Box 13 – Death Is A Doll. ep30, 490313

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The latest request that comes into box 13 is for help with a case of voodoo. The normally practical minded Dan isn’t discounting any possibilities as he heads out for Louisiana for his next adventure. <br> As Dan investigates, everyone downplays the witchcraft angle, it’s just ridiculous, superstition, nothing of real substance, right? Dan at least gives it credit for being a mental issue. Why would a normally healthy man suddenly suffer as his client has been, and losing weight? Can Dan apply some mind over matter techniques, and bring the suffering man back around? <br> With each opponent to the idea that voodoo might actually have some affect, Dan keeps working the mental health angle. That if a person believes a thing strong enough, it can begin to take over as though the imaginary is a reality to that person. Still, will it take more than just being a good cheerleader and psychoanalyst to rescue the man from a self imposed fate? <br> The curse put on the man only gives him a short time to live. Can Dan find the cure that will break the curse, and snap the man out of it? The clock is ticking, and soon there’s just one day left. The mind is a strange thing sometimes, but in this case, Dan’s style of psychotherapy is just the thing the doctor… er… witch doctor? ordered, so to speak. <br>