How Much Money Can You Make Podcasting?

School of Podcasting - Plan, Launch, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast show

Summary: This is not a post to brag (as there are people who make LOTS more money than I do podcasting) but to answer a question I get frequently. How much money can I make as a podcaster? To this I say, the more you put in, the more you get out. You do need the following: 1. A profitable niche. I've done a podcast for musicians for 8 years. Have you ever heard the phrase "Starving artist?" apparently there is a reason for that. We know that Americans spend LOTS of money on weight loss industry items. Consequently, one of my most profitable podcasts is my Logical Weight Loss podcast. 2. You need to know your audience. You do this via email, voice mail, comments, meetups, etc. 3. You do need an audience. My smallest audience is my Weekly Web Tools (about 200 downloads) but the people who listen LOVE it. My two least profitable podcasts are Feeding my Faith, and the Marketing Musician podcast. I would also note that these are the two podcasts with the least reliable publishing schedule. Those podcasts are "Do as I say - not as I do." With only 24 hours in the day, I fail to meet my projected weekly schedule. I plan on doing Marketing Musician twice a month. Likewise the "Podcast review show" is done on a "as needed basis" as the reviews are ordered. I should pick some podcasts to review to keep the podcast more consistent.   With this in mind, I'm going to peel back my curtain and show you what I made in July 2012 Number of Downloads Per Show in July School of Podcasting 24,929 Logical Weight Loss ( 9,855 Marketing Musician: 1578 Jillian Michaels Podcast ( 1089 Weekly Web Tools ( 796 Building a Better Dave ( 602 More Podcast Money ( 486 Feeding My Faith ( Power of Podcasting 459 Total downloads 39,918   Affiliate Marketing Amazon: $86.91 $8.48 Jillian Michaels Podcast $1.91 Logical Weight Loss $25.32 More Podcast Money $1.64 School of Podcasting $47.94 Support This Show $1.62 Host Gator (School of Podcasting): $500 Jillian Michaels Website (linkshare): $35 Weekly Web Tools ( $33.54 Logical Weight Loss (24 hour fitness) $5 Audible (Jillian Michaels) $333 Total Affiliate Income $988.45 Donations Tip 5: $4.50 Logical Weight Loss $25 Total Donations $29.5 Sales of Products Podcast Review Show $19.99 Consulting: $259 Membership Sites: $314.77 Audio Editing: $81 Book Royalties $20.24 Web Hosting $4 Total Product Sales $683.01 Total Income: $1,730.46 $8.48 $8.50 Logical Weight Loss $50.32 School of Podcasting $654.77 More Podcast Money $21.88 Weekly Web Tools: $34.54 Jillian Michaels $369.91 Support This show $1.62 Feeding My Faith $0 Building a Better Dave $0 Expenses Blubrry Hosting $12 Libsyn Media Hosting $45 Web Hosting: $15 Paypal $35.73 Total Expenses $107.73 Net Income $1622.73 Mentioned on the Show If you'd like to make more money with your podcast check out my book More Podcast Money ( at Use Audible as a "sponsor" of your show sign up here ( Listen to my audible tips here ( Emember ( script Wishlist ( Plugin Digital Access Pass ( is the plugin I use at the School of Podcasting