Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com show

Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com

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 Indonesian Vocab Builder #62 - Study Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:02

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Indonesian Vocab Builder #44 - Office | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 3-Minute Indonesian #6 - Refusing Politely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:12

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Enggak, makasih. Tidak, terima kasih. Maaf, tapi saya sudah punya rencana. Sori, tapi aku sudah ada rencana. ----Formal English---- No, thank you. No, thank you. Sorry, but I already have plans. Sorry, but I already have plans. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #10 - Is There a Problem with your Indonesian Hotel Room? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:33

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- (Kring... Kring...) Resepsionis: Selamat sore, ada yang bisa saya bantu? Indah: Halo, saya Indah dari kamar 103. Saya mau lapor kalau ACnya tidak bekerja, kemudian lampu WCnya juga tidak menyala. Resepsionis: Saya mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi. Saya akan segera mengirim seorang teknisi untuk memperbaikinya. Indah: Oke, Terima kasih. ----Formal English---- (Ring... Ring...) Receptionist: Good afternoon, how may I help you? Indah: Hello, my name is Indah from room 103. I'd like to report that the AC isn't working, and also the light in the bathroom does not turn on. Receptionist: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will send a technician to fix it soon. Indah: Okay, thank you. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Indonesian Vocab Builder #56 - The Top 20 Words For Positive Emotions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:10

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 News #137 - The 9 Free Ways to Learn Indonesian for Life. Steal These for Yourself! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:37

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 Advanced Audio Blog #8 - Internet Luxury in an Indonesian Melting Pot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:27

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Makassar Makassar adalah ibukota Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan merupakan kota terbesar di Pulau Sulawesi. Hingga tahun 1999, Makassar disebut Ujung Pandang, nama yang diambil dari benteng terbesar di kota itu lalu dikembalikan lagi ke nama aslinya, Makassar. Pendatang Eropa pertama yang tiba di Makassar adalah orang Portugis. Di awal abad ke-16, Makassar sudah menjadi pusat perdagangan yang penting di Indonesia Timur dan tak lama menjadi salah satu kota terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Raja-raja Makassar memberlakukan politik perdagangan bebas yang mendorong semua pendatang untuk melakukan usaha di kota tersebut, dan melawan usaha Belanda untuk memonopoli kota itu. Walaupun sebagian besar penduduk Makassar adalah Muslim, ini tidak menghalangi orang-orang Kristen dan pemeluk agama lainnya untuk berdagang di sana. Semasa kolonial Belanda, kota ini telah menjadi pelabuhan utama di Sulawesi bagian selatan yang sudah memiliki kegiatan pelayaran yang teratur baik domestik maupun internasional. Makassar sangat terkenal dengan kapal pinisi-nya, sebuah kapal layar yang masih sering dipakai untuk perdagangan jarak jauh. Kota ini juga terkenal sebagai penghasil minyak Makassar dan kayu hitam. Sebagai kota pelabuhan, Makasar merupakan kota percampuran berbagai etnis di Sulawesi Selatan seperti Bugis, Mandar, Toraja dan Makassar, selain orang Melayu, Jawa dan Cina. Suku utama Bugis-Makassar dikenal sebagai pelaut ulung dan pedagang ulet yang telah menjejakkan kaki di banyak pelabuhan penting di kepulauan Indonesia, Asia Tenggara bahkan Madagaskar. Di masa modern, Makassar yang didiami hampir 1 juta orang ini masih juga menjadi kota pelabuhan yang terkenal. Selain itu, kota ini juga merupakan salah satu kota perikanan terbesar di Indonesia yang terkenal dengan perdagangan tripangnya. Dua pusat wisata di kota ini adalah pantai Losari dan benteng peninggalan masa lalu Fort Rotterdam, benteng yang dibangun Belanda setelah menguasi Makassar dan menggantikan benteng terbesarnya Somba Opu. ----Formal English---- Makassar Makassar is the capital of South Sulawesi Province and is the largest city on the Sulawesi Island. Until 1999, it was called Ujung Pandang, a name taken from the largest fortress in the city before being restored to its original current name. The Portuguese was the first European visitors in Makassar. At the beginning of the 16th century, the city had established itself as a center of commerce in the eastern Indonesia archipelago and quickly became one of the largest cities in Southeast Asia. The kings of Makassar imposed a free-trade policy that encouraged all visitors to trade openly in the city and were against the Dutch's effort to monopolize the city. The fact that a majority of Makassar residents are Moslem did not refrain Christians and people of other religions to trade in the city. During the colonial time, the city had already become a main port in southern Sulawesi that carried out regular domestic and international sailing activities. Makassar is famous for its Phinisi, which is a "wooden sailing ship" used for long range trading throughout the Indonesian islands by following the seasonal monsoon winds. The city was also a famous producer of Macassar Oil and ebony. As a port city, Makassar is a melting pot of many ethnicities in South Sulawesi such as Bugis, Mandar, Toraja, and Makassar, in addition to Malay, Javanese, and Chinese. Bugis-Makassar, the main ethnic of Makassar residents are well-known as excellent sailors and determined traders who had set foot on many important ports in the Indonesian archipelago, Southeast Asia, [...]

