UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files

Summary: Roshawn is completely unspoiled when it comes to the Dresden Files, and Natasha has read them all! Join them as they discuss the entire series, one chapter at a time!

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  • Artist: UNspoiled! Network
  • Copyright: Copyright UNspoiled! Network


 Proven Guilty- Chapters 13, 14, & 15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3188

Hey there my beauties! Those of you who only listen to Dresden Files didn't miss an episode last week, so you may not know that I've been sick and had to cancel and postpone a bunch of recordings. For those who have emailed and messaged, please bear with me as I work on getting back to all of you! This episode was really a lot of theorizing and setup... an aftermath, as Harry calls it in the first sentence of Chapter 13. Karrin comes along and saves Harry from some interminable questioning from Sergeant Green, who is pretty suspicious of Harry and seems to think he somehow managed to kill someone from the other end of the hotel while in the company of Rawlins. Harry winds up having a conversation with Karrin about the potential possibility of them being together, and she kind of tells him that she's not sure the timing is every going to work out. Which of course is what Lasciel brings up later when she's chatting with Harry in his head. He kicks her out eventually, but asks her to leave the illusion of the hot water so that he can decompress a little before going to the hospital with Murphy. Thanks to all of you for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 13, 14, & 15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3188

Hey there my beauties! Those of you who only listen to Dresden Files didn't miss an episode last week, so you may not know that I've been sick and had to cancel and postpone a bunch of recordings. For those who have emailed and messaged, please bear with me as I work on getting back to all of you! This episode was really a lot of theorizing and setup... an aftermath, as Harry calls it in the first sentence of Chapter 13. Karrin comes along and saves Harry from some interminable questioning from Sergeant Green, who is pretty suspicious of Harry and seems to think he somehow managed to kill someone from the other end of the hotel while in the company of Rawlins. Harry winds up having a conversation with Karrin about the potential possibility of them being together, and she kind of tells him that she's not sure the timing is every going to work out. Which of course is what Lasciel brings up later when she's chatting with Harry in his head. He kicks her out eventually, but asks her to leave the illusion of the hot water so that he can decompress a little before going to the hospital with Murphy. Thanks to all of you for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 10, 11, & 12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4175

Hey there, everyone! It's been a minute! I hope you're all having a lovely 2019 and that you're ready from more goodness from me and RoShawn. One of my resolutions is to type less here, and remember to always credit the artist. So without further ado, here is the link to the artist (BEWARE OF SPOILERS IN HIS ART!) and on with the show. https://vincentchongart.wordpress.com/2015/05/21/proven-guilty-interior-art/

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 10, 11, & 12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4175

Hey there, everyone! It's been a minute! I hope you're all having a lovely 2019 and that you're ready from more goodness from me and RoShawn. One of my resolutions is to type less here, and remember to always credit the artist. So without further ado, here is the link to the artist (BEWARE OF SPOILERS IN HIS ART!) and on with the show. https://vincentchongart.wordpress.com/2015/05/21/proven-guilty-interior-art/

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 7, 8 & 9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3095

Hello my faithful little cherubs, and welcome to the last episode of Dresden Files for the year 2018! I will be taking a vacation next week, so there won't be another episode for a minute. If you miss us, show us how much by leaving an iTunes review and helping us rise in those algorithms. I'm so excited because we're getting a little deeper into the story and Harry meets Molly Carpenter again for the first time in a few years. Molly is all grown up, or at least pretty close, and she calls Harry in the middle of his huge, involved ritual to ask him to come bail her out of jail. Turns out she's full of shit, and it's her boyfriend who is in jail. Oh, Molly. Not a good first impression, girl. Then Harry tells Molly that he's taking her home to her parents' house, and although she tries to put up a fight, Harry makes no bones about threatening her into it. To top it off, by doing this Harry is agreeing to his first face-to-face meeting with Michael in two years, and Lasciel's presence in his head is making him very nervous. I hope you all enjoy the episode and I will see you in a couple weeks with a new episode!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 7, 8 & 9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3095

