Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Burns and Allen – George Has a Cold (Marlene Dietrick). 490317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:39

George has a cold, and Gracie hovers over him like a mother hen over her chick. Her home remedies are less than desireable. Gracie then tells him about the play that her Uplift Society is putting on. Her friend Blanche and Bill Goodwin come over, and get informed of George’s condition. Bill wants to try to get a baby sitter to tend George while Gracie goes out. Gracie gets wise to the hot red head that Bill has in mind, but what George really wants is just for Gracie to stay home. Bill follows Gracie’s instruction and gets a nice grandma to sit up with George, which turns out to be Marlene Dietrick. To top it off, Marlene is to try to make Gracie jealous by acting like she has fallen in love with George. George is eating up the attention, but will Gracie believe it? Time for a commercial break. Gracie goes to talk to Blanche about Marlene, and how she can get rid of her. Maybe Marlene can be in the Uplift Society play, while Gracie stays home. Can Blanche do anything to help lure Bill away from Marlene to make her jealous? I think we’re about to find out. To entertain, and impress, George sings for Marlene. Instead, Marlene sings, I Can’t Help It. Personally, I think I prefer George. Blanche arrives to do her best to attract Bill. As a last resort, Gracie pretends to be Marlenes daughter, and pleads with her to come home. This is turning out to be a tough challenge for Gracie, but just when George thinks he has won, Gracie still has one more trick up her sleeve. She convinces Marlene to join the Uplift Society, and gets Blanche to stay with George.

 Amos and Andy – Insurance Fraud. 440317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:11

Kingfish and Amos discuss the newly rekindled love between Andy and Madam Queen, when Henry Van Porter enters to sell Kingfish on renewing his policy. After hearing the benefit of getting cash, just for being hurt is almost a signal for Kingfish to be hit by a car. Don’t worry, he really isn’t hurt, but he tries his best for fake his injuries and make like they are much worse than they are. The insurance company has their ways of investigating the case. Whose sneaky ways will win out and get the benefit of the insurance policy. In the process, Andy falls prey to the insurance company’s secret weapon, a cutie named Irene. I feel a conflict of interest with Madam Queen coming on, bbut if it is going to happen, it’l have to wait for another episode since there’s not enough tie in this one to go there. Will Irene get the information she needs for the insurance company? Will Kingfish be a success at faking his symptoms? Will the doctor that Andy hires for the occasion document the proof that Kingfish needs for his injuries? Would you believe that Kingfish falls victim to a mix up, and confides in the insurance company doctor all abou his fake injuries.

 Lum and Abner – Lum is Furious at Abner. 461209 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:43

Cleaning up after the breakfast rush, Cedric talks to Abner about how the restaurant business is going. Cedric discovers what a menu is, and learns about Abner’s letter he sent to Duncan Hines. Will their little restaurant become world famous? Lum enters, and is clearly upset. He is furious that he’ll be a laughingstock, and a visit from the world famous food critic might bankrupt him. How will the attention from the famous food critic ruin Lum? Abner gets confused on what a gormet is. Will he ever be able to give a satisfactory answer to Lum about the letter he sent. Doc Withers gets a lesson on how to ring the party line. Has he found his missing goat? What’s Doc missing now? There’s no danger in a responce from Duncan Hines, is there?

 Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons – The Case Of The Strange Display. 440316 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

As two women are out shopping, they discover that one of the window displays has a murdered body in it. It turns out that one of the ladies boyfriend is the window dresser, and goes into hiding as the main suspect. She tells her story to Mr Keen and we find out the details of the overbearing, and rude boss. The boyfriend had good motive to want to kill him, but so do many others. The dead man was prone to hitting on the ladies, belittling his employees, and in general just being a jerk to those around him. Listen in and gather clues with Mr Keen. Figuring out who the real killer is will lure the missing man out of hiding, but the case better be a good one, since the cops want to pin the murder on him.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Doc Gamble Day. ep579, 490315 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:26

There’s a big surprise in store for Doc Gamble, with the whole gang honoring him. It all started by an inspiration by an unlikely source, Fibber McGee. He talks to Molly about his idea, how he came up with it, and a little about the planned events. Look out, here comes Doc Gamble now. To keep from letting the cat out of the bag, Fibber dishes out his usual wisecracks with Doc. It seems that Doc’s plan is to take his weary bones home for a nap, he’s just not up for excitement. As Molly heads to the kitchen to tend to her cake, Teeny visits. Amazing how that happens. Teeny talks with Fibber about her dog. She also frustrates him over her plans for Doc’s party. Billy Mills plays, Red Roses for a Blue Lady. Fibber and Molly go out to visit Mayor LaTrivia. The Mayor is thrilled at the honors for Doc, and at Molly visiting, but not so much to see Fibber. More parade, and pardy plans are discussed. A plug for Easter Seals, and helping crippled children and adults is put in. Harlow Wilcox stops in to visit the mayor, and of course deliver the commercial. Wallace Wimple drops into City Hall, and talks about being lost in the woods. Also how doc helped him with getting better from an incident with Sweety Face. The Kingsmen sing, E O I E, O, There’s a Girl I Used to Know. The parade is about to kick off, and Fibber looks at the floats. Ole, the janitor at Kraemers pitches in about the floats. The band plays, the marchers march, and the gang arrive at Doc’s house. The sleeping doc is a little grumpy at first, but accepts the honor as graciously as possible. There’s just an added snag that nobody counted on.

