Episode 4: Dumping of Coal at 10 Downing Street, Rebel Clowns, Beyond TV

The Pod Report show

Summary: The Pod Report no. 4 covers the Greenpeace Direct Action outside Downing Street this week (Monday 14th November) where the host of the show was personally involved in dumping tonnes of coal in an effort to blockade Tony Blair's offices much like he's blocking efforts to seriously tackle Climate Change on the world stage. We then go on to explain how reality does not match up to his rhetoric on the issue. See www.greenpeace.org.uk/climate/ for full details of the action. Next we talk about the up and coming MISTY awards and the Beyond Tv International Video Festival that will be taking place next weekend at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea. The Pod Report will be covering the event and broadcasting interviews with other media activists in the field. See www.undercurrents.org/beyondtv/ Finally, we talk a little about the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) who will be conducting workshops on 'Clowning Around' for global justice on Sunday at the Beyond Tv festival. Go to www.clownarmy.org for details about the group. The two singers we showcase on this show are Anne Davis (www.annedavismusic.com ) and Adrina Thorpe (www.adrinathorpe.com ) Check them out! November 2005