Hello my faithful little cherubs, and welcome to the last episode of Dresden Files for the year 2018! I will be taking a vacation next week, so there won't be another episode for a minute. If you miss us, show us how much by leaving an iTunes review and helping us rise in those algorithms. I'm so excited because we're getting a little deeper into the story and Harry meets Molly Carpenter again for the first time in a few years. Molly is all grown up, or at least pretty close, and she calls Harry in the middle of his huge, involved ritual to ask him to come bail her out of jail. Turns out she's full of shit, and it's her boyfriend who is in jail. Oh, Molly. Not a good first impression, girl. Then Harry tells Molly that he's taking her home to her parents' house, and although she tries to put up a fight, Harry makes no bones about threatening her into it. To top it off, by doing this Harry is agreeing to his first face-to-face meeting with Michael in two years, and Lasciel's presence in his head is making him very nervous. I hope you all enjoy the episode and I will see you in a couple weeks with a new episode!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 4, 5, & 6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3747

Hello beautiful people, and welcome to the newest installment of The Dresden Files! I really am delighted to have started this book, and as much as I cannot wait for RoShawn to reach a few certain parts, I also kind of want to stretch it out because it's going to be over before you know it. These chapters are a lot of setting the scene for things to come. First, Harry is recovering from the hit-and-run, which contrary to what RoShawn was hoping for, does indeed seem to be some kind of direct attack rather than an actual accident. He can't go to the hospital though, and winds up home with Murphy, telling her about the shit day he's had and how the White Council beheaded some kid in a warehouse. Needless to say, Murphy is less than pleased about this. Then, we get to see where so much of Harry's paycheck has gone to, and it turns out that he's building a nice little super-villainy lair in his basement with a map of Chicago that encompasses several miles. He's got models of every building, and pieces of each are imbedded in the models to give them the right energy. If Little Chicago works, Harry will be able to follow people and investigate without having to ever leave his house. I hope that you all enjoy the episode, and I will see you soon with a new one! Thanks for listening!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 4, 5, & 6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3747

Hello beautiful people, and welcome to the newest installment of The Dresden Files! I really am delighted to have started this book, and as much as I cannot wait for RoShawn to reach a few certain parts, I also kind of want to stretch it out because it's going to be over before you know it. These chapters are a lot of setting the scene for things to come. First, Harry is recovering from the hit-and-run, which contrary to what RoShawn was hoping for, does indeed seem to be some kind of direct attack rather than an actual accident. He can't go to the hospital though, and winds up home with Murphy, telling her about the shit day he's had and how the White Council beheaded some kid in a warehouse. Needless to say, Murphy is less than pleased about this. Then, we get to see where so much of Harry's paycheck has gone to, and it turns out that he's building a nice little super-villainy lair in his basement with a map of Chicago that encompasses several miles. He's got models of every building, and pieces of each are imbedded in the models to give them the right energy. If Little Chicago works, Harry will be able to follow people and investigate without having to ever leave his house. I hope that you all enjoy the episode, and I will see you soon with a new one! Thanks for listening!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 1, 2, & 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4313

Hey everyone! It's finally time for RoShawn and I to get started on the 8th book in the Dresden Files series, Proven Guilty! I am really excited about this one. I've been re-listening to it and there's so much about this one that I had forgotten! I can't believe how much happens in this book! These chapters are pretty intense, as Harry is getting to watch his first-ever execution of a young wizard who used black magic. He doesn't handle it well, physically or mentally, and winds up lashing out at the Merlin in a surprisingly controlled way that nevertheless gets across what contempt he feels for these people. RoShawn and I have to admit that maybe the contempt is misplaced, though, once we hear about what this guy did to warrant execution. Then Harry is approached by Ebenezer, who confides in Harry that there's some shit going on that he doesn't understand, and he wants Harry to look into it for him. Turns out that Winter hasn't been lashing out at the Red Court in the way one would expect, and since Dresden has some contacts in Faerie, he's in the best position to find out what's going on. Also, Lashiel "peddles her wares". Thanks for listening, everyone! See you next week with a new episode!

