My Favorite Husband – Charity Revue. 490311

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: This morning in the Cooper house, George is still getting dressed as Liz talks to Katie about her latest idea that George doesn’t approve of. Once George comes to the breakfast table, Liz butters him up so he’ll let her take part in the upcoming charity event with the Red Cross. <br> George puts his foot down, but later at work, Mr Attaberry has a special task for George. The boss wants George to use his performance tallents to help out with the charity event. Back home, George has a changed story, and wants to include Liz in the tallent show. They work out a song they can do as a duet. It doesn’t go as well as Liz planned, so next they try out a vaudeville style comedy routine. There’s still conflict when Liz thinks they’ll be representing her ladies group, but George tells her that they will be representing the bank instead. <br> Will George have to seek a different partner from the secretarial pool at work? How will Liz take that? When George and his secretary decide to do a romantic drama, Liz is the last person to sit still for it, and proceeds to interfere. Since it doesn’t seem to stop George, Liz finds her own attractive actor to help her out with her dramatic love scene. The guy turns out to be an old frat buddy of George. In a more subtle way, George manages to interfere in Liz rehearsal. <br> At the tallent show, Liz is determined to perform with George, and locks the secretary in her dressing room. Liz and George do a vaudeville act where they actually share in the singing, and Liz manages to steal the punch lines from George. <br> PS: audio quality is poor, but the show still comes through OK. <br>