3 tags to your files and if you are trying to create chapters in an mp3 file it can do that as well. Check it out at ( More Podcast Money #3 Book on Podcasting in Amazon Thanks to everyone who has purchased the book More Podcast Money. I had a blast writing it and I'm glad people are finding it helpful. If you search books for "podcast" it is currently ranked #3. For more information go to ( Premium Podcast Tools Andrew  asked about creating a premium podcast where one part would be free, and the other (deeper) episode would be premium. In regards to protecting the files, I have used Wishlist in the past, but when I wanted to "Drip" content, there is nothing that beats the features and support of Digital Access Pass. It's not the cheapest tool on the planet, but its always getting better, and has TOP NOTCH support.  I liked the community around wishlist, but for me I wanted the dripping feature. I've also used Magic Members which wasn't bad (dripping) but not as easy as Digital Access Pass. The other thing to think about is if you are breaking up an interview into parts, make sure each part can stand alone. I use to listen to a podcast that would just fade out the interview in the middle and ask you to subscribe. I found this just frustrated me. Also when you first start out you won't have an audience. Thus, you may be creating content for an audience that doesn't exist yet. With a tool like Digital Access Pass you can these in advance and have years worth of content ready to "Drip" when the audience does show up. Dave on the Interview Circuit Want to not only hear Dave Jackson but SEE him (with "Saturday hair!" ) check out this interview with Jim Collison on The Average Guy Network. ( Dave comes back for a second episode on Music Radio Creative Podcast ( with Mike Russell where they talk about the future of podcasting. Last 5 in 5 Smart Passive Income ( Start Taking and Recording Today ( Jay Mohr "Mohr Stories (" Mark Gungor ( Adam Corolla ( Mentioned On this Show Daniel J Lewis of the Audacity to podcast Nick Suberling of Start Taking and Recording Today ( Cable to connect Audio Technica 2100 ( to your Roland R-05

 Troubleshooting Your iTunes Podcast Listing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:10

Today we get some great insights into the effect you can have on your audience courtesy of George Hrab (, we get a glimpse of some podcast stats from Terry Lynn (, (Terry was on the Multimedia Marketing Show ( ) and we hear about how your audience WILL go back and download your ENTIRE back catalog courtesy of the gentlemen at the Wordpress A to Z ( podcast. These are all some of the podcast success you can find with your podcast. Troubleshooting Your iTunes Podcast Feed Today I use the analogy of radio to understand podcasting and iTunes. iTunes is a radio that receives your RSS feed from your website. You tell iTunes ONCE to listen to your "radio station" (your podcast) and it tunes into you and never changes the channel. Inside the PowerPress plugin you can find the feed to submit to podcast. ( If you copy and paste that feed into Firefox, you will see what iTunes is looking at it. If all of the episodes, and links to the media are there, then you have done your part. So what's the problem? iTunes. I occasionally have someone where their images doesn't show up until days after their podcast is originally listed in iTunes. It's weird, and there is isn't any explanation. In general, iTunes doesn't make any money off of your podcast, and consequently they don't throw resources to supply a ton of customer service. What this means is that you may have to sit and wait. The bottom line is if your feed is showing all of your episodes and they are not showing up in iTunes - wait. Always be sure to check your feed at ( Dave Jackson Podcast Podcasting Interviews I was on episode 8 of the Podcaster's Roundtable ( where we discuss "What do we owe our audience?" and I was also on the Music Radio Creative Podcas ( talking about starting a podcast and the future of podcasting. Mentioned on this Show Backup Buddy ( plugin for Wordpress to automate your backups. George Hrab on the Power of Podcasting (

 Troubleshooting Your iTunes Podcast Listing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