 Proven Guilty- Chapters 1, 2, & 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4313

Hey everyone! It's finally time for RoShawn and I to get started on the 8th book in the Dresden Files series, Proven Guilty! I am really excited about this one. I've been re-listening to it and there's so much about this one that I had forgotten! I can't believe how much happens in this book! These chapters are pretty intense, as Harry is getting to watch his first-ever execution of a young wizard who used black magic. He doesn't handle it well, physically or mentally, and winds up lashing out at the Merlin in a surprisingly controlled way that nevertheless gets across what contempt he feels for these people. RoShawn and I have to admit that maybe the contempt is misplaced, though, once we hear about what this guy did to warrant execution. Then Harry is approached by Ebenezer, who confides in Harry that there's some shit going on that he doesn't understand, and he wants Harry to look into it for him. Turns out that Winter hasn't been lashing out at the Red Court in the way one would expect, and since Dresden has some contacts in Faerie, he's in the best position to find out what's going on. Also, Lashiel "peddles her wares". Thanks for listening, everyone! See you next week with a new episode!

 I Was A Teenage Bigfoot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4231

Hello everyone! Forgive me for the lateness of this episode. I was away for the week of Thanksgiving, and when I got home I got sick. I always get sick after air travel; I should just start scheduling a sick week into my calendar after every vacation. Anyway, this is a really fun and slightly more lighthearted story from Harry's archives, and I'm always a fan of Bigfoot Irwin because he just seems like such a good-hearted cinnamon roll of a dude. So when I first read this and found out that someone was fuckin around with my boy, I got soooo mad. And then when I found out WHY that person was doing what they were doing, I got even madder. Thank you all so much for your patience, and I will see you next week with the first chapters of Proven Guilty!

 I Was A Teenage Bigfoot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4231

Hello everyone! Forgive me for the lateness of this episode. I was away for the week of Thanksgiving, and when I got home I got sick. I always get sick after air travel; I should just start scheduling a sick week into my calendar after every vacation. Anyway, this is a really fun and slightly more lighthearted story from Harry's archives, and I'm always a fan of Bigfoot Irwin because he just seems like such a good-hearted cinnamon roll of a dude. So when I first read this and found out that someone was fuckin around with my boy, I got soooo mad. And then when I found out WHY that person was doing what they were doing, I got even madder. Thank you all so much for your patience, and I will see you next week with the first chapters of Proven Guilty!

 Fistful Of Warlocks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4695

If you're wondering who that is in the image, the answer is "Nobody". It was one of the image results when I searched "Cowboy Wizard" and I decided to just go with it. Here's the source. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GVz94This time around, RoShawn and I are only slightly more in command of ourselves than last time. Please forgive us. Looking forward to I Was A Teenage Bigfoot in two weeks! Have a great Thanksgiving, if you're celebrating!

 Fistful Of Warlocks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4695

If you're wondering who that is in the image, the answer is "Nobody". It was one of the image results when I searched "Cowboy Wizard" and I decided to just go with it. Here's the source. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GVz94This time around, RoShawn and I are only slightly more in command of ourselves than last time. Please forgive us. Looking forward to I Was A Teenage Bigfoot in two weeks! Have a great Thanksgiving, if you're celebrating!

 Something Borrowed (from Side Jobs) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3589

Credit for this piece of priceless art goes to https://www.deviantart.com/ktobermanns/art/Bob-the-Skull-335328335This week and next week, RoShawn and I will be covering short stories that take place between Dead Beat and Proven Guilty, which while not crucial to the main plot, add a lot of detail and background that serious fans will really love. If you're interested and you haven't already read them, you can pick up Side Jobs here: https://amzn.to/2z47ABZ Next week, we will be doing "Fistful of Warlocks" from Brief Cases, which you can find here: https://amzn.to/2RPmlQi, and the following week will be "AAAA Wizardy", then "I Was A Teenage Bigfoot", both also from Brief Cases. So. It will be a little while before Proven Guilty begins, and I know you all are impatient to get there, but don't bite my head off, okay? This episode, by the way, is a hot mess. RoShawn and I were punchy as hell and you'd think that we were wasted at the way we cannot keep it together for more than ten-minute stretches before bursting into giggles. My apologies, and I hope you enjoy the show anyway.


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