 3-Minute Indonesian #3 - Manners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:43

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Terima kasih. Terima kasih banyak. Terima kasih dengan senang hati. Terima kasih atas segalanya. ----Formal English---- Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, gladly. Thanks for everything. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #136 - The 5 Review Tactics & Learning Tools That Will Sharpen Your Indonesian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:33

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Indonesian Vocab Builder #16 - Winter Clothes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:19

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 3-Minute Indonesian #2 - Greetings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:38

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Halo. Selamat siang Sampai jumpa. Selamat tinggal. ----Formal English---- Hi. Good day. See you. Goodbye. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #135 - How to Learn Indonesian Faster & Reach Goals with This 1 Study Tool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:57

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 Indonesian Vocab Builder #53 - Academia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15

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 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #11 - An Indonesian Legend: The Movie Producer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:16

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Sang Legenda Teguh Karya Perfilman Indonesia tidak bisa dilepaskan dari nama besar Teguh Karya. Beliau adalah tokoh legendaris yang karya-karyanya terkenal luas sejak tahun 1970an sampai tahun 1990an. Teguh Karya yang terlahir dengan nama Steve Liem Tjoan Hok adalah sutradara terbesar Indonesia. Dari tangannya pula telah lahir banyak aktor dan aktris kenamaan di Indonesia antara lain Slamet Rahardjo, Christine Hakim, dan Alex Komang. Teguh Karya memiliki latar belakang teater khususnya pengarah seni. beliau adalah pemimpin Teater Populer sejak berdirinya di tahun 1968. Teater ini yang berpusat di Hotel Indonesia Jakarta ini, beranggota para mahasiswa Akademi Teater Nasional Indonesia dan para peminat teater lainnya. Dalam perkembangannya teater ini bersama Teguh Karya dan aktor-aktrisnya memiliki pengaruh kuat di dunia perfilman Indonesia. Dinominasikan untuk Piala Citra sembilan kali, Teguh Karya dinobatkan enam kali menjadi sutradara terbaik lewat karya-karyanya, yaitu—Cinta Pertama (tahun 1974), Ranjang Pengantin (tahun 1975), November 1828 (tahun 1978), Di Balik Kelambu (tahun 1983), Ibunda (tahun 1986) dan Pacar Ketinggalan Kereta (tahun 1988). Karya Teguh Karya umumnya membekas dan menjadi film yang berpangaruh di masanya. Film-film yang disutradarainya biasanya ditandai dengan cerita yang baik dan mengalir, dengan kekuatan pada karakter tokohnya. Biasanya film menampilkan potret masyarakat Indonesia umumnya dengan problem riil kesehariannya seperti rumahtangga dalam film Ibunda, perkawinan (dalam film Di Balik Kelambu), percintaan (dalam film Pacar Ketinggalan Kereta). Di samping itu beliau juga tertarik menggarap epik sejarah seperti kisah Pangeran Diponegoro (November 1828) dan Doea Tanda Mata. Dia dikenal sangat memperhatikan detil, baik detil dalam cerita dan dialog tokohnya maupun juga detil pada set, pemilihan lokasi, dan pencahayaan. Di samping itu karena latar belakang Pengarah Seninya, karya Teguh Karya memiliki kecenderungan artistik. Boleh jadi obsesi pada detil dan artistik di dalam cerita-cerita keseharian inilah yang menyebabkan karya-karya beliau meninggalkan kesan yang kuat pada penontonnya. Teguh adalah pria yang selalu berpenampilan sederhana, sangat dihormati dan dicintai oleh teman-teman seprofesi, maupun para seniman lain. Bagi para seniman ia dianggap sebagai bapak, guru, sekaligus teman. Beliau meninggal pada 11 Desember 2001 pada usia 64 tahun. ----Formal English---- Teguh Karya the Legend Indonesia cinema is inseparable from Teguh Karya's big name. He is a legend whose works are widely known throughout the 1970s until 1990s. Born with the name Steve Liem Tjoan Hok, Teguh Karya is certainly the best movie director in Indonesia. From his hands have been born many famous actors and actresses; among them are Slamet Rahadjo, Christine Hakim, and Alex Komang. Teguh Karya had a background in theater, especially as an art director. He was the head of Teater Populer ("Theater Popular") since it was founded in 1968. The theater that was based in Hotel Indonesia Jakarta had members from Indonesia National Theater Academy and other theater enthusiasts. In its development, the theater, Teguh Karya, and the actors and actresses it produced has had strong influence in Indonesian cinema. Nominated for the Citra Award nine times, Teguh Karya was six times crowned as the Best Director in—"The First Love" (1974), "The Bride Bed" (1975), "November 1828" (1978), "Behind a Curtain" (1983), "Mother" (1986), and "Lover Missed a Train" (1988). Generally, Teguh Karya's movies left profound marks and became influential movies of [...]

 Indonesian Vocab Builder #52 - Directions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:31

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!


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