NLO 1328: Are You OK?


Summary: <br> Patrick has fallen victim to the worst attack of depression known to man, and only yelling seems to help. Patrick is tapping out and drinking up. Scotch. At 10am. The world has gone crazy and the madness has spread to the studio. Both coronavirus and Black Lives Matter are back for round two at the same time. Alex Ansel checks in to tell us about his gaming channel, how to dodge a scandal, and advice on chairs. Roy Johnson calls in while driving around the streets of Tulsa delivering food for the lazy. The internet ends this show for us, like a technological shot of mercy, and we all go to our corners and cool off to fight another day.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Alex Ansel breaks a chair during his first live stream.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>