The Pod Report 03 - Philippines Coal Plant Action, Stop Climate Chaos, Paris Riots

The Pod Report show

Summary: This week, we focus on the newly formed Stop Climate Chaos campaign in Britain with 18 NGO's forming an alliance in the same way that the 'Make Poverty History' campaign formed a large coalition. This is probably the 1st time the Development and Environment NGO's are working very closely to look after a common interest, since Climate Change affects us all and will hit the poor the hardest. Go to for details. Next, we take a hard look at the recent Greenpeace Action in the Philippines against a coal fired power station near Manila. The peaceful direct action had to stop early due to a violent and brutal attack by Coal plant security guards against the Greenpeace Activists with one volunteer hospitalised. Our report features an audio interview with activists whilst the action was going on. Go to to read activist Pam's hourly blog whilst the action was going down. Finally, we look at what the cause of the riots that have been occuring in Paris and across France. In particular we look at the trigger and the provocation led by the police that kicked the riots off in the first place (including the deaths of two teenage youths). The mainstream media fails to cover this point in any detail so you'll get a chance to hear what is not being said too loudly... Go to for full details.