Troubleshooting Your iTunes Podcast Listing

 Podcast Promotion Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:53

In today's show we talk about the power of podcasting, as I talk about a person who purchased a fitness program after listening to one of my podcasts (and how integrity comes into play). I talk about some cool Wordpress themes and some great insights into podcast promotion from Max Flight. Podcast Success Story I have been doing the Logical Weight Loss ( podcast for three years. I did some podcast consulting for David Greenwalt who turned out to be a fitness guru. He was nice enough to let me check out his Lifestyle University and  I liked what he was doing. He just launched his once a year class Lifestyle 180, and I decide to join and have Dave on my show. It wasn't a giant commercial, but instead we just provided some facts and let the audience decide if they wanted to join me. The good news is a listener heard my podcast, and immediately signed up (and I earned $56 commission). Cool Wordpress Themes (One if Free) ( In the past, I've used Thesis ( they updated to version 2 (and I feel they ruined it). I purchased iThemes Builder ( I used in the past) only to find their "Style Manager" had a problem. So I went in search of a drag and drop Wordpress theme and I found Pagelines ( This at is a free Wordpress theme that is free (do a search in your WordPress install for pagelines). The free version has a ton of easy to customize features. The pro version is $139. The Builder Theme ( is $80 and it allows you to customize the colors, fonts, etc in their Style Manager. Then you can drag and drop your layout. It makes it super easy to design your website. Their are TONS of "Child Themes" that you can get access to and add to your website (A Child Theme is a premade layout and style that can save you time). Max Flight on Podcast Promotion Max flight produces the Airplane Geeks ( and Podcasting Passion ( podcasts. Today we talk about how new podcasters learn that creating the podcast is only part of the process. You need to get the word out about your podcast. Everyone always says, "Great Content" is the best tool for growing your audience. I always have said that you need to figure out who your audience is, figure out where they are, and go there and make friends. Then tell them about your podcast. Today Max provides some tips on how you can get your audience involved with helping to spread the word. We hear how he is using Facebook, Questions, and regular segments from his audience into his Airplane Geeks ( Max also produces the Podcasting Passion ( podcast Speaking of podcast promotion, ( and ( to the ( website (a banner exchange program for podcasts only). We had over 14,837,913 impressions last year and we delivered 182,923 clicks to their websites.  

 Podcast Promotion Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:54

Podcast Promotion Tips

 Keeping Your Website Safe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:28

Today we talk about malware (a virus on your website). You are going to have a hard time growing your audience if they are afraid of coming to your site. Special thanks to Ms. Ilene of basic blog tips ( for pointing out that one of my sites had an issue (which has since been fixed). Here is the advice I got from my web hosting company: Upon investigation, we removed a set of malicious injections and scripts and traced it to a compromised FTP password. From our experience with malware of this nature, the user account passwords are compromised though viruses/malware located on your local computer. This malware sniffs out passwords used and stored by FTP programs or e-mail clients. In order to protect against future attack, you will need to run full virus and malware scans on your computers to ensure that they are clean. I recommend using multiple scanners as we have found that some scanners do not detect the malware. Malware Bytes ( ( ) and ComboFix ( ( ) have been reported to be able to clean this malware. It is highly suggested that you also do the following: * Any computers legitimately allowed to access the account must be updated fully (Windows updates, browser updates, application updates, anti-virus updates) * Any computers legitimately allowed to access the account must be completely scanned for viruses and secured completely If you are seeing a warning page in your browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari), please follow the directions on the following page to get rid of the red warning page: ( . If these directions are not followed, this page will continue to show up for quite some time. Sucuri Can Help Detect and Clean Malware ( According to an article from the Sucuri ( (a great service that will detect and clean up malware for you ). Here are some things you can do: 1. Keep EVERYTHING up to date. This means your computer, your virus detection software, your browser, your wordpress, etc. Everything. These are often programs that get your passwords from FTP programs, and then use them to get into your control panel. 2. Don't forget about those "test sites" you started and left for dead. Those outdated sites can be a crack in the security. 3.  Don't give someone administrator rights if they are just going to be and editor. Once their job is done, delete their account. 4.  Come up with a better than average password. I use Last Pass to manage my password (and even think them up). 5. Backup your website on a regular basis like Backup Buddy ( Podcast Success with Cali Lewis Cali can be found at ( she shares how she has been able to: 1. Jump Out of airplane with the US Army Golden Nights 2.  Fly brand new 787 airplanes 3. Play in the GM Win Tunnel Check out her "Shiny happy tech news at ( Last 5 in 5 From Nick Suberling Nick produces a podcast about podcasting, and I got to hang out with him a little at the New Media Expo. You can find him at ( 1. School of Podcasting ( 2. The Audacity to podcast ( 3. Podcast Answer Man ( 4. Five Lives Football Daily (,d.aWc)

