Jack Benny – Death In The Night Club. ep288, 380313

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jack feels that Don needs some help with his methods of doing the show opening. Though Jack thinks his job was an example of sincerity, Phil thinks otherwise. When Mary enters, another side of Jack’s inserity is revealed. She also talks a little about the house that Jack is building. <br> After Jack gets picked on for a while, Phil plays, the Dipsy Doodle. Kenny seems a little sad when he enters. He didn’t win his academy award, something that Jack can also sympathize with. Jack talks about the star who did win, Spencer Tracey. <br> Not to waste much time, Jack introduces the nights play, and takes a quick jab at his rival, Fred Allen. Kenny sings, Sweet as a Song. <br> The murder mystery play begins with lawyers Jack and Mary pouring through the exhibits, then Kenny brings in a big clue. The courtroom drama takes place in Judge Schlepperman’s courtroom. There’s plenty of word play, and joking about legal topics, and the culture of the times. <br> Andy Devine helps out as a star witness. The mumbling show announcer from Don’s anniversary show is back as a witness to tell exactly what he saw. The fun comes to an end as Don delivers up another recipe idea for Jello. <br>