Episode 2: WDM, Trade Justice Mass Rally, Greenpeace Action Interview

The Pod Report show

Summary: This second ever pod report details some interesting events that happened this week. Firstly, 3 World Development Movement activists who took part in a direct action at the G8 summit were found not guilty this week on a charge of 'breach of the peace'. See www.wdm.org.uk for details. Secondly, we report on the mass lobby for Trade Justice that took place outside the houses of Parliament in Britain with over 8000 people attending.(see www.tjm.org.uk for details). Thirdly, we also report that Brecon celebrates gaining 'Fairtrade Town' status, awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation (www.fairtrade.org.uk). Finally, we have a world exclusive interview with Vicki Thomas, one of 8 Greenpeace activists who took solar panels and insulation bats onto John Prescott's roof (he's the Deputy Prime Minister of Britain). She was convicted yesterday on two counts by the judge at her recent trial and she reveals what the mainstream press did not mention. Don't miss it! See www.greenepeace.org.uk for details on this rooftop action.