The Pod Report show

The Pod Report

Summary: The Pod Report is hard hitting journalism for the International Development and Environmental Activist Community. With real insights into these two core focus areas by a long standing activist embedded in the environment and development movements.


 Episode 5: MISTY Awards, Piracy, Interview with Seize the Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1801

Its the first ever MISTY Awards! The satirical 'Oscars' for the Independent Media Activist Community here in Britain. Boy, do we have a great show this week! First off, find out how 'The Creative Media & Business Alliance' are trying to get access to your private internet data via the backdoor in the European Parliament by including 'Internet Download Piracy' through anti-terrorist legislation! Yes, Sony BMG, Disney and EMI are behind some hardfaced lobbying to criminalise millions of people who are downloading music and video from the internet.... Then its off to the MISTY's ( ) with exclusive interviews with Elvis and Seize the Day! That's right, Elvis was seen at the MISTY Awards at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea, Wales and The Pod Report gets to 'make history' by interviewing Elvis with show host Andy Parnell dressed as a Tiger! Then long time Political Activists and veterans of the Newbury Bypass protest in Britain and top hit Political Musicians have their say on why mainstream media awards are a mockery to global justice. To find out more about Seize the Day go to and you too can do the Shackle Shuffle... Featured artist Adrina Thorpe ( ) gets to sing 'sorry' in honour of Aussie Prime Minister John Howard...all this on The Pod Report 05! November 2005

 Episode 5: MISTY Awards, Piracy, Interview with Seize the Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1801

Its the first ever MISTY Awards! The satirical 'Oscars' for the Independent Media Activist Community here in Britain. Boy, do we have a great show this week! First off, find out how 'The Creative Media & Business Alliance' are trying to get access to your private internet data via the backdoor in the European Parliament by including 'Internet Download Piracy' through anti-terrorist legislation! Yes, Sony BMG, Disney and EMI are behind some hardfaced lobbying to criminalise millions of people who are downloading music and video from the internet.... Then its off to the MISTY's ( ) with exclusive interviews with Elvis and Seize the Day! That's right, Elvis was seen at the MISTY Awards at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea, Wales and The Pod Report gets to 'make history' by interviewing Elvis with show host Andy Parnell dressed as a Tiger! Then long time Political Activists and veterans of the Newbury Bypass protest in Britain and top hit Political Musicians have their say on why mainstream media awards are a mockery to global justice. To find out more about Seize the Day go to and you too can do the Shackle Shuffle... Featured artist Adrina Thorpe ( ) gets to sing 'sorry' in honour of Aussie Prime Minister John Howard...all this on The Pod Report 05! November 2005

 Episode 5: MISTY Awards, Piracy, Interview with Seize the Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1801

Its the first ever MISTY Awards! The satirical 'Oscars' for the Independent Media Activist Community here in Britain. Boy, do we have a great show this week! First off, find out how 'The Creative Media & Business Alliance' are trying to get access to your private internet data via the backdoor in the European Parliament by including 'Internet Download Piracy' through anti-terrorist legislation! Yes, Sony BMG, Disney and EMI are behind some hardfaced lobbying to criminalise millions of people who are downloading music and video from the internet.... Then its off to the MISTY's ( ) with exclusive interviews with Elvis and Seize the Day! That's right, Elvis was seen at the MISTY Awards at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea, Wales and The Pod Report gets to 'make history' by interviewing Elvis with show host Andy Parnell dressed as a Tiger! Then long time Political Activists and veterans of the Newbury Bypass protest in Britain and top hit Political Musicians have their say on why mainstream media awards are a mockery to global justice. To find out more about Seize the Day go to and you too can do the Shackle Shuffle... Featured artist Adrina Thorpe ( ) gets to sing 'sorry' in honour of Aussie Prime Minister John Howard...all this on The Pod Report 05! November 2005

 Episode 4: Dumping of Coal at 10 Downing Street, Rebel Clowns, Beyond TV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1587

The Pod Report no. 4 covers the Greenpeace Direct Action outside Downing Street this week (Monday 14th November) where the host of the show was personally involved in dumping tonnes of coal in an effort to blockade Tony Blair's offices much like he's blocking efforts to seriously tackle Climate Change on the world stage. We then go on to explain how reality does not match up to his rhetoric on the issue. See for full details of the action. Next we talk about the up and coming MISTY awards and the Beyond Tv International Video Festival that will be taking place next weekend at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea. The Pod Report will be covering the event and broadcasting interviews with other media activists in the field. See Finally, we talk a little about the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) who will be conducting workshops on 'Clowning Around' for global justice on Sunday at the Beyond Tv festival. Go to for details about the group. The two singers we showcase on this show are Anne Davis ( ) and Adrina Thorpe ( ) Check them out! November 2005

 Episode 4: Dumping of Coal at 10 Downing Street, Rebel Clowns, Beyond TV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1587