 Keeping Your Website Safe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:29

Keeping Your Website Safe

 I’ve Got To Be Me – Tales From The Expo 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:50

I received an email from a listener who has a difference of opinion when it comes to God. Apparently me saying "God Bless" at the end of my podcast is offensive. Here is his email: Well, it was fun while it lasted, but I've listened to the last episode of School of Podcasting that I'll be listening to.  Normally I'd just unsubscribe and move on with my life, but since you've given me a lot of good advice, I thought it would be fair to return the favor.   Your inability to get through a show without letting us all know what religion you are is utterly insufferable to me, as I'm sure it is to many of your former listeners.  I don't begrudge you your faith, but if I wanted to listen to someone babble about their imaginary sky-buddy, I'd download a religion cast.  With an informational podcast, I should not know anything at all about (a) your religion or (b) your politics.  I'm sure you aren't intentionally narrowing your audience, but you are very effectively limiting your audience.   I would look at it the same way I look at profanity in a podcast (and sorry for comparing Jesus to profanity, but I think you'll appreciate the analogy).  Nobody will ever quit listening to your podcast because it doesn't have enough profanity, but plenty of people will stop listening because it does.  I would strongly recommend you leave the religious references out in the future, and hopefully atheists like myself (and the 20% of Americans who do not believe in God) will feel welcome when listening to your show.   Thanks for all the great work,   Aaron Davies.   ps This would probably make a great subject to discuss on a future episode. Here is my response: I listen to George Hrab's podcast ( (as an Atheist you should check it out). When George talks about the religious morons of the week, he is being George. I wouldn't expect anything else from him. In the United States of America I would fight for the right for George to say his opinion - even if it directly conflicts with mine. You have the right to tune me out, as do I when I listen to George. I know George is a skeptic, and he knows I went to "preacher school" before I quit (religion, not God, drives me nuts). While I could cut George out of my life (we just did an hour live at the NMX) then I would miss all the things we agree on because we disagree on one thing. That would be a shame (and kind of intolerant). I've helped skpetics start podcasts (to not do so wouldn't really be showing God's love now would it?), heck if Jesus was alive today he'd be hanging out with crack heads and politicians. Not that skeptics are crack heads, my point being Jesus hung with everyone. He did not discriminate.It is you choice to unsubscribe, I can't stop you. I wish you the best in all you do. I am Dave Jackson. I'm a Christian. I'm a podcasters. I'm trying to lose weight. I'm a guitar player. I'm a husband and step father. For me to not talk about any of these subjects would stop me from being me, and people can spot a phony a mile away. It was never my intention to offend anyone. Be well,Dave I could have also added Robert Chazz Chute ( was very helpful to me when I was writing my book. He is an atheist. This doesn't mean he is sacrificing goats and small children in the back yard. He makes me laugh. I like his books. We disagree on God. What Happens When You Worry About Offending Everyone When you remove all opinion that offend everyone, you end up with a morning news station that talks about the winner of American Idol instead of what is really going on in the world. You end up with content that in my opinion is unlistenable. I once worked for a company where ONE customer complained and the owner made SWEEPING changes. The result? A MASSIVE change in customer service in a NEGATIVE way. While I can name all sorts of people who stand up for what they believe (John Stewart, Ted Nugent, Donald Trump, Ellen DeGeneres),

 I've Got to Be Me - Tales From The Expo 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:51

