Three Things All Podcasters Start With

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

Summary: There are certain items that every podcaster has when they launch their podcast. Today I want to go over them and discuss their importance. 1. Control The GREAT thing about podcasting is the FREEDOM you have (compared to radio where you have a program director who tell you what to say, what to play, how to say it). If you are a solo podcaster you have the ultimate authority over your brand, you production, EVERYTHING you have control over. If somewhere down the road you want to change something YOU CAN. You have control. 2. Innocence When you say it's a weekly podcast and then you put out a show every week, you are seen as reliable. This is a reliable until proven unreliable kind of situation. If you miss a week, they will forgive you. If you take a break for a month, they might not. 3. Integrity When I press the record button, I say the same things I say when the microphone is off. Some people might say I'm "keeping it real." The truth is people have come to value my opinion because of my experience. I deeply appreciate that and do not take it lightly. Consequently, when a new product comes along and I see where there is a high commission on it, I don't instantly start talking about it on my podcasts. I do some research. I figure out if this is something my audience might enjoy or use. If possible I get my hands on the product, or at least watch some videos so I can provide some insight (and I always say if I have or have not used an item). When I went to wikipedia I read this definition for "Selling out." "Selling out" is the compromising of integrity, morality, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money. I've approached other companies that I like and use to see if I could get equipment to try (review) and send back. So far none of the companies I approach can accommodate that request. When I was at Blogworld in New York I heard many people talking about how great B&H Photo is for gear. They do have a wide selection. It's like going to K-Mart for podcasters. They have a very knowledgeable sales staff, and from what I hear great support. I contacted them and if I can send them enough traffic I should be able to get some equipment for reviewing (I'm still in discussions). This is great. They have an affiliate program which made it even better. Then I started doing some comparisons on their pricing. That's when things went weird. On the Audio Technica ATR2100USB they are $30 more than amazon. Now on the Heil PR40 they are $5 cheaper than When I checked more of the products that I recommend, I saw where their prices were often slightly higher. You can see this by going to ( My dilemma is, if I bring them on as THE resource for equipment, I end up knowingly referring you to a company that is costing you more money. I consider you my friend. I wouldn't do that for a friend. To me that is selling out. While I would love to be a reviewer for them, I can't do it if it means I have to lie to you. You mean more to me than equipment. Last 5 in 5 Thanks to Doug from the Movie Madness Podcast ( for today's last 5 in 5. Check out his podcast if you like to talk movies. 1. The School of Podcasting - Podcasting Tips (this site). 2. Horror Etc ( - Great podcast for Horror Movies 3. Stuck in the 80 ('s - Great podcast if you love the 80's 4. The Art of Wrestling ( - Wresting Podcast from Colt Cabana 5. WDW Radio ( All things Walt Disney