 Dragnet – Big Signet. ep162, 520731 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Robbery detail. A pair of aarmed robbers hold up a restaurant. One gets away, but the other is shot. Frank Smith joins Joe Friday on the smoggy day as they catch up on visiting relatives, and the details of the robbery. What’s the condition of the injured criminal? Phone calls are made, and interviews are begun. Crooks are rounded up. The restaurant owners are questioned, looking for any remote detaiil to link the missing robber to the crime. A tall man with a loud voice, ordering folks around. Maybe the worst part for the victims is the theft of a signet ring, a family heirloom. Mug shots are left with Mr. and Mrs. Reiner, and the investigation continues. Informants may be of help, but the cops deliver more mug shots to the victims. Though they remark over the looks of the criminal faces, none of them seem to be their robber. The promising case ends with Joe and Frank feeling further from a solution. When the diamond signet ring shows up in the sale of a car, the case takes on new traction. Joe connects with Las Vegas police to close in on their man. A known associate claims to not be involved, and going sstraight. Joe believes him. Will the old felon help set up the robber on the run?

 Richard Diamond – Louis Dixon Case. ep126, 520314 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Richard has a paying customer, and when he shows up at the address, he’s greeted by a hot blonde. It’s a case of blackmail, and Fred wants the person stalking his wife to be stopped. Louis Dixon is the man, and Richard sets out to locate him. What can be learned from Walt, Richard’s policeman friend? Is there an informant who might dig up some dirt? Richard gets the report on what’s happening at the craps games, and penny arcades. Still no leads on Dixon. Louis manages to turn up, but the bad news is that he’s the latest corpse to cross paths with Walt. To find a killer, Richard keeps up his search for Louis to see what clues pop up. With all leads coming to a dead end, Richard comes full circle. What will he find there? The Killer, of course. Then a musical evening with his best gal Hellen.

 Let George Do It – The Motive is Murder. ep125, 490314 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:02

A man claims to have committed two murders, seemingly unconnected, but the odd killer wants his artistic work to be recognized. He wants George to investigate, and show the world how the crimes are related, and what they mean. Of course, the cops are interested, and monitor the activities as George sets out to investigate. George is given three names of future victims. Can he act as bodyguard? Or prevent danger? George has a close brush with a murder, and the killer keeps taunting him via telephone, and another murder is planned. The cops are frantic in trying to protect the public, and George is giving it all he has to stay a jump ahead to anticipate where the killer is going with all this. George hits on the common thread, the motif that the killer is following, and is able to prevent a murder. The success comes at a price, George has just been told by the killer that he is next on the list. I think the killer has underestimated George when he puts the killer on the spot to make him mad. The hope is to confuse him, and cause him to slip up. When the killer shows his hand, George nabs him, and his secrets are revealed, along with his story that drove him to kill.

 Lum and Abner – Wants Duncan Hines to Visit. 461205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:04

Abner complains that Lum isn’t working at improving on complaints from the restaurant customers. The book that Lum is reading is one from Duncan Hines, a well known food critic from Kentucky who travels and writes about the places he visits, and the food he eats. Just by recommending a restaurant, Duncan Hines can make a place famous. Abner is confused over the concept of what a food critic does. What kind of food tips does Abner offer? His lifetime of eating experience provides a few nuggets that Lum sarcastically responds to. In showing that he has manners, Abner gets on a roll, and pours forth a littany of good etiquette, and proper behavior to follow while at the dinner table. The frustrated Lum storms out, as grandpap enters. Will he understand Abner’s sage advice? Feeling like he finally got Lum’s hint, Abner decides to write a letter to Duncan Hines, and get him to give the restaurant a good review.

 Box 13 – Death Is A Doll. ep30, 490313 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:21

The latest request that comes into box 13 is for help with a case of voodoo. The normally practical minded Dan isn’t discounting any possibilities as he heads out for Louisiana for his next adventure. As Dan investigates, everyone downplays the witchcraft angle, it’s just ridiculous, superstition, nothing of real substance, right? Dan at least gives it credit for being a mental issue. Why would a normally healthy man suddenly suffer as his client has been, and losing weight? Can Dan apply some mind over matter techniques, and bring the suffering man back around? With each opponent to the idea that voodoo might actually have some affect, Dan keeps working the mental health angle. That if a person believes a thing strong enough, it can begin to take over as though the imaginary is a reality to that person. Still, will it take more than just being a good cheerleader and psychoanalyst to rescue the man from a self imposed fate? The curse put on the man only gives him a short time to live. Can Dan find the cure that will break the curse, and snap the man out of it? The clock is ticking, and soon there’s just one day left. The mind is a strange thing sometimes, but in this case, Dan’s style of psychotherapy is just the thing the doctor… er… witch doctor? ordered, so to speak.