The Pod Report no. 4 covers the Greenpeace Direct Action outside Downing Street this week (Monday 14th November) where the host of the show was personally involved in dumping tonnes of coal in an effort to blockade Tony Blair's offices much like he's blocking efforts to seriously tackle Climate Change on the world stage. We then go on to explain how reality does not match up to his rhetoric on the issue. See for full details of the action. Next we talk about the up and coming MISTY awards and the Beyond Tv International Video Festival that will be taking place next weekend at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea. The Pod Report will be covering the event and broadcasting interviews with other media activists in the field. See Finally, we talk a little about the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) who will be conducting workshops on 'Clowning Around' for global justice on Sunday at the Beyond Tv festival. Go to for details about the group. The two singers we showcase on this show are Anne Davis ( ) and Adrina Thorpe ( ) Check them out! November 2005

 Episode 4: Dumping of Coal at 10 Downing Street, Rebel Clowns, Beyond TV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1587

The Pod Report no. 4 covers the Greenpeace Direct Action outside Downing Street this week (Monday 14th November) where the host of the show was personally involved in dumping tonnes of coal in an effort to blockade Tony Blair's offices much like he's blocking efforts to seriously tackle Climate Change on the world stage. We then go on to explain how reality does not match up to his rhetoric on the issue. See for full details of the action. Next we talk about the up and coming MISTY awards and the Beyond Tv International Video Festival that will be taking place next weekend at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea. The Pod Report will be covering the event and broadcasting interviews with other media activists in the field. See Finally, we talk a little about the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) who will be conducting workshops on 'Clowning Around' for global justice on Sunday at the Beyond Tv festival. Go to for details about the group. The two singers we showcase on this show are Anne Davis ( ) and Adrina Thorpe ( ) Check them out! November 2005

 The Pod Report 03 - Philippines Coal Plant Action, Stop Climate Chaos, Paris Riots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1543

This week, we focus on the newly formed Stop Climate Chaos campaign in Britain with 18 NGO's forming an alliance in the same way that the 'Make Poverty History' campaign formed a large coalition. This is probably the 1st time the Development and Environment NGO's are working very closely to look after a common interest, since Climate Change affects us all and will hit the poor the hardest. Go to for details. Next, we take a hard look at the recent Greenpeace Action in the Philippines against a coal fired power station near Manila. The peaceful direct action had to stop early due to a violent and brutal attack by Coal plant security guards against the Greenpeace Activists with one volunteer hospitalised. Our report features an audio interview with activists whilst the action was going on. Go to to read activist Pam's hourly blog whilst the action was going down. Finally, we look at what the cause of the riots that have been occuring in Paris and across France. In particular we look at the trigger and the provocation led by the police that kicked the riots off in the first place (including the deaths of two teenage youths). The mainstream media fails to cover this point in any detail so you'll get a chance to hear what is not being said too loudly... Go to for full details.

 The Pod Report 03 - Philippines Coal Plant Action, Stop Climate Chaos, Paris Riots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1543

This week, we focus on the newly formed Stop Climate Chaos campaign in Britain with 18 NGO's forming an alliance in the same way that the 'Make Poverty History' campaign formed a large coalition. This is probably the 1st time the Development and Environment NGO's are working very closely to look after a common interest, since Climate Change affects us all and will hit the poor the hardest. Go to for details. Next, we take a hard look at the recent Greenpeace Action in the Philippines against a coal fired power station near Manila. The peaceful direct action had to stop early due to a violent and brutal attack by Coal plant security guards against the Greenpeace Activists with one volunteer hospitalised. Our report features an audio interview with activists whilst the action was going on. Go to to read activist Pam's hourly blog whilst the action was going down. Finally, we look at what the cause of the riots that have been occuring in Paris and across France. In particular we look at the trigger and the provocation led by the police that kicked the riots off in the first place (including the deaths of two teenage youths). The mainstream media fails to cover this point in any detail so you'll get a chance to hear what is not being said too loudly... Go to for full details.

 The Pod Report 03 - Philippines Coal Plant Action, Stop Climate Chaos, Paris Riots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1543

This week, we focus on the newly formed Stop Climate Chaos campaign in Britain with 18 NGO's forming an alliance in the same way that the 'Make Poverty History' campaign formed a large coalition. This is probably the 1st time the Development and Environment NGO's are working very closely to look after a common interest, since Climate Change affects us all and will hit the poor the hardest. Go to for details. Next, we take a hard look at the recent Greenpeace Action in the Philippines against a coal fired power station near Manila. The peaceful direct action had to stop early due to a violent and brutal attack by Coal plant security guards against the Greenpeace Activists with one volunteer hospitalised. Our report features an audio interview with activists whilst the action was going on. Go to to read activist Pam's hourly blog whilst the action was going down. Finally, we look at what the cause of the riots that have been occuring in Paris and across France. In particular we look at the trigger and the provocation led by the police that kicked the riots off in the first place (including the deaths of two teenage youths). The mainstream media fails to cover this point in any detail so you'll get a chance to hear what is not being said too loudly... Go to for full details.

