Summary: If the show was about onions, it would be pretty stupid. Lucky for you, it isn't. NLO is classified as a comedy podcast, but it's so much more. There is a huge following of the show, by individuals of all ages. It's a talk show, a comedy show, a show about life, and an online culture. Patrick and Adam talk about topics in their personal lives and other things they encounter. All opinions on all topics are shared. The show is not for the politically correct or the weak at heart. Be prepared to put your baggage aside and laugh at anything and everything when you listen.

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 NLO 1339: Thai Buffet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:36:18

When will the onslaught of Thai content cease? I don’t see an end to it any time soon, as long as he keeps cranking out gay gold. Patrick is back after a problem being DDOS attacked the day before and not being able to stream. Some people do not want the hard truths exposed. Patrick explains why having a mental breakdown is good, and probably normal. Patrick wants to see all of your Screen Time! We take a look inside the mind of simple people. In our first ever exploration of Thai’s tweets and Facebook wall, we discover a teenage locker covered in bad jokes and mom-safe porn that would make Tori Spelling’s skin burp. Las Vegas comedians need to learn to trust Patrick with their #SECRETS. What’s more upsetting? The low comedy bar that Thai has subjected his tortured followers to, or the sad sycophantic comedians lapping it up with LOLs? You be the judge.

 NLO 1338: Lessons From Lane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:50

This show should have been so much longer, but the alt-right libtards and their vicious team of tea party Q-Anon antifa activists have prevented it. On this show we talk about an old-school fan named Lane, and how he thinks Patrick is a cuck for being scared of a virus. Patrick tries to not seems crazy, but things play out a little differently. We review some videos of the public losing their mind, and try to explore any deeper meaning. Patrick yells at an idiot in the chat room for their lack of creativity and motivation. Hackers end up getting the best of this stream and forcing us to shut it down faster than the government shutting down our freedom with all these masks.

 NLO 1337: UNBOTHERED! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:20:17

This Thai Rivera thing was supposed to be over, but Patrick just can’t help himself when it comes to trying to unravel the distorted mental map of a mad man. Dual scourge of the gay and comedy communities, Thai Rivera, does a podcast named after a more famous podcast. Patrick stumbles in the studio, fires up the stream to listen live, and it turns in to a THREE HOUR deconstruction of a broken man who contradicts himself more and more every minute. We discuss a website dedicated to Thai’s announcement that he is quitting comedy, listen to so many opinions, and hurl so many unnecessary criticisms that it borders on petty. Petty and funny. Join us as we resurrect the Bad Podcast of the Week segment to discover just how deep the well of stupid goes.

 NLO 1336: Pool Aid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:13

Patrick fires up the stream to hang with Alex Ansel and discuss all the recent goings on in the United States of Terror. Patrick is seriously contemplating moving when his lease is up, and possibly pulling the trigger on buying a new house. He’d like to get a pool, including a pool house and Kool Aid wants to move in and be the show intern. Patrick wants to be a professional troll, and he’s got some ideas. We discuss whatever the fuck Dr. Disrespect is and why Twitch streamers are baffled by his disappearance. The drinking continues and the show goes on, but the only people with access to that are OVERDOSE subscribers. Join now and get access to the second half, as well as our full catalog of content.

 NLO 1335: Pizza-Off 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:04:48

Roy Johnson connects from Tulsa to try to pretend that the world isn’t meaningless once again. But this time it should be easier, because we’ve got pizza. Lots and lots of pizza. Before diving in to the pies, Roy and Patrick touch briefly on the days developments regarding comedy drama magnet, Thai Rivera. Patrick is in a sharp mood, but Roy thinks he’s mellowed from weeks past. We systematically dismantle some of the most interesting pizzas mailed in for the contest, and crown a winner. Roy roasts Patrick for his low-carb cauliflower crust monstrosity, but Captain Daddy is adamant that his pizza is nowhere near the worst on display in the competition. You be the judge via video – just pretend you have coronavirus and you’ve lost your sense of taste.

 NLO 1334: Cryptic Shade | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:49

This show is a brave message to those out there who have to deal with bullying on an everyday basis. Patrick woke up to find himself being told of a lack of approval about a Facebook post he’d made the day before. Las Vegas comedian, or is it comic, Thai Rivera spins out in manic glory over a silly post, resulting in a chain of hilarity and weird pointless hating that can only be classified as virtue signaling horseshit. Other comics get involved, everyone pats themselves on the back, and Patrick is left baffled at the behavior of adult men who are virtual strangers. We watch Thai be hypocritical in a video and then watch him eat a Popeye’s chicken sandwich live on video like a basic bitch. Strap in for this one. It’s odd as fuck.

 NLO 1333: Currncelled | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:45:40

Patrick is melting in to a reality that he doesn’t agree with, and you’re gonna hear all about it on this show. There’s a lot of yelling, and the show was not recorded correctly so get ready for some low-fidelity profanity and rage. The country is falling apart, we are headed in to another uncertain wave of political molestation of a national tragedy, and Patrick’s mental health cannot bear the incongruity any longer. Roy Johnson checks in on the latest prophecies for Oklahoma, and gets frustrated with his inability to reason with Patrick when he’s this emotional. Patrick complains about everything from nurses to baseball to Hamilton, and we try to find some solace in the fact that at least next week we have a pizza contest to judge.