 Jack Benny – Death In The Night Club. ep288, 380313 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:04

Jack feels that Don needs some help with his methods of doing the show opening. Though Jack thinks his job was an example of sincerity, Phil thinks otherwise. When Mary enters, another side of Jack’s inserity is revealed. She also talks a little about the house that Jack is building. After Jack gets picked on for a while, Phil plays, the Dipsy Doodle. Kenny seems a little sad when he enters. He didn’t win his academy award, something that Jack can also sympathize with. Jack talks about the star who did win, Spencer Tracey. Not to waste much time, Jack introduces the nights play, and takes a quick jab at his rival, Fred Allen. Kenny sings, Sweet as a Song. The murder mystery play begins with lawyers Jack and Mary pouring through the exhibits, then Kenny brings in a big clue. The courtroom drama takes place in Judge Schlepperman’s courtroom. There’s plenty of word play, and joking about legal topics, and the culture of the times. Andy Devine helps out as a star witness. The mumbling show announcer from Don’s anniversary show is back as a witness to tell exactly what he saw. The fun comes to an end as Don delivers up another recipe idea for Jello.

 The Shadow – Appointment With Death. 390312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

A man is released from prison, but claims to the warden that he’ll get the man who put him behind bars. Back with his gang, the gangsters plan is to buy an island for their hideout, and a place to trap the Shadow. The gang begin terrorizing the city in hopes of getting the attention of the Shadow. Blackie Carmichael gets his wish, and Lamonte Cranston talks to Margot Lane about what needs to be done. It can mean only one thing, either the end of blackie, or the end of the Shadow. Sure enough, the Shadow is lured to the island, and right into the waiting hands of Blackie. Is this the trap that will finally catch the Shadow, and put an end to him? Fearing the worst, Margot Lane has the Shadow’s back, but her phone call to the police may come too late. The cops race in to surround our killer, but what happened to the Shadow? Did he really get drowned? In the end, justice is served and another hardened criminal is removed from society.

 Wild Bill Hickock – Big John and Little Mike. ep60, 520312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:21

A bandit named Big John has the attention of wild Bill and Jingles. Buddy is a kid who wants to lend a hand in the case, against the will of his elders. Little Mike rushes to warn Big John of the rapidly closing Bill, but the nasty outlaw isn’t afraid of any law men. A noise is heard outside the hideout, and John is suddenly suspicious of his partner Mike. It’s just Buddy, and he finds himself in danger. Bill and Jingles approach with the sheriff, but will the cowardly bandit use Buddy for a human shield? Get ready for action packed gunbattles as the good guys win. And Buddy has the information Bill needs to lock away the outlaws.

 My Favorite Husband – Charity Revue. 490311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:10

This morning in the Cooper house, George is still getting dressed as Liz talks to Katie about her latest idea that George doesn’t approve of. Once George comes to the breakfast table, Liz butters him up so he’ll let her take part in the upcoming charity event with the Red Cross. George puts his foot down, but later at work, Mr Attaberry has a special task for George. The boss wants George to use his performance tallents to help out with the charity event. Back home, George has a changed story, and wants to include Liz in the tallent show. They work out a song they can do as a duet. It doesn’t go as well as Liz planned, so next they try out a vaudeville style comedy routine. There’s still conflict when Liz thinks they’ll be representing her ladies group, but George tells her that they will be representing the bank instead. Will George have to seek a different partner from the secretarial pool at work? How will Liz take that? When George and his secretary decide to do a romantic drama, Liz is the last person to sit still for it, and proceeds to interfere. Since it doesn’t seem to stop George, Liz finds her own attractive actor to help her out with her dramatic love scene. The guy turns out to be an old frat buddy of George. In a more subtle way, George manages to interfere in Liz rehearsal. At the tallent show, Liz is determined to perform with George, and locks the secretary in her dressing room. Liz and George do a vaudeville act where they actually share in the singing, and Liz manages to steal the punch lines from George. PS: audio quality is poor, but the show still comes through OK.

 Lum and Abner – Singing Commercials. 461204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:04

The restaurant business seems to be a roaring success, and even the local trade is coming in. However, Abnr shares how business might not be as well as Lum wants to believe. Things aren’t so rosy with the bus line customers either, and Lum considers how to provide more than just pancakes. Abner is impressed with Lum’s singing commercials, but can’t believe that Lum wrote them all himself. Stand by as a spot announcement is about to go out, with Lum, Abner, and the gang singing. Doc Withers joins the musical fun, along with Cedric’s bird whistle. There’s nothing like good music, and that was nothing like it. A phone call from Patrillo could bring some complications.


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