I've Got to Be Me - Tales From The Expo 2

 3 Days To Becoming One of the Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:30

Today I'm back from New Media Expo in Las Vegas and I'm producing this entire episode with JUST MY PHONE. My interviews were recorded using a Roland R-05, and in some cases a microphone from Giant Squid Audio ( I'm using a software for your iphone or your ipad called Boss Jock Studio (, and its pretty cool. If you are doing portable recording and want to do the whole podcast (not jsut record interviews) this is a fun tool to let you do it.  The software is written by podcasters (who help launch for podcasters. Currently the software won't work with my favorite microphone the Audio Technica 2100 but that's Apple's fault (not Boss Jock). There are some microphone that you can plug into your iphone (with a camera kit) that will sound better than the built in microphone of the iphone. Three Days to Become The Media Kevin Taylor sent me an email on Friday. By Friday afternoon his basic website was up, and by Saturday he had his first episode done. By Sunday he had his first media pass. Promote Your Podcast With Pinterest Dan Hayes of ( has been putting his album art on pinterest with a quick blurb like "Click to listen to podcast" and he is noticing traffic coming from Pinterest as well as comments like "I've never listened to a podcast before,". This is a channel that will actually grow your audience as they may not be acquainted with podcasting. Thanks for the tip Dan! Interview with Tony DiLorenzo of the One Extraordinary Marriage Podcast One way you can promote your podcast is to network with other podcasters who are doing similar shows. Most (but not all) will cross-promote. Some will be afraid that you will "Steal" their audience. In talking with Tony he and his wife have an AMAZING story and they are an open book. For me it shows that God can take any negative and turn it into a positive. Check them out at  ( Tony and his wife now have authored two books The 7 Day Sex Challenge ( and Stripped Down: 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage (  Available at ( and hope to syndicate their podcast. Last 5 in 5 from Jim Federoff of Quilt Caster Jim produces the Quiltcaster ( podcast (a podcast about custom designed musical instruments). Jim has been a big fan of podcasting for years and finally started one of his own. I caught up with Jim and the New Media Expo and here are the last five podcasts he listened to: Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income ( Godin ( Radio Lab ( - Great production values and stories Social Triggers ( - Marketing from a psychological aspect HIMMS ( mhealth podcast Vegas Was a Blast! Thanks to everyone who came up to me at Vegas and to all the people I met. Podcasting is a time shifted conversation and it was nice to have some immediate conversations for a change.  

 3 Days To Becoming One of the Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:30

3 Days To Becoming One of the Media

 Why You Should Be Podcasting in 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:06

Today I provide 20+ reasons why you should be podcasting. We play with a free podcasting software that allows you to have sounds play with a click of a button, we talk about cleaning up noisy files, and we have a list 5 in 5. Why You Should Be Podcasting Below is just the list, this list with more details is at ( 1. Be seen as an expert. 2. You will be seen as reliable when your produce on a regular basis. 3. Loyal Audiences. 4. More Sales – More Leads 5. Bigger Audience 6. Better Understanding of Your Customer Global Audience7. Reach a Global Audience 8. Extra Income 9. Make Friends 10. Become the Media 11. There is no spam in Podcasting 12. Consuming Podcasts Is Getting Easier 13. Radio Is Horrible 14. Time Shifted Material 15. Everything is Going Digital 16. Audio Podcasts Allow People To Multitask 17. Podcasting is Intimate 18. Podcasting is Inexpensive to Start Up 19. Big Fish in Small Pond 20. Your Audience Awaits Jingle Palette Review This is a free software ( for the PC that allows you to assign sounds to any number of buttons. You can set the volume level for each file. There is no "fade out" option. I faded out items in this podcast as I was sending the sounds into my mixer. At one point, the software had a bit of a crash, and it didnt' save the palette I was using. I was not a huge fan, but you can't beat the price. Cleaning Up Noisy Audio Files In this segment I play a voicemail that came in that had a fair amount of hiss. I use the noise removal feature in Adobe Audition (and is also available in Audacity). You have the software "listen" to your noise, and then have it remove it. If you apple too much of this feature, it can make the sound have a weird "under water" effect. A little goes a long way. I then took this file and applied a noise gate which blocked any left over hiss from coming to your ears. Podcasting is for Everyone In this episode we get feedback from a 6th grader, and someone who has retired early (in his 60's) who are both enjoying the creativity and power of podcasting. Are you looking for Podcasting 101 tips? Check out free podcasting tips at School of Podcasting Radio at ( Last 5 in 5 School of Podcasting's Morning Announcement (this podcast) More Podcast Money ( (about making oney with your podcast) Weekly Web Tools ( (tools for people who handle their own website) Power of Podcasting (answering the question, why should I podcast) Wordpress Plugins A to Z ( You Can Change Your Podcast Today we spotlight the Podcast Goddess podcast and Internet Business Mastery ( who have decided to change the format of their shows. The beautiful thing about a podcast is YOU are in control. So if you start out going in one direction, you can change it later. Mentioned in This Episode Creative Penn Podcast ( Logical Weight Loss ( Healing Our Marriage Podcast ( Survey Monkey ( Scott Sigler's Book in Amazon (Watch video) ( For more links see the original blog post (

