Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com show

Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com

Summary: Learn Indonesian fast, easy and at your own pace with IndonesianPod101.com Audio Podcasts and Videocasts. **--- Free Lifetime Account and password protected iTunes lesson feed available at IndonesianPod101.com ---** ... NOW OVER --- 101,000,000 --- Language Lessons downloaded so far and Brian Heater of -- PC Magazine -- says "These podcasts offer a painless and FREE way to bone up on the language and culture in a relevant, real world way that you won't get in a class room or on a CDROM." You get comprehensive, easy to use lessons that make learning Indonesian fun for anyone. Each audio podcast contains a complete lesson and can be downloaded in seconds to your iPod, iPhone, iPad, computer or mp3 player so that you can learn Indonesian quickly and actually be speaking Indonesian in no time at all. These Audio Podcasts and Videocasts are your ticket to learning to speak Indonesian with confidence and accuracy, and you'll be speaking Indonesian with your very first lesson! :) Want more? If you are serious about learning Indonesian, you are missing out here! Get the full Free Indonesian Language Learning podcast experience. It's simple, easy [and did I mention free] to get a lifetime learning account on IndonesianPod101.com where you will get access to hundreds more full lessons, and direct access to our members only password protected iTunes feed. All Free lifetime account media files including the audio podcast, informal, bonus audio tracks, the dialog track, the lesson review track, videos, and all PDF lesson materials will be automatically downloaded for each new lesson as they become available. This is a great time saver and a way to give you consistent, instant access to the latest and best Indonesian lesson materials. Make Learning Indonesian fun, start listening today and don't miss out on getting your FREE Lifetime Account and password protected iTunes lesson feed available only at IndonesianPod101.com.

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 Video Culture Class: Indonesian Holidays #15 - Good Friday | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:42

Learn more about Indonesian culture with IndonesianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Indonesian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Indonesian. In this video, you'll learn all about Good Friday in Indonesian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Indonesian vocabulary. Join Fira for a dose of Indonesian culture! Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Indonesian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Survival Phrases #39 - Indonesian Foreign Exchange | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:01

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Ada mesin ATM yang dekat dari sini? Ada bank yang dekat dari sini? Dimana bisa tukar uang? Minta uang kecil. ----Formal English---- Is there an ATM near here? Is there a bank near here? Where can (I) change currency? Smaller denominations please. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 How to Learn Indonesian Fast with Learning Paths | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 1:31

Start learning with your Free Lifetime Account at IndonesianPod101.com

 News #131 - New Study Tool: Your Road Map to Mastering Indonesian from Beginner to Advanced | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:39

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Get New, Free Language Mini-Lessons Every Day! | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 1:23

FREE App! Download the Daily Dose of Language for the iPhone, iPad & Android.

 Learn Indonesian FAST with a Real Teacher Anywhere, Anytime! | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 3:22

Get a Real Teacher with Premium PLUS at IndonesianPod101.com and Learn 1-on-1.

 Culture Class: Essential Indonesian Vocabulary #4 - Home Cooking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:21

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Apakah lima hidangan rumah yang paling populer in Indonesia? 1. Kari Ayam 2. Ayam Goreng 3. Sayur Asam 4. Rendang 5. Mie Goreng ----Formal English---- What are the five most popular home cooked meals in Indonesia? 1. Chicken Curry 2. Fried Chicken 3. Indonesian tamarind dish 4. Indonesian spicy meat dish 5. Fried Noodle --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #119 - Your Secret IndonesianPod101 Deal to Mark the End of The Countdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:41

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Indonesian Vocab Builder #23 - Christmas Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:27

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate #6 - A Visit to the Indonesian Dentist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:04

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Dokter: Selamat siang, apa yang bisa saya bantu hari ini? Sari: Begini dok, gusi saya yang bagian belakang sebelah kiri bengkak dan rasanya sakit sejak semalam. Saking sakitnya, saya tidak bisa tidur semalam. Dokter: Baik, saya periksa dulu. Tolong buka mulutnya lebar-lebar. (setelah beberapa menit) Dokter: Iya benar, sepertinya ada peradangan, sehingga gusi Anda membengkak. Saya harus menusuknya dengan jarum, dan mengeluarkan nanah dari gusi. Sari: Apakah saya akan dibius dulu sebelumnya? Dokter: Untuk prosedur ini kita tidak memerlukan pembiusan. Rasanya memang akan sedikit sakit tetapi prosesnya hanya memakan waktu beberapa menit saja. Sari: Baiklah dok. (setelah beberapa menit) Dokter: Semuanya sudah selesai. Silahkan kumur mulut Anda. Sari: Terima kasih dok. Dokter: Sekarang, saya akan memberi Anda obat antibiotik untuk diminum selama 2 hari. Dan untuk mencegah kejadian yang sama, mohon gunakan benang gigi setelah menyikat gigi setiap hari. ----Formal English---- Doctor: Good afternoon, how can I help you today? Sari: Well doc, my gum on the back left side is swollen and it has been painful since last night. Because it was so painful, I couldn't sleep last night. Doctor: Alright, I'll check it first. Please open your mouth wide. (after a few minutes) Doctor: Yes, you're right, seems like there's inflammation, and that's why your gum is swollen. I have to poke it with a needle and remove the pus from the gum. Sari: Will I get anesthesia beforehand? Doctor: For this procedure we don't require anesthesia. It will definitely feel a little bit painful but the process will only take a few minutes. Sari: Alright, doc. (after a few minutes) Doctor: Everything is done. Go ahead and rinse your mouth. Sari: Thank you, doc. Doctor: Now I'll give you antibiotics to be taken for two days. And to prevent it from happening again, please use dental floss after brushing your teeth every day. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #109 - New Feature! Level Up Your Indonesian and Earn Badges with 1-on-1 Learning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:32

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 6 Free Features You Never Knew Existed at IndonesianPod101 | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 2:06

Unlock these 6 learning features! Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account at IndonesianPod101.com.

 Lower Beginner #22 - Do Indonesian People Usually Say “Good Morning” at Night? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:57

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Maya: Oke, saya sudah tinggal di sini selama tiga tahun, dan saya masih tidak yakin kapan harus mulai mengucapkan "selamat sore" daripada "selamat siang." Made: Saya rasa sekitar jam 4 (empat.) Maya: Itu yang aku duga! Namun, kemarin, saya bertemu dengan wanita yang aneh. Dia bilang "Selamat pagi" kepada saya. Made: Kapan? Maya: Waktu itu jam setengah tujuh malam. Made: Mungkin dia vampir. ----Formal English---- Maya: Okay, I've lived here for three years, and I'm still not sure when to start saying, "good afternoon" instead of "good day." Made: I think around 4.00 p.m. Maya: That's what I thought! And yet, yesterday, I met this strange woman. She said "Good morning" to me. Made: When? Maya: It was about 7.30. Made: Maybe she was a vampire. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Inner Circle #13 - January 2015: Your ‘Why’ will Guarantee Your 2015 Indonesian Learning Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Inner Circle #12 - December 2014: The Power of Rewards For Smashing Your Indonesian Learning Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!


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