Episode 6 - Stopping Airport Expansion

The Pod Report show

Summary: Airport Expansion is going on unabated and many of us don't realise the speed and rate that they're expanding at...this ediition focuses on Airport Expansion in Britain and what you can do to stop it. We're likely to double air traffic in Britian by 2015 from 1995 levels. This is being driven by such things as cheap flights and various tax breaks on things like aviation fuel amongst other forms of corporate welfare. For a good overview check out www.airportwatch.org.uk and for facts go to www.transport2000.org.uk You can take action online by going to www.airportpledge.org.uk and sign the pledge to help stop Airport Expansion in Britain. Undercurrents have also produced a good documentary on stopping Swansea Airport Expansion plans which they managed to do! See www.undercurrents.org/reachforthesky/ We have a special interview with Farnborough Stop Airport Expansion Activist Keith Parkins on with a key examination of what's going on on the ground to stop the skies being littered with jets. See http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/11/327534.html and http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/11/328072.html for full details. We feature Adrina Thorpe (www.adrinathorpe.com ) "Fly Fly Fly" and the lovely French Canadian artist Paula Toledo ( www.paulatoledo.com ) with "Fly Away" in keeping with the theme. Finally, check out Russel'ss site on activist posters at www.endofprint.org This Podcast was created Back in late 2005