The Pod Report show

The Pod Report

Summary: The Pod Report is hard hitting journalism for the International Development and Environmental Activist Community. With real insights into these two core focus areas by a long standing activist embedded in the environment and development movements.


 Episode 10: The New York Photo League, Magnum, The Surrealists in the 1930s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1584

The 1930s, 40s and 50s saw various Social Movements of the Left in the Western World seek to smash facism, fight for Social Justice and Workers rights and document and publish to the world's media, the plight of the poor. This espisode explores the New York Photo League ( ) and Magnum Photo Agency ( We also broadcast the Pod Report for the first time directly on location in Paris Montparnasse Cemetary. We explore the neighbourhood as it was in the 1930s where it was a hang-out of the Surrealist Movement to modern day Montparnasse where the same familiar landmarks remain but it is now inhabited by an entirely different sub-culture, that of the rich Parisians...The modern day Surrealist Movement still goes strong in Paris (see ) For some hot Reggae see Jammin INC ( ) and for some cool Jazz see The Core ( ) I feature 'Propoganda' and 'Mobius Triplet' respectively. This episode was partly recorded on location, in Paris. Originally Published 8th Jan 2006.

 Episode 10: The New York Photo League, Magnum, The Surrealists in the 1930s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1584

The 1930s, 40s and 50s saw various Social Movements of the Left in the Western World seek to smash facism, fight for Social Justice and Workers rights and document and publish to the world's media, the plight of the poor. This espisode explores the New York Photo League ( ) and Magnum Photo Agency ( We also broadcast the Pod Report for the first time directly on location in Paris Montparnasse Cemetary. We explore the neighbourhood as it was in the 1930s where it was a hang-out of the Surrealist Movement to modern day Montparnasse where the same familiar landmarks remain but it is now inhabited by an entirely different sub-culture, that of the rich Parisians...The modern day Surrealist Movement still goes strong in Paris (see ) For some hot Reggae see Jammin INC ( ) and for some cool Jazz see The Core ( ) I feature 'Propoganda' and 'Mobius Triplet' respectively. This episode was partly recorded on location, in Paris. Originally Published 8th Jan 2006.

 Episode 10: The New York Photo League, Magnum, The Surrealists in the 1930s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1584

The 1930s, 40s and 50s saw various Social Movements of the Left in the Western World seek to smash facism, fight for Social Justice and Workers rights and document and publish to the world's media, the plight of the poor. This espisode explores the New York Photo League ( ) and Magnum Photo Agency ( We also broadcast the Pod Report for the first time directly on location in Paris Montparnasse Cemetary. We explore the neighbourhood as it was in the 1930s where it was a hang-out of the Surrealist Movement to modern day Montparnasse where the same familiar landmarks remain but it is now inhabited by an entirely different sub-culture, that of the rich Parisians...The modern day Surrealist Movement still goes strong in Paris (see ) For some hot Reggae see Jammin INC ( ) and for some cool Jazz see The Core ( ) I feature 'Propoganda' and 'Mobius Triplet' respectively. This episode was partly recorded on location, in Paris. Originally Published 8th Jan 2006.

 Episode 9: Reflecting upon 2005, Anti-social Behaviour Orders and Development, Predictions 2006 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1725

It's the end of the year for 2005 so we reflect on world events and disasters that occurred in 2005. From Katrina, to Dafur, to the Pakistan earthquake to the Tsunami to the war in Iraq… and make a few predictions for 2006... 2005 was also the year of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order and we interview Keith Parkins who has been threatened with an ASBO by the corrupt Council of Farnborough in the UK. What for? For trying to stop a major town centre development to make way for a major supermarket that will clear half the town centre and many businesses and poor council estates in the process! Originally published in Dec 2005.

 Episode 9: Reflecting upon 2005, Anti-social Behaviour Orders and Development, Predictions 2006 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1725

It's the end of the year for 2005 so we reflect on world events and disasters that occurred in 2005. From Katrina, to Dafur, to the Pakistan earthquake to the Tsunami to the war in Iraq… and make a few predictions for 2006... 2005 was also the year of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order and we interview Keith Parkins who has been threatened with an ASBO by the corrupt Council of Farnborough in the UK. What for? For trying to stop a major town centre development to make way for a major supermarket that will clear half the town centre and many businesses and poor council estates in the process! Originally published in Dec 2005.

 Episode 9: Reflecting upon 2005, Anti-social Behaviour Orders and Development, Predictions 2006 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1725

It's the end of the year for 2005 so we reflect on world events and disasters that occurred in 2005. From Katrina, to Dafur, to the Pakistan earthquake to the Tsunami to the war in Iraq… and make a few predictions for 2006... 2005 was also the year of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order and we interview Keith Parkins who has been threatened with an ASBO by the corrupt Council of Farnborough in the UK. What for? For trying to stop a major town centre development to make way for a major supermarket that will clear half the town centre and many businesses and poor council estates in the process! Originally published in Dec 2005.

