Proven Guilty- Chapters 1, 2, & 3

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Hey everyone! It's finally time for RoShawn and I to get started on the 8th book in the Dresden Files series, Proven Guilty! I am really excited about this one. I've been re-listening to it and there's so much about this one that I had forgotten! I can't believe how much happens in this book! <br>These chapters are pretty intense, as Harry is getting to watch his first-ever execution of a young wizard who used black magic. He doesn't handle it well, physically or mentally, and winds up lashing out at the Merlin in a surprisingly controlled way that nevertheless gets across what contempt he feels for these people. RoShawn and I have to admit that maybe the contempt is misplaced, though, once we hear about what this guy did to warrant execution. <br>Then Harry is approached by Ebenezer, who confides in Harry that there's some shit going on that he doesn't understand, and he wants Harry to look into it for him. Turns out that Winter hasn't been lashing out at the Red Court in the way one would expect, and since Dresden has some contacts in Faerie, he's in the best position to find out what's going on. <br>Also, Lashiel "peddles her wares". <br>Thanks for listening, everyone! See you next week with a new episode!