 NLO 1332: Simon Says | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:19

Patrick is up in the middle of the night to connect with comedian George Dimarelos in Melbourne, Australia. George gives Patrick the honest truth about what the rest of the world thinks about America during this pandemic. The duo remembers easier times at comedy festivals months ago. Patrick expresses frustration about the coronavirus testing process, and still has no results yet. Kanye is running for president and we aren’t sure whether to take it seriously. We end the show discussing a recent tale of morality, mob law, and the revolution in comedy. You decide the case of Simon Caine vs. the People of The Comedy Collective.

 NLO 1331: Swabs and Slobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:55

It’s a tense morning here at the Onions studio, and Patrick is preparing to go for an examination that could change the course of the show forever. This could be the last time you hear from him, as he’s on the way to get a COVID-19 test soon, and he’s vowed that if he’s positive he won’t be wasting his last days podcasting. The sentimentality sends Patrick down a podcasting walk to remember. We check in on veteran podcaster punk celebs, Dawn and Drew, to see what they’re up to. Patrick talks about the latest Apple news and gives some advice for cleaning up your computer. Roy Johnson pops in with a Tulsa report as we discuss the country rebounding in coronavirus stats and the apparent second wave begins to engulf us all.

 NLO 1330: Fireworks & Furloughs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:57:47

Patrick is drinking for the first time in about a month, and Roy Johnson joins in from Tulsa. It’s late on a Friday, it’s hot in the desert, and it feels like the world is ending. Sláinte! Patrick doesn’t understand why Microsoft ruins anything it touches. People need to stop setting off fireworks for no reason. Patrick pitches his idea for a new quarantine haircut business. Comedians are really mad about not getting unemployment money. We officially launch the Pizza-Off, and discuss strategies and recipes as the interest from participants heats up. Roy is confident in his abilities, but is clearly shaken by the competition. Patrick knows he has no chance. The conversation turns to coronavirus, and somehow in to a discussion of Landry Miller and his recent bid for Tulsa City Council. Patrick shows how long his hair has gotten and it’s borderline creepy. And by that we mean it’s almost not creepy.

 NLO 1329: Pizza Stoned | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:13:52

Roy Johnson checks in from Tulsa to take us on another Uber Eats adventure, and this time we are having Outback Steakhouse. G’day, dopes! Patrick doesn’t really know what to think of anything anymore, much less the latest round of MeToo-ings going around. Roy and Patrick are at odds about the threat of coronavirus, but one thing is for sure – Trump’s rally in Tulsa was a complete bust. Thanks, K-Pop! Steve Curran calls in to join with Roy and ridicule Patrick for being overly-cautious. Patrick and Steve wind down the show by dissecting a recent video of our old pal, Moody. We finally find out first hand what racism feels like. It doesn’t feel good.

 NLO 1328: Are You OK? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:01:55

Patrick has fallen victim to the worst attack of depression known to man, and only yelling seems to help. Patrick is tapping out and drinking up. Scotch. At 10am. The world has gone crazy and the madness has spread to the studio. Both coronavirus and Black Lives Matter are back for round two at the same time. Alex Ansel checks in to tell us about his gaming channel, how to dodge a scandal, and advice on chairs. Roy Johnson calls in while driving around the streets of Tulsa delivering food for the lazy. The internet ends this show for us, like a technological shot of mercy, and we all go to our corners and cool off to fight another day. Alex Ansel breaks a chair during his first live stream.

 PM in the AM – Fri, May 22, 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:38

PM in the AM is back and so are America's gangsters. Patrick talks about the reopening of casinos, and two shootings this week that prove we are getting back to normality. Patrick doesn't understand the Nintendo Switch, but feels like he should get one in order to keep up with the youngsters. Animal Crossing is all the rage, so we try to dive in and learn what it's all about. Alex Ansel checks in to explain why it's so addictive. This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only. Visit the site and login or register to access this content.

 The 420 Awards (2020) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:24

It's that time of year again - the grass couldn't be greener for this years 420 Awards, super not-live from Las Vegas, NV. Moody joins Patrick from New Zealand to watch and provide commentary of the 2020 edition of The 420 Awards, produced and hosted (and probably edited and filmed) by Derek Savage, aka Daddy Derek. With appearances by celebrities, and some key changeups to this year's awards, it's going to be an exciting lineup. This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only. Visit the site and login or register to access this content.

 NLO 1327: Flat Earth Clues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:24:20

Patrick catches up with his old pal Shooby in this continuation of podcasting remotely. We find out what Shooby has been up to during the coronavirus lockdown in his home of San Fransisco, and reminisce about some of the days gone by. Patrick has been thinking that the pandemic is the perfect opportunity to upgrade his lifestyle, and is pondering buying a Tesla and possibly going shopping for a house. He’s been binge watching Property Brothers like a housewife. Shooby entertains Patrick’s other latest obsession – the flat earth theory. Patrick tries to convince Shooby that things aren’t as they seem, and we are all just sheep trapped on a plane and surrounded by unknowns, with the exception of the lies our government perpetuates on an ongoing basis.


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