 Episode 8: Deep in Inner Space: Reclaiming the Public Space | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2162

Welcome to a most strange edition of The Pod Report...this week we go on a journey to innerspace and explore Surrealism, our right to be free and the big brother creep of our freedom being taken away from us in the name of the 'War on Terror'. Stranger than science fiction, slowly but surely, drip by drip, the authoritarian nature of society closes our right to be free in both our public worlds and our private ones... Surrealism challenges us to lead a life that is quite different where we merge our unconscious mind and the poetic with the outer reality of everyday life to regain our freedom despite the enclosure of public spaces and the creepy voyerism of CCTV land...See for more details about Surrealism. We also have an exclusive interview outside 'Podlab 9' with an artistic group in Wales that spends its time turning up to a random place and creating public art to increase people's quality of life...only to be arrested and their right to freedom of expression harshly curtailed! Reclaim the streets do a good job of gaining back our freedom. See and you to can join in the festive fun! Finally, Paula Toledo from Canada gets to 'Break it Down' (see for details) and Jammin INC from Germany take us into System Overload (see ). Dec 2005

 Episode 8: Deep in Inner Space: Reclaiming the Public Space | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2162

Welcome to a most strange edition of The Pod Report...this week we go on a journey to innerspace and explore Surrealism, our right to be free and the big brother creep of our freedom being taken away from us in the name of the 'War on Terror'. Stranger than science fiction, slowly but surely, drip by drip, the authoritarian nature of society closes our right to be free in both our public worlds and our private ones... Surrealism challenges us to lead a life that is quite different where we merge our unconscious mind and the poetic with the outer reality of everyday life to regain our freedom despite the enclosure of public spaces and the creepy voyerism of CCTV land...See for more details about Surrealism. We also have an exclusive interview outside 'Podlab 9' with an artistic group in Wales that spends its time turning up to a random place and creating public art to increase people's quality of life...only to be arrested and their right to freedom of expression harshly curtailed! Reclaim the streets do a good job of gaining back our freedom. See and you to can join in the festive fun! Finally, Paula Toledo from Canada gets to 'Break it Down' (see for details) and Jammin INC from Germany take us into System Overload (see ). Dec 2005

 Episode 8: Deep in Inner Space: Reclaiming the Public Space | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2162

Welcome to a most strange edition of The Pod Report...this week we go on a journey to innerspace and explore Surrealism, our right to be free and the big brother creep of our freedom being taken away from us in the name of the 'War on Terror'. Stranger than science fiction, slowly but surely, drip by drip, the authoritarian nature of society closes our right to be free in both our public worlds and our private ones... Surrealism challenges us to lead a life that is quite different where we merge our unconscious mind and the poetic with the outer reality of everyday life to regain our freedom despite the enclosure of public spaces and the creepy voyerism of CCTV land...See for more details about Surrealism. We also have an exclusive interview outside 'Podlab 9' with an artistic group in Wales that spends its time turning up to a random place and creating public art to increase people's quality of life...only to be arrested and their right to freedom of expression harshly curtailed! Reclaim the streets do a good job of gaining back our freedom. See and you to can join in the festive fun! Finally, Paula Toledo from Canada gets to 'Break it Down' (see for details) and Jammin INC from Germany take us into System Overload (see ). Dec 2005

 Episode 7: WTO Ministerial, Interview with Camcorder Guerilla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1960

This week, I talk about the WTO 6th Ministerial Conference to be held on the 13th to the 18th December 2005 and explain to the listener the low down on what's on the table for negotiations. Sadly, its the usual 'divide and rule' style tactics coming out from the EU to arm twist developing countries into bending to their will. This time around, they're trying to drive a wedge between the newly industrialising countries (e.g., Brazil, India, China) and the agriculturally dependent ones it seems...See Then, we have yet another exclusive interview this time with Camcorder Guerillas from Scotland. The interview is with one of the Media Activists (Indigo) of this 30 strong video activist group. I apologise to listeners due to the soundquality of this episode in advance. However, the essence of this espisode is a 'must have' and I hope you enjoy it! See for details. We feature two songs from Anne Davis this podcast. See for more! Yes, the world is watching! Originally produced: December 2005

 Episode 7: WTO Ministerial, Interview with Camcorder Guerilla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1960