 Why You Should Be Podcasting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:06

Why You Should Be Podcasting

 Podcast Gear – Soundboard Software – Podbean Stats – Podcast Competition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:56

In today's show we answer questions about YouTube and RSS, we talk about Podcasting Stats, and I review the Broadcasting Studio Microphone Boom Scissor Arm Suspension Stand Desk Table Universal Mic Mount DJ Radio Griffin  ( I also talk about the latest episode of the Podcasters Roundtable where we talk about Podcast "Competition." Because of my Podcast Featuring Max Flight This segment can be heard at 6:20 mark Find max at: See my Thirty Thousand Feet aviation directory: ( Listen to me on the Airplane Geeks Podcast: ( Follow me on Twitter: ( Learn the craft of podcasting: ( YouTube and Podcasting I have a question for you.  I am starting up the Theme Review Show podcast in January.  I was going to start it over the summer but I realized that it was kind of weird to do an audio podcast about something inately visual. What I decided to do was to produce an audio review like I was initially planning, but I am also going to do a supplemental video tour of the given theme that would basically be a screen share showing the theme and talking about what I like/dislike, and how to build a site using the given theme.  I am creating a specific youtube channel for these videos and will point back to my site. My question is:  If I embed a youtube video into my shownotes, would that end up in the podcast RSS feed?  I don't want to do that because the idea of the videos is to drive traffic to my blog from the podcast.. and youtube.  How would you organize something like this? Answer: I have done this on Weekly Web Tools where I put a youtube video and an audio file. I place my url to the media in the box provided by the PowerPress plugin. It has never caused an issue. Some tools yo may look into to monetize the videos is Viewbix ( Leadplayer ( Sound Boards for Android Phone Adam from the Laptcast ( to know if there are any Soundboard for Android. I was unaware of any so until Mark in Russia ( clued me in. He likes this one ( Read his full review of this one and two others here ( Podcast Stat Packages - Podbean Advertising Bill Hutchinson wanted to know if Blubrry stats are better than Libsyn stats. I had previously mentioned and for free stats. When you compare and stats they are simliar. You can see them in a video I did about how awful podbean is. I mention how podbean places a preroll in your show when you sign up for their advertising program. The pre-roll stated that you could get 1000 downloads for $1. Understanding Podcast Subscriptions If there weren't tools like iTunes and the new Podcasts app from Apple, I would have to visit 71 different web pages to see if there were any new episodes. This is one of the most powerful features of podcasting. Now when I fire up whatever software you are using (iTunes, Pocket Casts) it checks all of those websites for me. Podcast Gear View ( just got a new boom arm for my wife to use. There are mic boom arms that cost over $100 This package includes: The arm A mic cable A shock mount for $65 ( I love it and it seems very durable. Mentioned on the Show Bill Hutchinson's Accidental Missionary


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