 Episode 2: WDM, Trade Justice Mass Rally, Greenpeace Action Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1569

This second ever pod report details some interesting events that happened this week. Firstly, 3 World Development Movement activists who took part in a direct action at the G8 summit were found not guilty this week on a charge of 'breach of the peace'. See for details. Secondly, we report on the mass lobby for Trade Justice that took place outside the houses of Parliament in Britain with over 8000 people attending.(see for details). Thirdly, we also report that Brecon celebrates gaining 'Fairtrade Town' status, awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation ( Finally, we have a world exclusive interview with Vicki Thomas, one of 8 Greenpeace activists who took solar panels and insulation bats onto John Prescott's roof (he's the Deputy Prime Minister of Britain). She was convicted yesterday on two counts by the judge at her recent trial and she reveals what the mainstream press did not mention. Don't miss it! See for details on this rooftop action.

 Episode 2: WDM, Trade Justice Mass Rally, Greenpeace Action Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1569

This second ever pod report details some interesting events that happened this week. Firstly, 3 World Development Movement activists who took part in a direct action at the G8 summit were found not guilty this week on a charge of 'breach of the peace'. See for details. Secondly, we report on the mass lobby for Trade Justice that took place outside the houses of Parliament in Britain with over 8000 people attending.(see for details). Thirdly, we also report that Brecon celebrates gaining 'Fairtrade Town' status, awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation ( Finally, we have a world exclusive interview with Vicki Thomas, one of 8 Greenpeace activists who took solar panels and insulation bats onto John Prescott's roof (he's the Deputy Prime Minister of Britain). She was convicted yesterday on two counts by the judge at her recent trial and she reveals what the mainstream press did not mention. Don't miss it! See for details on this rooftop action.

 Episode 2: WDM, Trade Justice Mass Rally, Greenpeace Action Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1569

This second ever pod report details some interesting events that happened this week. Firstly, 3 World Development Movement activists who took part in a direct action at the G8 summit were found not guilty this week on a charge of 'breach of the peace'. See for details. Secondly, we report on the mass lobby for Trade Justice that took place outside the houses of Parliament in Britain with over 8000 people attending.(see for details). Thirdly, we also report that Brecon celebrates gaining 'Fairtrade Town' status, awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation ( Finally, we have a world exclusive interview with Vicki Thomas, one of 8 Greenpeace activists who took solar panels and insulation bats onto John Prescott's roof (he's the Deputy Prime Minister of Britain). She was convicted yesterday on two counts by the judge at her recent trial and she reveals what the mainstream press did not mention. Don't miss it! See for details on this rooftop action.

 Episode 1: The Pod Report Bringing Global Justice Straight to your ear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

The Pod Report is produced by Andy Parnell for the Global Justice activist community around the world with a strong emphasis of coverage in Britain. This first podcast was produced using my mac's microphone so apologies for sounding like I'm in a cave! I hope to produce future editions using more refined equipment by the next podcast. This first podcast talks about Nestle Partner's Blend Fairtrade marked coffee and the stir it has caused inside the coffee drinking activist community in Britain. I highlight the debate going on around nuclear power and the promotion that Sir David King (Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government) did recently of nuclear new build; along with George Monbiot's analysis on this (G'day George if you're listening to this podcast!). Finally, we take a look at the new directions that the Greenpeace Oceans campaign is taking against supermarket's procurement policy on fish, with particular regard to ASDA/Wal-Mart.

 Episode 1: The Pod Report Bringing Global Justice Straight to your ear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

The Pod Report is produced by Andy Parnell for the Global Justice activist community around the world with a strong emphasis of coverage in Britain. This first podcast was produced using my mac's microphone so apologies for sounding like I'm in a cave! I hope to produce future editions using more refined equipment by the next podcast. This first podcast talks about Nestle Partner's Blend Fairtrade marked coffee and the stir it has caused inside the coffee drinking activist community in Britain. I highlight the debate going on around nuclear power and the promotion that Sir David King (Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government) did recently of nuclear new build; along with George Monbiot's analysis on this (G'day George if you're listening to this podcast!). Finally, we take a look at the new directions that the Greenpeace Oceans campaign is taking against supermarket's procurement policy on fish, with particular regard to ASDA/Wal-Mart.

 Episode 1: The Pod Report Bringing Global Justice Straight to your ear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

The Pod Report is produced by Andy Parnell for the Global Justice activist community around the world with a strong emphasis of coverage in Britain. This first podcast was produced using my mac's microphone so apologies for sounding like I'm in a cave! I hope to produce future editions using more refined equipment by the next podcast. This first podcast talks about Nestle Partner's Blend Fairtrade marked coffee and the stir it has caused inside the coffee drinking activist community in Britain. I highlight the debate going on around nuclear power and the promotion that Sir David King (Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government) did recently of nuclear new build; along with George Monbiot's analysis on this (G'day George if you're listening to this podcast!). Finally, we take a look at the new directions that the Greenpeace Oceans campaign is taking against supermarket's procurement policy on fish, with particular regard to ASDA/Wal-Mart.


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