Fibber McGee and Molly – Doc Gamble Day. ep579, 490315

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: There’s a big surprise in store for Doc Gamble, with the whole gang honoring him. It all started by an inspiration by an unlikely source, Fibber McGee. He talks to Molly about his idea, how he came up with it, and a little about the planned events. Look out, here comes Doc Gamble now. <br> To keep from letting the cat out of the bag, Fibber dishes out his usual wisecracks with Doc. It seems that Doc’s plan is to take his weary bones home for a nap, he’s just not up for excitement. As Molly heads to the kitchen to tend to her cake, Teeny visits. Amazing how that happens. Teeny talks with Fibber about her dog. She also frustrates him over her plans for Doc’s party. <br> Billy Mills plays, Red Roses for a Blue Lady. Fibber and Molly go out to visit Mayor LaTrivia. The Mayor is thrilled at the honors for Doc, and at Molly visiting, but not so much to see Fibber. More parade, and pardy plans are discussed. A plug for Easter Seals, and helping crippled children and adults is put in. <br> Harlow Wilcox stops in to visit the mayor, and of course deliver the commercial. Wallace Wimple drops into City Hall, and talks about being lost in the woods. Also how doc helped him with getting better from an incident with Sweety Face. The Kingsmen sing, E O I E, O, There’s a Girl I Used to Know. <br> The parade is about to kick off, and Fibber looks at the floats. Ole, the janitor at Kraemers pitches in about the floats. The band plays, the marchers march, and the gang arrive at Doc’s house. The sleeping doc is a little grumpy at first, but accepts the honor as graciously as possible. There’s just an added snag that nobody counted on. <br>