This week, I talk about the WTO 6th Ministerial Conference to be held on the 13th to the 18th December 2005 and explain to the listener the low down on what's on the table for negotiations. Sadly, its the usual 'divide and rule' style tactics coming out from the EU to arm twist developing countries into bending to their will. This time around, they're trying to drive a wedge between the newly industrialising countries (e.g., Brazil, India, China) and the agriculturally dependent ones it seems...See Then, we have yet another exclusive interview this time with Camcorder Guerillas from Scotland. The interview is with one of the Media Activists (Indigo) of this 30 strong video activist group. I apologise to listeners due to the soundquality of this episode in advance. However, the essence of this espisode is a 'must have' and I hope you enjoy it! See for details. We feature two songs from Anne Davis this podcast. See for more! Yes, the world is watching! Originally produced: December 2005

 Episode 7: WTO Ministerial, Interview with Camcorder Guerilla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1960

This week, I talk about the WTO 6th Ministerial Conference to be held on the 13th to the 18th December 2005 and explain to the listener the low down on what's on the table for negotiations. Sadly, its the usual 'divide and rule' style tactics coming out from the EU to arm twist developing countries into bending to their will. This time around, they're trying to drive a wedge between the newly industrialising countries (e.g., Brazil, India, China) and the agriculturally dependent ones it seems...See Then, we have yet another exclusive interview this time with Camcorder Guerillas from Scotland. The interview is with one of the Media Activists (Indigo) of this 30 strong video activist group. I apologise to listeners due to the soundquality of this episode in advance. However, the essence of this espisode is a 'must have' and I hope you enjoy it! See for details. We feature two songs from Anne Davis this podcast. See for more! Yes, the world is watching! Originally produced: December 2005

 Episode 6 - Stopping Airport Expansion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1935

Airport Expansion is going on unabated and many of us don't realise the speed and rate that they're expanding at...this ediition focuses on Airport Expansion in Britain and what you can do to stop it. We're likely to double air traffic in Britian by 2015 from 1995 levels. This is being driven by such things as cheap flights and various tax breaks on things like aviation fuel amongst other forms of corporate welfare. For a good overview check out and for facts go to You can take action online by going to and sign the pledge to help stop Airport Expansion in Britain. Undercurrents have also produced a good documentary on stopping Swansea Airport Expansion plans which they managed to do! See We have a special interview with Farnborough Stop Airport Expansion Activist Keith Parkins on with a key examination of what's going on on the ground to stop the skies being littered with jets. See and for full details. We feature Adrina Thorpe ( ) "Fly Fly Fly" and the lovely French Canadian artist Paula Toledo ( ) with "Fly Away" in keeping with the theme. Finally, check out Russel'ss site on activist posters at This Podcast was created Back in late 2005

 Episode 6 - Stopping Airport Expansion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1935

Airport Expansion is going on unabated and many of us don't realise the speed and rate that they're expanding at...this ediition focuses on Airport Expansion in Britain and what you can do to stop it. We're likely to double air traffic in Britian by 2015 from 1995 levels. This is being driven by such things as cheap flights and various tax breaks on things like aviation fuel amongst other forms of corporate welfare. For a good overview check out and for facts go to You can take action online by going to and sign the pledge to help stop Airport Expansion in Britain. Undercurrents have also produced a good documentary on stopping Swansea Airport Expansion plans which they managed to do! See We have a special interview with Farnborough Stop Airport Expansion Activist Keith Parkins on with a key examination of what's going on on the ground to stop the skies being littered with jets. See and for full details. We feature Adrina Thorpe ( ) "Fly Fly Fly" and the lovely French Canadian artist Paula Toledo ( ) with "Fly Away" in keeping with the theme. Finally, check out Russel'ss site on activist posters at This Podcast was created Back in late 2005

 Episode 6 - Stopping Airport Expansion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1935

Airport Expansion is going on unabated and many of us don't realise the speed and rate that they're expanding at...this ediition focuses on Airport Expansion in Britain and what you can do to stop it. We're likely to double air traffic in Britian by 2015 from 1995 levels. This is being driven by such things as cheap flights and various tax breaks on things like aviation fuel amongst other forms of corporate welfare. For a good overview check out and for facts go to You can take action online by going to and sign the pledge to help stop Airport Expansion in Britain. Undercurrents have also produced a good documentary on stopping Swansea Airport Expansion plans which they managed to do! See We have a special interview with Farnborough Stop Airport Expansion Activist Keith Parkins on with a key examination of what's going on on the ground to stop the skies being littered with jets. See and for full details. We feature Adrina Thorpe ( ) "Fly Fly Fly" and the lovely French Canadian artist Paula Toledo ( ) with "Fly Away" in keeping with the theme. Finally, check out Russel'ss site on activist posters at This Podcast was created Back in late 2005


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